VS Dracule Mihawk

Jayr POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Paradise - 20 GAP

While I'm looking at the small black boat that is slowly sailing toward us and more precisely at the man sitting on the comfy seat with his eyes closed and arms crossed, a curious Igaram stops fishing and moves next to me asking, "What could be so interesting...?"

Then he also focuses on the incoming boat but after a few moments, he exclaims in panic, "That's... That's... That's Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk ar... hem... Ma~ma~ma~... a world-famous pirate who holds the title of "Strongest Swordsman in the World" and also one of the Seven Warlords of the Seas! He is a totally dangerous individual! What is he doing in this part of the Grand Line!? And why is he heading toward us!?"

Igaram then says, "Quick Jayr move the Athena's God Bidoof out of his way, I heard that when he is bored, he randomly attacks ships that he meets on his way! If we are so unlucky he could very well sink our ship just to amuse himself!"

I shake my head and reply trying to reassure him, "There is no need to worry about that, even if he truly tries to attack the Athena's God Bidoof he won't be able to leave not even a scratch mark let alone damage it."

But that doesn't reassure Igaram as he continues, "Don't be so reckless, Jayr! That's Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihark... hem... Ma~ma~ma~... Mihawk we are talking about! He became famous even before the start of the Great Age of Pirates 22 years ago. His original epithet was "Marine Hunter" as Mihawk defeated several strong Marines in his past as a wanted pirate. He challenged increasingly powerful opponents until no one could challenge him, thus earning the title of "World's Strongest Swordsman", and that at the early age of 19! Moreover, soon after the execution of the Pirate King Gold Roger, after the Seven Warlords of the Seas was instituted he was the first to be invited, he is vety... hem... Ma~ma~ma~... very likely the strongest living pirate after the Four Emperors! In fact, there are some rumors around that say that Dracule "Hawk Eyes" Mihawk and the Emperor "Red Hair" Shanks have some kind of rivalry and that they fought many times in the past..." 

I start to quickly zone him out as Igaram is basically writing Mihawk's biography as he adds some nonsensical or trivial information like the fact that his favorite food is red wine, which almost makes me rebut that wine isn't some kind of food but a drink or at most an ingredient, or that no one has ever seen him with another expression on his face but the stoic one he shows on his wanted poster.

I continue to focus on him and notice that Mihawk suddenly opens his eyes showing his yellow double-layered irides, which quickly lock on me, then he stands up from his seat as he continues to stare not moving his gaze away from me.

At the same time, Igaram next to me notices Mihawk's sudden movement, and stops reciting his biography, and starts to panic even more, "Oh Ma~ma~ma~ my God! He noticed us!! What do we do now?"

Mihawk then grabs the "Black Blade" Yoru, the huge sword lying on his back, and without any hesitation, he swings Yoru horizontally to launch an invisible flying slash toward me, but it is clear that this is at most a testing blow as there is almost no power or intent behind, sure this flying slash is easily able to cut a ship in half but that is all it can do, it isn't even strong enough to cut steel, basically it can be considered some kind of greeting, moreover, it is clearly only aimed at me, both Athena's God Bidoof and Igaram are totally safe. 

Seeing that, a smirk forms on my face as the flying slash gets closer, when it is close enough, I simply raise my right hand and casually flicking my finger I hit the invisible flying slash and divert the flying slash upward rather than outright canceling it or disperse it, causing it to dissipate on its own.

During all that, I continue to look at Mihawk and see that he maintains his stoic face throughout the whole event, but I also notice his expression lightly shifting before quickly morphing back to his usual one, but even that, he can't hide his lively eyes which are now full of interest and fighting spirit, a clear contrast to the bored ones he had just a few moments ago.

At the same time, I hear a confused Igaram as he comments while looking around, "Eh? What? We are still alive? The ship is still intact..." which makes me sigh then I say, "I already told you, you don't have to worry about such silly things... with me here nothing will ever happen to you, Vivi, Karoo or everyone else. I already told you before. I am strong enough to go anywhere I desire in this world."

