The Other Champions 10

Jawo Tirr POV - ??? Universe, Earth, Tokyo, Ukiyoe Town - 2010

Walking through the busy streets of this town, I can't help but feel very tense as the distant echoes of the Force that resides in this particular universe warn me that something bad is about to happen and this has worried me a lot since around a month passed since I arrived in this universe and until today everything was mostly calm.

As I continue to walk among these people letting the Force guide me, I also go over everything I experienced since I arrived in this strange universe.

After walking through the Unigate, I found myself in a dark alley of a massive shopping district and the first thing I noticed was the figure of countless people walking on both sides of the alley's exits. 

Unluckily for me, all these people were regular humans who made me realize that the universe I arrived in was very likely one of those where Humans are the only race living in it, which made my physical appearance quite an issue as even if humanoid, the Twi'leki's look is still obviously quite alien compared to the regular humans.

Luckily, I had a Holographic Cloaking Unit in my Soulbound Territory that is capable of making its user appear almost entirely 

invisible and is perfect for a situation like this one, especially since the technology of this universe isn't that advanced making it even less likely for me to be found.

Once I used the Holographic Cloaking Unit to make myself invisible, I let the force guide me and started to explore the area to learn more about this curious universe.

Luckily, I didn't have any problem with the language as I took advantage of my other journey around the Omniverse to update my Personal Universal Translator (PUT for short) with all the languages existing on Earth and a few other words. 

Sure, creating the language chips was a true chore at times but in the end, it was very useful because the Earth and the Solar System in general is a very common planet that exists in almost all the possible universes which makes knowing their various languages more useful than knowing the Galactic Basic Standard or the Binary.

While exploring the town undetected and listening to the people around me talking, I learned that I was on Earth, more specifically in Japan in a town named Ukiyoe Town of the Kanto Region and that for the people living here, this world was completely normal without any knowledge of its Supernatural side.

But of course, the fact that I could feel and use the Force quickly warned me that there was a lot more than what appearances would let on.

With that knowledge, I continued to explore the town letting the Force guide me and after some time, I ended up in a heavily concealed part of the street, but one that was still very busy and lively only the beings calmly walking around weren't humans, they were a species of supernatural beings with a very varied appearance that called themselves Yokai.

Seeing just how varied they look, I decided to undo my cloaking and take advantage of my alien appearance to mingle with them, and in doing that, I learned that Yokai is a term used for a wide variety of supernatural creatures from Japanese folklore. 

They are more commonly referred to as "spirits," some possess part-animal and part-human features, some were once humans who became Yokai after death, and some are inanimate objects who came to life.

I also learned that there are various factions within the Yokai communities, some are quite malevolent others much more benign.

The biggest and most powerful Yokai faction in eastern Japan is the Nura Clan which currently rules over the Kanto area keeping order among all the other smaller Yokai Factions.

After learning that, I spent most of the time living among the Yokai learning more about them while also keeping an eye and ear open in case the other Champion who arrived in this Universe decides to make a move or peacefully appear in front of me, but for more than a month nothing of note happened, the only thing worth of note is the gossip that the Nurarihyon's Grandson finally took up the mantle of Nurarihyon and officially become the next Nura Clan head. 

I suddenly stop as the Force's warning gets stronger than ever as the earth under my feet starts to heavily quake causing some form of panic among the people on the streets, but not that much as earthquakes are a common occurrence in Japan. 

But I know that this earthquake is everything but natural as using the Force I feel a strange energy affecting the earth below my feet and causing this earthquake which is specifically localized in the area around me. 

Moreover, this energy is very different from the "Osore" used by the Yokai which makes me instantly suspect that it is the work of the other Champion.

Realizing that, I use the Force to keep my balance despite the shaking earth and keep my connection with the Force open to constantly feel what is happening around me as the scale of the earthquake keeps getting stronger and starts to cause some heavy damage which makes me come to the conclusion that the Champion doesn't care about any collateral damage at all.

