The Fourth and Fifth Deva

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

As I calmly return from Ai and Makoto's home, I bring out my D-Ark to check the state of the mysterious Digitama as usual but seeing that nothing changed, I put it back in my pocket and then use my Cosmic Awareness to sense the overall situation of this world until I focus on Ruki, Jianliang, and Takato who just walked out from Akihabara's station with Culumon also being in the area.

Sensing that, I immediately have a hint of what is about to happen, 'Ruki, Jianliang, and Takato walking around with some kind of purpose, check. Culumon is nearby, also check. Previous family drama, check. And prelude of Digital Field slowly forming in the area, check. Basically all the basic ingredients for a serious Digimon-related incident. Another Deva is very likely about to Realize.'

Realizing that, I do not hesitate to teleport to Akihabara and follow the students from the distance like a perfect stalk- I mean a normally worried teacher who wants to ensure the safety of his students and their friends.

I watch as Jianliang, Takato, and Ruki walk around searching for the person who gave the Blue Card that found its way into Jianliang's hands, but it is clear that Jianliang is stressed over the fact his father has discovered his secret as Terriermon tries to cheer him up, "Hakuna Matata, Hakuna Matata!" 

Meanwhile, Takato, who is walking a few steps back from Jianliang, asks Ruki who is beside him in a soft tone, "Hey, what could we say at a time like this?" Ruki continues to walk as she replies, "I don't know either. But this isn't just his problem."

Hearing that, Takato looks at Jianliang's back and mutters, "Un, one day my parents will..." but he stops there unsure of how to continue.

The group continues to explore Akihabara's electronic department, where the boy who gave Jianliang the Blue Card tells them he has found the mysterious card, at the same time, Culumon who is also here is having some difficulties in adapting to the bustling noise of such lively and busy district.

But their search is interrupted when all of the television screens start to show static and Terriermon looks up and warns everyone, "Above us!" 

The next moment, two Digimon Realize in the sky above them and as they both land on the ground and the people around us start to flee in panic, Takato exclaims, "They're Digimon!" 

One is a centaur-like sheep Digimon notable for its long arms with large forearms. 

It has a pair of purple ram horns and a single, straight purple horn between them, and it wears a purple cuirass with spaulders and gold trim, purple vambraces with gold trim, red lining, and bonji on the back of the hands, red scarf, and a red belt with three gold buckles which have bonji on the middle one. 

It carries a purple crossbow with a black tiller.

I can easily recognize this Digimon as a Pajiramon, one of the Deva.

(Image Here - Pajiramon)

The other is a black centaur-like ox Digimon covered in gold markings. 

It has a pair of gold bull horns and a single, straight gold horn between them, and it wears a red cuirass with spaulders that have bonji on them and gold trim, red vambraces with gold trim, a purple belt with three gold buckles over a read plate with gold trim, and red bracers with gold trim on its legs. 

It carries two swords with their scabbards tied to its belt. 

This other Digimon is also easy to recognize as it is Vajramon, a Deva just like Pajiramon.

(Image Here - Vajramon)

Jianliang calls out, "Terriermon!" who steps forward to take a good look at the two Digimon so that Jianliang can use his D-Ark to identify and analyze them, and while waiting he asks, "Are those guys Deva?" 

Soon the image of Pajiramon is projected by his D-Ark as Jianliangs quickly reads out loud, "Pajiramon. Perfect Level. One of the "Deva Digimon", it is a Perfect Digimon with a form resembling the Sheep. As a follower of the Four Holy Beasts Digimon Zhuqiaomon, it is a powerful figure who rules the world of dreams. It doesn't befriend the other Deva and is always calm, never changing its mind. Among the Deva, it has surprisingly many secrets whose truth is not divulged, and it is also known as the Dark Deva. Its personality is cruel, and lacks feelings of consideration for others. The arrows of light fired off from its Bǎo Gōng, which it never parts with even for a moment, have the power to knock out the opponent. Its Special Move is confining the opponent within a nightmare world from which they cannot awaken, by means of its special arrows (Vahnijvala)."

Then quickly after that, Vajramon's image is projected as Jianliang reads the new information, "Vajramon. Perfect Level. One of the "Deva Digimon", it is a Perfect Digimon with a form resembling the Ox. As a follower of the Four Holy Beasts Digimon Xuanwumon, it is a seeker of truth who is aiming for detachment from material and emotional concerns. Its warrior-like personality values honor, and loathes cowardice and effeminacy. With the most well-tempered physical strength among the Deva, it can easily wield its giant twin Bǎo Jiàn that it carries on its waist. Its Special Move is using its forefeet and upper body to strike the ground with its twin Bǎo Jiàn, generating fissures that extend up to 50 m before it (Rodha). Rocks are also hurled out from the shock waves as they erupt from underground, inflicting damage on those nearby." 