While I'm reassuring Igaram, Mihawk doesn't do anything else and puts Yoru back in its place, then he crosses his arms and calmly remains standing as his boat gets closer to the Athena's God Bidoof. 

Looking at him like that, I can more or less guess what is going on in his mind, 'He probably thinks that he won't be able to enjoy a good fight in the middle of the sea where he supposes we can't use our all in fear of damaging our ships, so he will come here to invite me to fight him on some nearby uninhabited island where we can go all out with nothing holding us back... How naive an island is nowhere near enough to make me go all out... the last time I went all out against someone was against Antispiral, and on that occasion, countless galaxies were destroyed in the aftermath of our simple fists exchange, while our strongest attacks were strong enough to obliterate countless universes.'

Soon, Hitsugibune, Mihawk's small boat, stops right next to the Athena's God Bidoof, then he says in a neutral tone, "Good afternoon, my name is Dracule Mihawk. With whom do I have the pleasure to talk?" to which I calmly reply, "Likewise. My name is Pucci Jayr and I invite you on my ship the Athena's God Bidoof to talk face to face as I feel it is quite rude if we continue our discussion this way."

Mihawk nods and says, "Very well, thank you for your invite." quickly after that, he jumps over and gracefully lands on the deck of the Athena's God Bidoof, while Igaram beside me takes a few steps back and raises his guard, but Mihawk totally ignores his presence and focuses his gaze only on me.

I smile and calmly say, "Talking about rude... that was a quite rude greeting, don't you think so?" making Mihawk once again stoically nod, before he says, "I agree. But you have to understand that someone of my standing is often brothered by all kinds of inferior swordsmen or annoying pirates all aiming for my title of "Strongest Swordsman in the World" or to make a name for themselves by defeating one of the Seven Warlords of the Seas so much that I have grown bored and annoyed with being challenged by such inferior foes and when such disappointing encounters happen my mood and temperament become quite whimsical."

He then lowers his head and adds, "I apologize for what just happened before, but when I saw you, I knew I had to test you before actually greeting you so as to not be disappointed once more today." 

Mihawk then raises his head and with a very slight smile on his face, he adds, "But I'm grateful for the fact that my intuition was right... You know it is really rare to meet someone of your caliber, especially in the first half of the Grand Line, in this tranquil Paradise." 

At the same time, Igaram behind me exclaims in shock, "He smiled!!?" but I ignore his antics and say, "Your intuition is quite something, you know? After all, I'm making sure that I would feel just like some average Joe even if someone uses his Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki) to feel my presence and aura..."

Mihawk agrees and says, "That is another reason why I had to test you before... My instincts were telling me that you are one of the strongest people I have ever met in my life, but my Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki) didn't pick anything exceptional about you... It was a quite baffling and intriguing feeling."

Then he quickly changes the subject and says, "Anyway, I want to personally experience exactly how strong you are... What do you say?" to which I readily nod and agree, "Sure... I have nothing better to do anyway." 

Mihawk smirks and says, "Good... now the only problem is finding a good place to fight because fighting on this ship will restrict us too much..." 

Then he starts to mutter as he considers the various options, "The nearest island is Little Garden, but those two fools, Dorry and Brogi, are still currently dueling over there and if you are as strong as I think you are we could very well implicate their duel as the island could very well sink... so the only available place is that nameless desert island between Drum Island, Kyoka Island, and Enkai Island... but it is quite far away from here..."

Hearing that, I smirk and say, "There is no need to worry so much about that problem as it is quite an easy one to fix."

Then I say, "Bidi, can you stop here please? I'm going to spar with this gentleman here." confusing Mihawk for a few seconds, but he soon realizes what is going on as the Athena's God Bidoof stops moving forward remaining still in place.