Soon the earthquake gets so strong that the buildings around me start to crumble and since I can't let these innocent people die because of the battle between us Champion, I fully tap into the Force and use it to keep these buildings from collapsing hoping to buy enough time for the people inside to escape to safety.

The pressure is a lot as I'm basically holding dozens of buildings, equal to I do not even know how many tons of weight, on my own which is quite straining, but this is something I have to do as there are innocent men, women, and children inside those buildings and I won't let them die in a battle they had nothing to do with.

Suddenly, I hear a cold female voice that says, "You hero types are always all the same. Ready to waste your life for people who won't hesitate to kick you when you are down... Oh well, at least this makes it very easy for me to take advantage of this trait."

As I try to keep my hold on the nearby buildings, I look in the direction from where the voice is coming from and see a young woman standing with her arm crossed a few meters away from me with short brown hair and a tan skin tone. 

Her eyes are quite strange as they naturally look like they are closed, but despite that, I can't help but have the impression that they are in fact open and she can see me perfectly well.

Beside her, there is a strange 1-meter tall bipedal creature with triangular, brown eyes, light brown skin, and a cream-colored underside.

The creature has two small claws, one on each hand, that serves as its thumbs, one large nail on each foot that makes up its toes, and it has a short tail with a small spike near the tip. 

But the most curious aspect is its head which is composed of a skull mask with two pointed spikes on the back similar to ears and tiny nostrils on the tip of the snout that seems seamlessly fused with its head, moreover, it is armed with some kind of bone club.

(Image Here - Marowak)

The woman looks at me in the eyes and with a sneer she says, "I'm sure that Yaling is already waiting for us so let's just end this. Marowak. Hyper Beam!"

In response to her command, the small creature named Marowak quickly gathered an incredible amount of energy in the form of a shining ball right in front of its snout before it let out a cry and released a powerful energy beam that quickly advanced toward me giving me no chance to defend as it completely envelope my body.

Kang Yaling POV - Chainsaw Man Universe, Earth, Tokyo - 1996

I'm lying on a bench in a random park calmly looking at the sky as the sound of explosions and screams full of terror reach my ears and I sing, "♪You try to run me through. Hold on, think again. Don't you know what you're starting? But you sure ain't got a clue. How bad this will go. Don't you know, know my art? (Art of war.) And as you look to the horizon, not a cloud. But then stormy weather's caught you cold. Seems like it crept up out of nowhere all around you. It's not quite what you foretold.♪" 

At this point, the sound of the explosions grows even louder, and I start to sing the chorus of the song, "♪You'll never see it coming. You'll see that my mind is too fast for eyes. You're done in. By the time it's hit you, your last surprise.♪"

The reason why I'm calmly singing Persona 5's theme, Last Surprise while some kind of attack that is causing panic all over the area is because this is all part of my plan and I'm simply waiting and hoping that my prey falls for it and reveals its presence.

As the Firework Devil I captured and subjugated causes some death and mayhem, I continue to sing, "♪Ooh, ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh, ooh. You think you got your game. Planned out to a T. Yet I'm two steps ahead, yeah. So, you step into my way. Stand down, it's a trap. One more step and you're dead (yeah you're dead). Why just a picosecond ago, clear blue skies? But now lightning's struck your last resolve. It's not an accident that no one hears your cries. As your last strength seems to dissolve.♪"

Meanwhile, my mind wanders as I think back at everything I have experienced until now.

It all started when I decided to terminate my own life after being betrayed by the one I trusted the most and becoming unable to endure the constant mocking, bullying, and loneliness any longer, not even the small sanctuary in my home where I hid myself trying to forget about my suffering by losing myself into countless fantastical stories and adventures was safe as the situation at home with that drunk abusive bastard of my father got worse and worse.

Then I got the chance to live another life when I ironically became the Champion of the Concept of Life and with that new chance at life, I also came to the firm resolution of doing everything possible even going through the worst hells to not become a pathetic abused victim pushed on the brink like that ever again.

