Koby's Survival Training

Koby POV - Blue Star, Grand Line, Little Garden - 20 GAP 

"Eeeeeeaaahhhhhhhh!!!" I'm still flying through the air after Jayr-san suddenly threw me, and while yelling at the top of my lug, I also try to move my body around to try to see where I'm heading. 

With a little bit of effort, I'm able to maneuver my body in mid-air and see that I'm starting to descend, and from my current trajectory, it is clear that I will land in that big circular lake.

Seeing that, I let out a sigh of relief while thinking, 'Ah... As expected of Jayr-san he has already calculated everything and threw me in such a way that I would be able to safely land in the water of that lak- Whaaaat!' 

But my calm state quickly changes as I see a huge, long neck come out from the thick canopy of the trees just in front of me, and with a closer look, I see that the large creature has thick green skin and a really long neck and that this creature head is much smaller compared to the rest of its body.

(Image Here - Brontosaurus)

My terror spikes even more as suddenly, I'm not headed toward the lake anymore, but right into the open mouth of the monumental creature standing in front of me.

At the same time, I yell out in panic "Iyeeeee!?" but then seeing the mouth of this huge creature getting closer and closer and feeling the impending deadly threat gets closer and closer, I immediately forget about everything else and focus everything on pulling off another technique that Jayr-san recently taught me.

Without any hesitation, I gather all the power that I can possibly accumulate in my legs, then I position my body in the right direction and kick the air with all the accumulated power quickly changing my trajectory slightly, making me veer off from this creature open mouth, successfully dodging this creature attempt at swallowing me and making me once more head toward that lake that keeps getting closer. 

What I just used was Geppo, another one of the six techniques of "Rokushiki" martial art, and another one connected to the use of the legs. 

From what Jayr-san told me, Geppo allows users to push themselves off the air itself with superhumanly strong kicks, allowing them to travel through and remain in midair for an extended period of time, it is effectively a form of flight. 

Members of the Marines and the World Government can use this technique to cross great distances without ever touching the ground or to set themselves up for swift aerial attacks.

But while the technique itself affords several advantages both in and out of battle for the user, it has but one major weakness, since its usage depends heavily on the user's legs, restraining or pinning down any major parts of their lower body can significantly disrupt Geppo. 

Soon I take a deep breath and safely land into the cold waters of the lake, and take a few instants to look around me to see if there is any immediate danger in these waters but I'm only able to see some strange fishes swimming around. 

After a brief look, I quickly swim up so that I can once again breathe and once I reach the surface, I don't stop and quickly swing toward the nearest shore as I'm not sure what kind of dangerous creatures can inhabit this lake.

Once on the shore, I lay on the ground on all fours as I slowly regained my breath and tried to calm down my heart that is beating with such force that I felt it was about to burst out of my chest.

But then, I suddenly hear the sound of something breaking out of the water right behind me, and without any hesitation, I jump out of the way, after rolling on the ground for a few meters, I jump into position and look at what just tried to attack me. 

It is a very large and ferocious crocodile, with an alligator-like, broad snout, with a slightly bulbous tip, its teeth are very thick and robust, and appear to be more suited for crushing, rather than piercing and cutting the flesh, its head is broad, but inflated at the front around the nares, seeing the overall size of its jaw it is clear that it can easily crush a boulder with a single powerful bite.

The rest of its body is just as massive and imposing with its thick, scaly skin that is akin to an almost impenetrable armor that protects most of its body, and its limb seems longer and stronger than the usual ones found on many other crocodiles and alligators, which seems able to give the creature a surprising speed and agility on land not present on similar species, moreover, its tail is very thick and long, and is for sure another deadly weapon of this creature in front of me, which I'm pretty sure is one of the apex predators of this island.

(Image Here - Deinosuchus) 

This huge creature doesn't give me any more time as it fiercely lunges at me with its mouth spread open, and as expected this huge crocodile is very, very fast considering its size, and in panic, I once again jump out of harm's way while screaming, "Iyiiiiii!"

Luckily it seems that this creature isn't fast enough to be actually considered a threat to me, and so, without any hesitation, I turn around and start to quickly run away from here, going deeper into the thick jungle ahead of me.

After running for a few minutes, I reach a small clearing and realize that the huge crocodile isn't chasing after me, so, I slow down and start to regain my breath and try to finally calm down.

This time, nothing else springs out to attack me, so I'm finally able to slow down and analyze my current situation, 'This island is truly as dangerous as Igaram-san and Vivi-san told us... These prehistoric creatures are truly very big and ferocious, they look like they could fight a Sea King and win... At the very least that crocodile for sure can give me such an impression...'