After that, I walk toward the edge of the deck and I urge a little of my Spiral Cosmo and gather it around my right fist which quickly enveloped in a clear white mist-like orb, then with a punching motion, I shoot the orb toward the sea and yell, "Avalanche Punch!!" 

The white orb quickly flies toward the sea a few kilometers away from the Athena's God Bidoof then it sinks into the sea without causing a single wave, at least until I mutter with a smile, "Boom..."

Instantly after that, one cold wave after the other is generated by the orb, and each one is bigger, stronger, and colder than the previous one, which instantly freezes everything in their path, and in a few seconds, a huge island made purely of frozen seawater appears out of nowhere. 

This is the Avalanche Punch, an ice-based version of my favorite technique the Tidal Wave Punch, and just like the Tidal Wave punch, this technique can get stronger with the increasing number of hits that I condense into the technique, the one I just used is a weak 10-hit Avalanche Punch, and as expected it is already enough to freeze an area equal to a very big island. with a 100-hit one, I could probably freeze a continent, and with a 1000-hit one half this world. 

Seeing this scene, the forgotten Igaram exclaims in shock, "Oh ma... hem... Ma~ ma~ ma~... my God!! He created a frozen island in an instant!!!"

Meanwhile, Mihawk starts to analyze what he just saw, "Is that the power of the Hie Hie no Mi (Ice Ice Fruit)? No, that Devil Fruit is in the hands of the Marine Admiral Aokiji... Some other Devil Fruit with a similar power over ice like the Yuki Yuki no Mi (Snow Snow Fruit) or maybe even some unknown Mythical Zoan Fruit..."

But I quickly explain, "Not really, this is something I can do without the aid of a Devil Fruit, as I have no problem in submerging myself in seawater or weakness to Seastone. You can think of it like the innate ability of the Fish-men who can control water through their Fishmen Karate, or the ability to generate and control electricity of the Mink Tribe through the ability that they call Electro. Even if I look like this I'm not exactly human, so, it is natural that I too have some kind of special ability unique to my race."

At the same time, to further show him a glimpse of what I'm capable of, I also use my Spiral Cosmo to generate a small fireball, a water ball, a small earth ball, and a small lightning ball, and make them spin around my body as I continue to explain, "Mine allows me to generate and manipulate any element that I desire as long as I have enough knowledge of it..."

Hearing that, Mihawk moves his gaze between me and the huge ice island I just created in the distance, and narrowing his sharp yellow eyes, he mutters, "I see... That's a quite powerful ability to have... very powerful..."

I nod, then I point at the ice island and ask, "Anyway, what do you think of the arena that I prepared for us?" to which Mihawk immediately replies, "Not bad, not bad at all. It is large enough to give us quite a bit of freedom and I feel that it is thick enough to easily sustain our fight. Moreover, it is totally devoid of life so we don't have to worry about anything and fight to our heart's content, we can even go all out without worrying about destroying it as in the end is only a huge piece of ice that will in the end melt back in the sea. It's simply perfect."

Hearing that, I smile and say, "So, shall we head over there and have our little match?" to which Mihawk simply nods, and so, I quickly tell Bidi to head toward the ice island while at the same time, I use my telepathy to update everyone else on what is happening and that if they want to watch my fight with Mihawk they can do so from the bridge as it is not only a safe place but will also allow them to easily follow the fight through the screens connected to the Athena's God Bidoof's cameras.

Of course, I told Koby that it is important for him to watch this fight as it will give him a good idea of what kind of strength is needed to stand at the top of the world, after all, from what I know of the manga/anime, Dracule Mihawk is truly one of the strongest people of this world, as he never showed his true strength throughout the whole anime/manga, at the least it was so until the moment of my death, but if he is globally known as "The Strongest Swordsman of the World" there must be a good reason. 

After that, I look at Igaram and say, "Mr. Igaram, if you want to watch our fight, it is better if you go inside and head to the bridge, not only it will be a lot safer, but you will also be able to follow the action better."