When my time came to choose the new universe where I'd reincarnate, live my new life, grow stronger, prepare for the eventual confrontation with the other Champions, and completely shed the last vestiges of my weak self. 

In the end, I decided on one of the most brutal and unforgiving Universes that I knew of and one that would give me the chance to acquire limitless powers and abilities, the Terror Infinity Universe.

Since I didn't want too much drama in my life, I decided to be reincarnated as an orphan and while at first life was hard, it was nothing compared with what I had already experienced before.

I spent the first 12 years of my life doing everything possible to prepare for what was about to come, and when I thought I was ready, I forced myself to remember and relive everything that caused me to terminate my life to condition myself and make myself eligible for the summoning of the God's Dimension.

It worked like a charm and since then, I started to face and survive countless horrors to continue to evolve by doing everything possible to stay alive.

The first horror world that I faced was luckily one of the easiest ones, the world of World War Z, sure those running zombies were crazy but at least you could kill them, and if one is smart or strong enough the chances of surviving are pretty high.

In that horror world, I gained 1500 points and a C-Rank reward, unfortunately, I wasn't able to unlock my Genetic Constrain, but still, I had quite the haul for a newbie and I used my rewards to exchange for a Super Soldier Serum Enhancement for an overall improvement and some useful items that would help me survive in the next mission.

I spent the next few years of my life risking my life and jumping from one horror world to another to accumulate more points and rewards to exchange for more powers, abilities, and items shedding away more and more parts of my pathetic weak self while unlocking my genetic constraints.

The next big improvement that I exchanged from God's Dimension was what I consider one of the powers with the best potential possible, gaining the ability to become a Persona User, someone who has the supernatural ability to summon their Persona, which is a manifestation of a Persona user's personality in the Persona series, referred to as a "mask" for an individual to use to face hardship.

More specifically, I chose the Persona 5 iteration of a Persona User because I thought it was the most fitting for me and also for its peculiar abilities.

The reason for that is that in Persona 5, Personas are formed by individuals who find themselves in the Metaverse and are dealing with feelings of frustration of being wronged or taken advantage of. 

Should the person decide to rebel and take revenge, their Shadow Self calls out to them, forming a mask on their face, their eyes also turn yellow, indicating their Shadow Selves are merging with their owners. 

Then ripping this mask from their face formalizes their contract, causing the Shadow Self to turn into their Persona and take form but the process of tearing off one's mask is particularly painful, as it leads to excessive bleeding. 

Once the contract has been formed, the person then receives a special thief suit that represents their idea of a rebel, and the mask becomes a normal mask that they can freely take off without pain and serves as the conduit for their Persona abilities which increase their physical and mental abilities to superhuman levels.

Then after a few successful but very dangerous missions I further improved my ability as Persona User by exchanging the Wild Card ability which allows the user to form a contract allowing one to access and summon multiple Personas and switch between them in battle, the ability to change bonds into strength, and the access to the Velvet Room which gave me quite a massive boost to my abilities.

But even that wasn't enough yet to survive not only the horror worlds of God's Dimension that kept getting harder especially when it came to Team Battles but also to ensure my safety when I would face another Champion and because of that, I decided to abandon part of my humanity to enhance myself even more.

But since I had to worry about things like a compatibility issue with my previous enhancement and abilities, I decided to make use of something that originated from a universe very close to the Persona Universe, the Shin Megami Tensei Universe, to be more specific, I chose to exchange a Magatama, a parasitic entity appearing in Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne, which functions as a combination of armor, weapon, and spellbook and once fused with a host it alters his or her body into that of a "demon" while also granting various powers and abilities the more one masters its use such as the use of various magics, masteries of physical attacks, but more importantly, resistances and immunities to various elements and status conditions.