Then as I start to look around to guess my current position, I instantly realize that I made a huge blunder, 'Damn it! In my panic, I forgot to take advantage of the time I was in the air to survey the general layout of the island from above! Right now, I basically have no idea of where I am, or where I should head to! Wait, Koby! Wait! Calm down a little remember what Jayr-san told you before he threw you...'

And so I mutter as I try to remember Jayr-san's words, "...I'll give you some advice, if you want a safe place to pass the night, it's better to head to one of those huge Sea King Skull Mountain, as at the base of each one of them you will find a safe camp inhabited by a Giant... That's right! Those two huge Sea King Skull Mountains can easily be used as some kind of landmark after all they could even be easily seen from the distance as we approached the island!"

Realizing that I quickly look for a tree high enough, and once I find it, I quickly start to climb on top of it to try to look for one of the Sea King Skull Mountains and find a direction.

Once on top of the tree, I look around and see that nearby all around my current position there are 3 fuming volcanos one of which is quite big too, meaning that they are still active, and further behind the big one, I can even see another two volcanos, then I turn around and I easily find the two huge Sea King Skull Mountain, only I realize that to reach them, I have to turn back, as the lake I escaped from just a few minutes ago stands right between them.

Seeing that, I let out a defeated sigh and climbed down the tree, then I started to think about how to safely reach my destination, 'Okay... I have to return back to that lake... but it isn't so bad, my current position is very close to one of the Sea King Skull Mountains so if I'm careful, and just stay away from the shores while keeping them in sight, I should still be able to safely reach the closest Sea King Skull Mountain...' 

After that, I started to think about what are my immediate needs using everything that Jayr-san taught me about survival in the wild, "First of all, I need water... and that means that I can't truly avoid that lake as it is the nearest water source, after all, I don't want to drink my own piss to survive... then I need some dry wood for the fire, something quite hard as this jungle is pretty humid, so the only available solutions are, to break some branches in high places and keep them close to the body using my body heat to dry them... or once again, get close to the lake and use some of the sand there to dry the piece of wood I have with me... well, I could also wood feathering to make it easier to lit the fire, but for that I have to find a sharp rock to use as knife as I don't have any tools on me..."

At this point, I suddenly hear a startling sound and instantly realize that I'm surrounded by a group of creatures, I can't figure out their exact number but for sure there are more than a couple, maybe between the 3 to 5. 

At the same time, I remember what Jayr-san told me just after he threw me, and mutter, "... Have fun these 3 days and be careful of the Velociraptors... huh?"

Suddenly, two curious creatures rush out of a brush and run toward me, they are a strange mix between a bird and a lizard around 60 cm tall and 2 m long, with thick fur with feathers on the forelimb, the top of the head, and the tail, flat lizard-like snout, short forelimbs with large handlike talons, and a large sickle-shaped claw on each foot.

[AN: Yes the size is the correct one, they were that small. The movies enlarged them to make them appear scarier... not that a pack of wolf-sized fast and lethal creatures like the Velociraptors aren't scary but you know how it is.]

(Image Here - Velociraptor)

While looking at these creatures, I can't help but think, 'These should be the dinosaurs that Vivi-san, Igaram-san, and Jayr-san talked about.'

At the same time, from the corner of my eye, I also take notice of another 2 of these dinosaurs, who also rushed out from their position attacking me from the side in a pincer attack, while I also hear another one coming from behind me.

While these dinosaurs are quickly coming at me, I take a deep breath as I remember Jayr-san's lessons, 'Remember, Koby. When you are facing a wild animal, especially if it is a pack of them like wolves, never run away. That is the worst decision possible, as those kinds of predators are experts at chasing down all kinds of prey, plus they have an obvious advantage in numbers. Your only choices are scaring them away before they attack, or if you are already under their attack, your only choice is to swiftly take out as many of them as possible, so that you can show that you aren't easy prey and possibly deter further attacks, but the most important is to not show any weakness at all.'

Remembering that, I steel my resolve and quickly try to find the easiest target to bring down, and the best way to do so without exposing myself to other attacks.

I quickly decide my target and next moves and without any hesitation, I rush toward the two creatures in front of me, which quickly lunge toward me, but that is exactly what I was hoping for, so, I quickly roll on the ground dodging their attacks while at the same time, I pass right under them using these two dinosaurus to block the other 3 from attacking me.

Then, I quickly get up and grab one of them from the tail and without giving it any chance, I pull with all my strength and send it flying against a nearby tree, and quickly after that, I hear the sickening sound of bone breaking which tells me that my attack was effective.