Meanwhile, Vajramon runs to one end of the street, spreads his arms open, and shouts in a deep voice, "From here!"

Quickly after, Pajiramon who ran to the other end of the street looks back at the other Deva and shouts back, "To here!"

After their declaration, a thick fog is ejected from the gate they came from that enveloped the whole area the two Digimon marked fully forming a Digital Field.

Quickly after the descent of the thick fog that enveloped the whole street, the two Deva quickly start to run amok while eating computer wires and CDs around them, putting the nearby civilians to sleep, and causing general mayhem. 

Seeing such strange behavior, a confused Takato asks, "Wh-What are they doing?" which makes Jianliang answer with, "They're probably still unstable since they just Realized!"

Hearing that, Takato looks at Pajiramon as it inhales countless objects in the various stores and asks for confirmation, "So, they're eating digital and electronic items to make their bodies stable?" making Ruki declare, "Then, we have to defeat them before that happens."

Hearing that, Terriermon steps forward and says, "Anytime!" followed by Renamon who quietly appears behind Ruki and says, "I'm ready too, Ruki."

At this point, Jianliang asks Ruki, "Which one do you choose?"

In response, Ruki looks at Vajramon who is still feasting on some DVD players, and says, "We'll take that one." making Jianliang nod as he says, "Okay."

After they chose their targets, both Ruki and Jianliang brought out their D-Ark, grabbed their cards, and started to swipe them in the slot on the right-hand side of their D-Ark while yelling in perfect sync.

""Card Slash!""

Once they complete this action, they call out the name of the card they just swiped in quick succession.

"Thor Hammer!"

"Strength Plug-In W!"

Instantly after that, Terriermon is equipped with Zudomon's Thor Hammer while Renamon's hands and feet are temporarily wreathed in blue fire, then the two Digimon do not hesitate to attack their targets.

Terriermon slams the Thor Hammer on on Pajiramon's head, while Renamon hits Vajramon's face with a flying kick wreathed in blue fire, but both their attacks do next to no damage much to the shock of Takato who yells, "No way..."

Terriermon then tries to attack Pajiramon again, but the sheep centaur Digimon intercepts him with a headbutt before it steps on the downed Terriermon and calmly comments, "I see, it's you... the Digimon said to be partnered with humans."

Still stepped on, Terriermon then yells in defiance, "I'm Terriermon!"

Meanwhile, Vajramon calmly looks at Renamon and asks, "And you are?"

Renamon also introduces herself, "Renamon." making Vajramon let out a, "Ooh." as it looks at Renamon with clear interest. 

Pajiramon grabs Terriermon in its hand and looking at him, it asks, "What should we do with them?" which makes Vajramon reply, "We were ordered to load them in order to evolve to a higher level. Have you forgotten?"

Pajiramon looks at the ox centaur Digimon and says, "Just confirming." before it throws Terriermon high in the air, draws its crossbow, takes aim, and declares, "You should be honored that you will be loaded by me!"

After saying that, Pajiramon doesn't hesitate to fire an arrow of light at Terriermon, but as Terriermon is thrown into danger, Culumon watches in fear, causing a red light to emerge from him with together with Jianliang's feeling and energy induces Terriermon's evolution into Galgomon as his body starts to shine, change, and grow bigger.

"Terriermon, evolve...! .... Galgomon!"

Then Galgomon dodges the arrow of light and starts to shoot Pajiramon with its vulcans breaking the tips of both its horns, causing the sheep centaur Digimon to take a few steps back.

At the same time, seeing this scene, Vajramon looks back at Renamon and says, "You can evolve too, right? Show me your evolved form!" 

After saying that, Vajramon draws its sword and attacks Renamon with it while yelling, "Now, evolve!"

Renamon jumps high to dodge Vajramon's slash and counterattack with a couple of Koyosetsu launching two volleys of razor-sharp leaves, but Vajramon easily blocks this assault by twirling its sword as it mockingly laughs at Renamon's feeble attempt.

Meanwhile, Pajiramon who is still dodging Galgomon's bullets, yells enraged, "Vajramon! Stop playing around! Take this seriously!" but Vajramon continues to casually block Renamon's attacks while saying, "Hahaha, does it matter, Pajiramon?" 

Hearing that Ruki realizes that they are toying with them and exclaims, "They are toying with us?" 

At the same time, Takato gives Jian a card to use, saying, "Lee-kun! Use this!"