Igaram nods and heads toward the interior of Athena's God Bidoof then just before walking inside he turns around and with a worried look he says, "Good fuc... hem... Ma~ ma~ ma~... Good luck, Jayr."

With Igaram gone, the Athena's God Bidoof stops right in front of the ice island, and so, I look at Mihawk and ask, "Shall we go then?"

Mihawk nods and together we jump out of the Athena's God Bidoof and easily land on the solid ice that forms the ice island I created just for this fight, and then we calmly walk in silence toward the center of the island.

Once at the center, we take our positions and face each other, then without any hesitation, Mihawk once again draws his sword, Yoru, one of the strongest swords in this world, ranked as one of the 12 Supreme Grade swords, and calmly declares, "I'm ready."

Seeing that, I smirk and open a small portal to my Soulbound Territory, and using my Telekinesis, I quickly bring out the weapon I created back in the Arifureta Universe, the good old Tactical Arms, the weapon that took inspiration from the main weapon of the MBF-P03R Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd Revise.

Looking at the 2 meters long weapon in its Sword From, I can't help but be hit by a bit of nostalgia while thinking, 'This is the weapon I created and used throughout most of my time in the Arifureta Universe, at that time, I had my Cosmo sealed and could only use my recently learned magic and the power of my physical body, so I needed a weapon that could help me deal with that situation. But when I regained my Cosmo, I stored away the Tactical Arms in my villa and only kept it as a memory of that adventure... But despite that, I continued to take good care of it giving maintenance and some upgrades. And now it is finally a good time to bring it out once more.'

At the same time, Mihawk seems both intrigued and impressed by the Tactical Arms, so much so that he comments, "Oh... I didn't expect you to be also a swordsman like me, this is quite a surprise. And that is quite an excellent sword, I can feel that you two went through a lot together."

Hearing that, I proudly flex a little, "It is quite good, isn't it? I made it myself." but then I honestly add, "But I can't be exactly considered a swordsman. Yes, I know of to wield it quite well, but I don't have the same dedication to it that you swordsmen have, after all, I was trained to wield all kinds of weapons, and among them all the one I have the most affinity with isn't the sword, but it is the bow."

At this point, Mihawk narrows his eyes and comments, "So you are a Weapon Master, huh... That's quite rare, and this also explains why your sword feels slightly wrong... It isn't simply a sword, right?" which makes me smirk a little as I simply reply, "As expected of "The Strongest Swordsman in the World"..."

After that, we fall into silence as we both tacitly understand that the time for talking is now over and it is now time to focus on our fight. 

Then, without any hesitation, Mihawk swings Yoru horizontally to launch an invisible flying slash capable of cutting everything in its path, making for an extremely strong, far-reaching slice, this one is clearly different from the one he sent flying before as a greeting, it is way faster and more important, this time, Mihawk's intent this time is very simple and clear, to cut.

Despite that, I continue to smirk and lightly swing the few tons of heavy Tactical Arms upward and launch a vertical invisible flying slash that quickly clashes against Mihawk's neutralizing it. 

Seeing that, Mihawk smirks and mutters, "Good... I truly don't have to hold back against you..."

Then he swings Yoru down in front of him yelling "Kokuto Issen (Black Blade One Flash)!" thereby launching a massive, far-traveling green slash wave that gauges the ice ground in its path. 

Seeing the huge green slash wave rushing toward me, I can't help but think, 'Did he just pull off a knock-off Getsuga Tensho out of nowhere!?'

At the same time, I grip the Tactical Arms tightly and wait for the right moment, and once the wave is close enough, with one arm, I swing it diagonally making my weapon clash with Mihawk's slash wave and forcefully disperse it raising a thick icy mist that blocks my sight.

But of course, Mihawk's offense doesn't end here as just after he launched his Kokuto Issen (Black Blade One Flash) I heard him say, "Chi o Hau Zangeki (Earth-Crawling Slash Attack)..." and felt him swing Yoru downward, generating a rapid slash wave that travels across the ground, but it is a quite peculiar one as it didn't travel in a straight line, but in a curved spiraling one. 