But I don't focus on that, but on the other remaining dinosaur that has now turned around and is about to bite me, at the same time, the other 3 are about to surround me once again.

So I don't stop, and without holding back I throw a full power kick aiming at the creature's long neck, which ends up breaking under the force of my kick killing the creature in an instant.

But right at this moment, I suddenly feel the weight of one of these dinosaurs on my shoulders and also feel a piercing pain on both my shoulders, as the sickle-like claws on its feet pierce my flesh while the dinosaur roars full of fury as it continues to trash its body to push my body down with its weight.

At the same time, I feel its hot breath as it moves its mouth closer to my neck to bite me to death.

Of course, I instinctively react and blindingly punch the creature on my shoulder in panic, but it seems that I'm lucky as my punch hits what appears to be its jaw which seems to be a weak point as it quickly let me go as it screech in pain.

Free from the dinosaur on my shoulder, I notice that the other two are now lunging at me from the sides in a pincer attack, so I don't hesitate and roll on the ground to dodge their assault while ignoring the sharp pain coming from my shoulders.

Without me between them, the two dinosaurs crash against one other, and I take advantage of their brief stunned state to break the jaw of one with a straight punch, and the neck of the other with a kick, leaving only 3 dinosaurs alive, one that I threw against the tree that appears to be paralyzed, and the two with a broken jaw that quickly notice the situation and start to run away, leaving behind the paralyzed one, which I then finish off as painlessly as possible.

After the fight, I quickly dress my wounds with some rags produced from my clothes to stop the bleeding and then I get out of here and carefully rush toward the lake while collecting all the pieces of wood I encounter on the way there.

At the same time, while I'm slowly moving through this dense jungle gathering all the useful material I find on the way, I continue to plan my next moves, 'Now, the most urgent priority is to quickly clean my wound as soon as possible. From what Jayr-san told me, this kind of wound, especially in this kind of place, can get infected very easily... The very least I have to do is clean it with boiled water, it doesn't have to be perfect, but enough so that I can survive for the next three days...'

After a while, I'm finally back to the lake, hopefully away from that scary crocodile, without any hesitation, I head toward the lake and quickly gather some water in a wooden bowl I obtained from a piece of wood I carved with a sharp stone, before retreating in fear of another surprise attack.

Now, I quickly put together all the pieces of dry wood I found and lit up a fire using two flint rocks that are easily recognizable by their smooth, glassy appearance.

Once the fire is strong enough, I position a piece of stone over it, then I put the wooden bowl on the rock so that the water can be boiled by the heat without burning the bowl, and once done, I wait for the water to boil while still being careful of my surroundings to avoid any other surprise ambush.

After a while, the water in the bowl is finally boiling, so I put out the fire and wait for the water's temperature to cool down a little, once is ready, I start to clean the wounds on my shoulders before once again dressing them with another set of clean rags.

Suddenly the whole island briefly shakes as a very loud rumble is heard in the distance which scares me so much that I jump on the spot, "Whaaa! What is going on!?"

As I look around in panic, I quickly notice that the biggest of the five volcanos is now erupting sending smoke, ash, and fire in the air, but as sudden as it was its eruption, it is also quite brief. 

But just as I'm about to sit down once more, the whole island shakes once more as a loud rumbling sound is heard once again, and worried, I quickly look back at the volcanos but I instantly notice that none of them are erupting.

Confused, I can't help but mutter, "What is going on now?" as these loud sounds continue to be heard and the island continues to shake from time to time.

I focus more and realize that these sounds are coming from the opposite direction of the volcanos, moreover, now that I'm focusing on it, I notice that these sound seems like some kind of weapon clashing against one other.

Unable to contain my curiosity, I carefully head toward the point of origin of these sounds, luckily on my way there no other dinosaur or aggressive creature attacked me as they were all too occupied in fleeing away, which isn't a good sign in itself.

Soon I arrive in front of a big clearing and the scene that greets me is truly shocking, "Whoaa..."

In this clearing, I see two huge Giants fiercely fighting against one other, each time their weapons clash the whole island shakes under their astonishing power

One is a giant who dresses in a Viking costume, which consists of a red overall with golden button straps, fur linings, and a leather strap around his right shoulder, and another has a belt, yellow pants with black stripes and fur linings at the bottom, yellow shoes, and a red helmet with two horns, he has a blond beard shaped like an axe's blade, beady eyes, a wide grin, and a pig-like nose, moreover, he has a quite wide physique and he fights with a shield and a battle axe in his hands.