Jianliang takes the offered card and says, "Thanks." before he starts to swipe it in the slot on the right-hand side of his D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash!" once he completed this action, he calls out the name of the card he just swiped, "High Speed Plug-In T!"

With this card, Galgomon's running speed is greatly increased as he rushes toward Pajiramon, but it doesn't help Galgomon much as Pajramon slams its hoves on the ground with such force that the asphalt under its hoof cracks while yelling, "Don't get cocky!"

The whole area starts to shake causing the speeded-up Galgomon to lose his balance and fall on the ground, giving Pajiramon the time to load its crossbow and pin Galgomon down to the ground with four arrow, immobilizing him, before it rushes toward the pinned Galgomon and starts to kick him with its hoves.

Meanwhile, as Vajramon continues to play around with Renamon, Takato offers another card to Jianliang, but he refuses this one and grabs one of his own and without hesitation, he starts to swipe it in the slot on the right-hand side of his D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash!" once he completed this action, he calls out the name of the card he just swiped, "Defense Plug-In G!"

Because of the card's effect, Galgomon's body is hardened into stone to protect him, but Pajiramon's powerful kicks easily break the stone and continue to damage Galgomon.

Seeing that, Takato offers another card, and again he starts to swipe the card in the slot on the right-hand side of his D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash!" once he completed this action, he calls out the name of the card he just swiped, "Invalidation Plug-In P!" but the card do not do much to help as Pajiramon continues to beat Galgomon up. 

Seeing the dire situation, Takato urgently urges Jianliang while looking at the cards in his hands, "I don't have any more cards that look useful... Lee-kun, can't you use that card?"

Jianliang looks at the card that Takato is referring to in his own hand, the Blue Card, and then asks, "This one?"

Takato nods and again urges him, "Try it!" but Jianliang looks at the card with clear worry on his face as he mutters, "I can't, we don't know what could happen..." which makes and agitated, Takato yells back, "But Galgomon...!"


At this point, Pajiramon points its crossbow at Galgomon and declares, "I shall finish you off."

Finally, Galgomon is put in too much danger to try anything else and Jianliang starts to swipe the Blue Card in the slot on the right-hand side of his D-Ark while yelling, "Card Slash!" once he completed this action, he yells, "Matrix Evolution!"

But the card does nothing but cause the D-Ark to shoot a beam of light into the air, causing everyone to pause to look at it before Pajiramon focuses back on finishing Galgomon off while Jianliang and Takato panic.

However, just as Pajiramon is about to fire off its arrow, Culumon shoots a red light at the beam of light released by Jianliang's D-Ark, which falls onto Galgomon triggering his Matrix Evolution.

Enveloped by the beam of light, Galgomon's body starts to shine, grow bigger, and change shape as he yells, "Galgomon, evolve...!"

Soon the light fades away briefly revealing his new form as he calls out his new form's name, "... Rapidmon!" 

But soon after completing his evolution, Rapidmon quickly moves away from his previous position at a speed that is very close to the speed of light, while at the same time, Pajiramon, who was momentarily blinded by the light of evolution, doesn't hesitate to fire off its arrows of light with its crossbow, but when it opens its eyes to look at the result, Pajiramon realizes that it has missed and exclaims, "H-He disappeared!"

But the next moment, Rapidmon appears behind Pajiramon and says, "I didn't disappear!" before kicking away the surprised Pajiramon, fully showing his new appearance.

Rapidmon is based on the Poodle dog breed, his upper body is covered in green with red decoration metal except for his face, the base of his ears, his midsection, and his thighs which are covered in light cream color fur, his arms end up with two weapons that looks like cannons, and has a revolver on his back.

(Image Here - Rapidmon)

At the same time, Ruki uses the Digimon Analyzer function of her D-Ark on Rapidmon and reads out his information out loud for Jianliang and Takato to hear, "Rapidmon. Perfect Level. A Cyborg Digimon, evolved from Galgomon. It holds the alias of "Keen Hound", and it reliably brings down the opponent with movements near the speed of light. Also, it freely uses its gigantic ears as radar, can act even in the dark, and is also able to detect the existence of distant enemies. The silhouette of its body makes you think of a shaved poodle. During the battle, its neck protector shuts. Its Special Moves are rapid-firing homing missiles from both of its arms and the revolver equipped to its back (Rapid Fire), and firing a beam from its whole body that completely disassembles the opponent's data (Golden Triangle)." 