And so, just as I dealt with the first slash wave in front of me, the second one was just about to hit me from behind in a pincer attack, but I used the momentum of my swing, to twist my body and dodge this tricky slash wave.

Quickly after that, I rush out of the icy mist and arrive in front of Mihawk, of course, I limit myself to a speed he can react and keep up with, and then I attack him with a two-handed downward slash.

Mihawk is about to respond by swinging Yoru, but at the last moment, he notices something and without any hesitation, he jumps high in the air to get out of the way as quickly as possible.

At the same time, my swing misses and hits the ground generating a massive shockwave and creating a huge crater while also making some cracks appear all over the icy island which shook under the mighty of my attack and it is about on the point of collapsing, but I quickly reinforce it and fix all excessive the damage leaving only the crater and Mihawk slash waves marks untouched.

Seeing that, Mihawk up in the air comments, "That is for sure a quite heavy sword... even heavier than Yoro and by a lot at that. To easily swing that around and even move with such speed... You are quite the monster..." 

Of course, Mihawk quickly takes advantage of this opening to attack once more, he mutters, "Kokuto Arahoshi (Black Blade Savage Star)." stands with both his feet on the crossguard of his sword, and descends swiftly with the intent of impaling me from above. 

But I quickly change the Tactical Arms from its heavy and powerful Sword Form to the lighter and more agile Sword Arm Form as the blades of the Tactical Arms detach from the Gatling gun and attach themselves to my arms basically turning into two long wrist blades.

Then I swing both of them above my head and use them to deflect Mihawk's attack, making Yoru slide off course and impale the ground behind me.

Of course, quickly after that, Mihawk pulls Yoru out and jumps back gaining some distance from me, while I calmly turn my body to face him at the same time, I also change the Tactical Arms back to its Sword Form.

With a smile on his face, Mihawk comments, "As expected that weapon truly has multiple forms, and if my eyes didn't deceive me I also saw some kind of Gatling gun, truly the perfect weapon for a Weapon Master..." 

Then Mihawk laughs out loud and says, "Wahhahhahha! Thanks, Jayr! This is one of the best fights I had in years! To fully express my gratitude for this, I let you experience my strongest technique."

Quickly after that, Mihawk performs a quick chain of slices forward, but the flying slashes do not fly off but magically remain still in place as they quickly increase in number, then with a final swing he yells, "Kokuto "Samidare" (Black Blade: Slash Riot)!!"

Suddenly all the flying slash merge together and form a huge and powerful black flying slash that quickly travels toward me at an astonishing speed, in fact, it is moving at light speed.

Seeing that, a smile forms on my face, and then I focus fully on Mihawk's attack, sensing everything about it more importantly I find its weak point, then I raise my weapon and focus my strength on it, then just as Mihawk's black flying slash is about to arrive, I swing down my sword aiming right at the weak point, my swing is so powerful that it generates a strong air current akin to a twister. 

But I don't destroy his attack, no, I engulf the energy of his attack in that twister enhancing its power even more, and reverse its flow back on Mihawk with the added power of my attack.

This generates a set of powerful, massive, and turbulent wave-like vortexes that fly toward Mihawk slicing apart everything on their path with incredible savagery as the very icy island I created is being cut and destroyed as the vortex continues to travel and ravage the land. 

Of course, since I didn't want to kill him, I made sure to control their trajectory in such a way that he wasn't directly hit by any of them, after all, I'm pretty sure that anything on the receiving end of this technique would end up very dead with not much left of his body.

Indeed, after my attack, the only thing left is a small piece of ice floating on the water with a stunned but healthy Mihawk standing on it, but everything else around him is destroyed as the small sliced-off pieces of the icy island slowly float away, in the end, this attack obliterated half of the island.