(Image Here - Brogi)

The other is a leaner and more well-built giant with a long beard, like the other he is dressed in a Viking attire with a helmet that goes over his eyes, he has a very long black beard and hair and he fights with a sword and a shield in his hands.

(Image Here - Dorry)

Looking at these two fightings, I can't help but notice and admire just how much battle experience the two are showing, so much that I mutter, "W-What a fight... Each one of their attacks is aiming at the other's most vital point to kill with one blow, but despite that, they continue to perfectly block, parry, or dodge each and every blow... Amazing, so these are the Giants that Jayr-san spoke of... To think that they have been fighting like this for over 100 years and still no one is able to come on top speaks volumes of just how equal these two are as warriors..."

I stand there and continue to watch as these two Giants fight against one other, and finally, the fight comes to an end as they both knock each other down with a headbutt.

Then suddenly the slender Giant says, "69.000 fights,..." followed by the thicker one, "... and 69.000..." and they conclude at the same time, ""... Draws...""

[AN: I usually prefer to be as precise as possible, but this time, I simply didn't care to do the exact math since neither Oda cared to do so...]

After that they both fall on the ground, then the thicker Giant laughs out loud and says, "Gababababa! Dorry! It seems that we won't be able to determine a winner today too!"

The slender Giant called Dorry also starts to laugh and replies, "Gegyagyagya! That's right, Brogi! But don't worry sooner or later our duel will come to an end one way or another! Gegyagyagya!"

Hearing that leaves me baffled so much that I can't help but think, 'How can these two be like that? They were really trying to kill each other not even a few seconds ago and now they are talking like they are the best of friends! What is going on here!?'

I continue to look in confusion as the Giant called Brogi helps up the other Giant named Dorry, and then as if they didn't just try to kill each other, they both say their goodbyes and calmly walk away after picking up their weapons, each one heading toward one of the Sea King Skull Mountain as they return to their camps. 

Seeing that, I look at both of their figure as they retreat while remembering Jayr-san's advice, and randomly decide to follow after the slender one, the Giant called Dorry trusting what Jayr-san told me, that both of them are good-natured pirates while thinking, 'If I don't outright attack or offend them, they won't attack me either.'

As I follow after Dorry, I remember some good manners lessons that Jayr-san gave me, 'Wait! It's rude to suddenly enter someone's territory without even bringing at the very least some kind of gift, especially if you are requesting something...'

Realizing that I start to look around while muttering, "Now... what should I bring to him? Maybe something to eat?"

Right at this moment, I notice a new animal who is eating grass nearby, I think it is another dinosaur as it is a quite large quadrupedal creature, around 9 meters long and 3 meters tall, with thick light blue hide, a frill of bone at the back of its head and three prominent horns, that looks very sharp and dangerous, but despite that, I quickly decide that this will be my prey and the gift that I will bring to the Giant named Dorry.

(Image Here - Triceratops)

The reasons for that are quite simple, first, looking at its short and heavy front legs, it is clear that this dinosaur doesn't excel in speed, second and most importantly, its vision is clearly impaired by both the horns and the frill at the back of its head, leaving a quite big blind spot which is also where most creatures weak spot actually is, the back of its head, so if I do this right, I can cleanly kill this creature in one single blow to the back of its head.

I steel my resolve and slowly get closer to the three-horned dinosaur making sure to always stay in his blind spot while making as little sound as possible, and once I'm close enough, I fully focus and quickly gather all the power possible to unleash a single devastating strike while waiting for the perfect opportunity.

The opportunity I was waiting for comes very quickly as the three-horned dinosaur lowers its head to eat some more grass on the ground exposing the weak spot at the back of its head even more.

Seeing that, I don't hesitate anymore, and quickly kick the ground around 10 times in an instant to unleash a fully controlled Soru to arrive at my destination in the blink of an eye, at the same time, I gather all the kinetic power generated by my sudden boost of speed to enhance the power behind my blow even more, and once I'm standing right on top of this three-horned dinosaur's back, I quickly deliver a deadly punch.

The attack has the result I hoped for, as the poor creature doesn't even have the time to let out one last painful cry before it falls to the ground dead.

Seeing that, I jump down from its back and thank the creature, "Thank you for your sacrifice. I hope that your death was as painless as possible"

After that, I looked at the body of the creature, and seeing its size up close I felt that it could weigh at the very least some tons and say, "Now... how do I drag you to that Giant...?" but before I could find a solution, I hear a booming a voice behind me that says, "Well, you could ask me to bring it to my camp for you. Gegyagyagya!"