While Ruki is reading that, Pajiramon continuously fires at Rapidmon with its crossbow, but it turns out that Rapidmon is way too fast for Pajiramon to be able to hit him, and then Rapidmon rapid-fires homing missiles from its arms that heavily damage Pajiramon.

Seeing this, Vajramon stops playing around with Renamon and rushes over to help its fellow Deva, but as the wounded Pajiramon slowly walks toward Jianliang and the others and threatens, "In that case, I shall use your partner as a shield!"

Rapidmon doesn't hesitate to spread his arms in a T pose yelling, "Golden Triangle!" before firing a beam from his whole body that disassembles the Pajiramon's data and apparently eliminates also the nearby Vajramon, but I can clearly sense that it only faked his own demise as it disassembles its body to flee from here and it is actually reassembling it in another location not too far away from here.

For a few seconds, I'm tempted to intercept and deal with Vajramon myself, but then I quickly remember that this is quite important as the clash with Vajramon will allow Ruki and Renamon's bond to grow even stronger which will enable Renamon to reach the Perfect Level, so I decide to let it go and simply watch the next course of event to ensure the kids and their Digimon partners' safety.

Later the day, while I'm preparing dinner, I sense the ongoing family drama as Jiang-yu returns home and sees Terriermon, thanking him for watching over his son. 

Jianliang then apologizes for hiding the truth from his father, but Jiang-yu has no hard feelings and decides to tell him a secret of his own, he tells his son that he was one of the Digimon developers in the open-source project twenty years prior, and was part of a collective aim to create artificial life. 

Jiang-yu's particular group focused on making realistic creature-like programs that worked off survival of the fittest. 

However, the project didn't get enough funding and was canceled, but led to the creation of the popular Digimon franchise and, apparently, the real-life Digimon Jianliang and his friends have. 

That Jiang-yu is happy that his group's efforts led to a fantasy for children all around the world, but that there is one thing bothers him, one of his groupmates, Shibumi, had produced code that Jiang-yu had found in the blue card.

At the same time, I also sense that Ruki and Renamon run into Vajramon on the street, but Renamon decides to go off to have a talk about "things only Digimon can understand" with Vajramon, promising to return when she gets some answers, and with this last event, I cut off my Cosmic Awareness and focus back on enjoy the rest of the day with my Digimon Partners.

Jayr POV - Real World, Earth, Japan, Tokyo - 2001

It's a new day and since I don't have to work at school as it is still summer break, I continue to monitor the current situation through my Cosmic Awareness and it is quite boring. 

At the moment, Ruki's mother takes Ruki to her modeling studio, but Ruki is less than enthusiastic about the whole ordeal, including the dress that her mom put on her. 

Ruki's mother and her manager subject Ruki to a photo test, but the photo shoot becomes so uncomfortable for her that she pushes away the camera and runs out of the studio.

At the same time, at Jianliang's house, Takato and Jianliang wonder why Renamon's gone off with Vajramon and what she wants with him, but all they are able to come up with are conjectures. 

Ruki, meanwhile, goes out on the street looking for Renamon with her D-Ark but isn't able to pick up anything, something that frustrates her. 

Later the day, Ruki's mother returns home and fusses about what Ruki had done at the photo test, but Ruki's grandmother tells her not to worry so much about her.

At the same time, Yamaki's girlfriend and Hypnos Operator Reika go off for a walk before work, passing by Ruki and buying some bread at the Matsuda bakery. 

Takato happens to be worrying about what he would do if Guilmon disappeared when he's called downstairs to get some change, where Reika sees him. 

After some time, Ruki returns home and runs into her angry mother, but, upset about Renamon's situation, she brushes her off.

Suddenly, Terriermon senses a Digimon presence and figures that it may be Vajramon informs Jianliang who calls Takato and Ruki about it, and Ruki heads off against the protests of her mother.

At this point, I sense that Vajramon and Renamon arrive at a particular location at exactly the same time as the Digital Field forms and envelopes the surrounding area. 

To be more precise the location in question is Meiji Jingu Baseball Stadium, a baseball stadium quite famous in Shinjuku and home to the Tokyo Yakult Swallows, the more humble counterpart to the flashy Tokyo Giants in their big shiny dome across town. 

Without any hesitation, I teleport there to make sure that everything goes well and I arrive just in time to see Vajramon stare at Renamon and comment, "Beautiful... truly beautiful Data."

Hearing that, I can't help but roll my eyes while thinking, 'Should I say, as expected by the Furry Queen? Renamon was even able to charm this horny Digimon... I truly can't understand that... Sure if it was her Ultimate Level, Sakuyamon, then it would be a whole other story...'

While I'm thinking that, Vajramon continues, "Renamon. Worship our God with me. Move in accordance to our God's will, descend to this land with me, and we will prosper."

Hearing that, Renamon remains calm as she asks, "Vajramon, what is this "god"? Where is he?" but Vajramon ignores her question and stepping closer he comments, "Beautiful...You are worthy of living together with our God."

Takato, Jianliang, Ruki, Terriermon, and Guilmon also arrive at the stadium and stop watching Vajramon talking with Renamon who, annoyed by the fact that Vajramon didn't answer her question, repeats, "Answer my question properly. What is this "god" you keep talking about?"

At this point, Vajramon explains, "Renamon, our god is a god of us Digimon. We were once data created by humans, but we have gained life now. By serving the Digimon God, we evolve as true Digimon. Humans abandoned us, did they not? Remember, before we obtained these forms, we were nothing but remains of data, wandering around the Digital World!"

Hearing that senseless rambling, I realize that even if Vajramon is technically a Deva, one of the servants of the Four Holy Beasts, it doesn't know much more than other Digimon. 

As I realize that Culumon, enters the scene approaching Renamon and Vajramon, but this last one begins to attack Culumon, and in order to intervene, Takato and Jianliang have Guilmon and Terriermon evolve into Growmon and Galgomon via Card Slash of the Super Evolution Plug-in S card, but Vajramon is too strong for the two of them. 

At the same time, Renamon takes the opportunity to attack in turn, declaring herself to be a Digimon who evolves with her partner.

Ruki has Renamon evolve to Kyuubimon via Card Slash, and Vajramon, deciding that Kyuubimon is "too beautiful" to leave like that, declares he's going to take her along with him to serve his god. 

Kyuubimon struggles against Vajramon, even after Ruki and Jianliang use power boost cards and Takato gives Growmon a speed boost, but again, they aren't able to overpower Vajramon who counterattacks by crossing its twin swords, the Bào Jiàn and fire an X-shaped energy beam at Galgomon and Growmon who became too exhausted to do anything.

After that, Vajramon continues to try and convince Kyuubimon to abandon humans, and Ruki finds another mysterious blue card inside her deck. 

Knowing that this will allow Kyuubimon to evolve further, Ruki uses the blue card, and as Culumon's forehead lights up, Kyuubimon's body shines in a bright white light as she calls out, "Kyubimon, evolve...!"

Quickly after that, the light fades away revealing her new form as she declares, "... Taomon!"

Taomon is a humanoid Digimon with fox-like characteristics, she wears a white onmyōji robe with vertical plates on the shoulders, the Sanskrit character for "Hūm" emblazoned on the front, the yin-yang symbol on the chest and shoulder plates, beneath three red wisps in the latter instance, and red and white triangles on the ends of the sleeves, she also wears baggy purple pants and a tall, black and purple hat. 

She has white, three-fingered hands and white, three-toed feet with black claws and black paw pads in both instances, a yellow furred tail with a white tip, and a yellow, fox-like face with purple markings on its cheeks and forehead and white-tipped ears, and she also has black eyes with indigo irises. 

(Image Here - Taomon)

As Ruki and Takato are stunned by Taomon's new form, Jianliang reads out her information on his D-Ark, "Taomon. Perfect Level. Versed in Onmyoudou, it is an onmyouji Digimon that freely uses every technique in battle. Its faculty with magic is particularly high, and attacks with talismans and spells are its forte. Also, it is a master of concealed weapons and hides various weapons up its sleeves. It doesn't talk very much due to its extreme reticence, and it is a being that lives and lurks within the darkness. Also, it is able to turn its talismans into shikigami and command them. Its Signature Move is wreathing its talismans around the opponent's body, then detonating them (Kofūsatsu). Its Special Move "Bonhitsusen" is chanting an incantation while painting the Sanskrit character "Hūm" in the air with its gigantic brush, then hurling it at the opponent. An opponent that is hit with Bonhitsusen gets caught in a gigantic explosion and is annihilated."

While Jianliang is reading, Vajramon, the now auto-declared furry lover, attacks her in anger, upset by her humanlike appearance, but Taomon easily fends off Vajramon's attack while explaining that the only reason she followed him is to learn more information about their enemies, and after that, she easily defeats him by chanting an incantation while painting the Sanskrit character "Hūm" in the air with her gigantic brush, then hurls it at the Vajramon, causing it to explode and obliterate the ox centaur into motes of Data.

After that, Takato and Jianliang return home, and Ruki, realizing that evolution must mean fighting alongside one's partner, remarks that Renamon has become strong and that she's beautiful under the moonlight, and seeing this last scene, I also return home.