But of course, a single Magatama is unable to offer all those things to its host, in fact, the Magatama have a limited number of specific abilities that they can grant to its host, and the only way to have more abilities is to fuse with another Magatama after completely mastering the previous one until one reaches a total of 25 different Magatamas becoming a Chaos King, a being equal to Gods.

And for sure fusing with a Magatama isn't completely safe or without demerits as before one fully masters a Magatama will randomly curse the host with bad luck or even act up in the middle of a battle causing not so little trouble, but on the other hand, the more Magatamas I master the closer I am in becoming an almost invincible Chaos King.

At some point, the time for the first Random Battle came and I found myself facing my first Champion, and I was very disappointed with her.

Helena Harrison, a very kind young woman who reincarnated in the Pokemon Universe and who simply wanted to peacefully enjoy her pathetic life and didn't care that by doing so she basically offered herself to the whims of whoever won this competition and became ruler of this Omniverse, something I won't ever allow to happen again as I promised myself that I would take my fate in my own hands no matter what means I use.

I was very tempted to kill her and simply return back to my home universe to focus on God's Dimension's mission and gathering more Magatamas, but then a brilliant idea came to my mind and I decided to turn Helena into an ally, but my kind of ally.

So I excused myself and gave Helena an appointment for another meeting the next day, and then, once I was away from her, I activated my Persona User's powers and opened a gate for the Metaverse and searched for Helena's "shadow" and then I worked to distort and corrupt her thoughts forcing a Negative Change of Heart in her turning the once kind woman in a ruthless executioner, of course, I also made sure that she was loyal to me to avoid complications and backstabbing scenario.

Then when I met her again we "officially" allied and she allowed me to meet her Pokemon, and without any hesitation, I also did the same thing to them, after all, if I didn't do so it could have been possible for the Pokemon to use their bond with Helena to somewhat change her heart back using some kind of bullshit power of friendship or something along those lines.

After the Random Battle, we went our separate ways, Helena on the hunt for other Champions while I went back to my home universe to face the horrors of God's Dimension and keep improving myself.

Like that, another 3 years quickly passed and I mastered enough Magatamas to become a Chaos Lord, just a step below the almost almighty Chaos King, and once again, I was forced to leave my home universe to take part in another Random Battle.

This time, I landed in the Chainsaw Man Universe, a chaotic world full of Devils and Devil Hunters in constant conflict.

Devils are a race of supernatural entities appearing throughout the World, they are creatures that feed upon humanity's fears which means that the more feared something is by humanity as a whole the more powerful the devil born by that concept is.

Meanwhile, Devil Hunters are individuals, human or otherwise, who, as the name would imply, have taken it upon themselves to fight against Devils whenever a threat related to them should arise in the world.

They tend to use contracts with Devils as a means of standing a chance in combat against their monstrous opponents, giving them a massive advantage over standard law enforcement whenever Devils appear. 

After arriving in this universe, I spent some time exploring and learning more about this world while also hunting down the other Champion, but then, after a month or so of nothing but some random devil's attack here and there, I grew impatient and decided to do something to drive out the Champion, so I captured the Firework Devil and forced it to cause some chaos hoping that the Champion would make a move to stop it.

Even the part where I'm calmly singing the Last Surprise in this park is part of my plan to flush out the Champion as it is a way to make myself as conspicuous of a target as possible.

While waiting for something to happen, I continue to sing the chorus in the usual, "♪You'll never see it coming. You'll see that my mind is too fast for eyes. You're done in. By the time it's hit you, your last surprise. I'm coming for you. My game's always so fast, so fine. You're spun in by the net. You didn't catch it in time. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh, ooh. Ooh, ooh, ooh.♪"

But suddenly, I heard the sound of explosions in the distance turning into that of fighting, and with a quick look using a basic Shikigami that watching over the Firework Devil, I realized that the Devil Hunters arrived to take care of my new pet.

Seeing that, I stop singing and after letting out a sigh, I mutter, "Another failure... Oh well, I'll continue to try for another week or so, if the Champion doesn't fall for my trap, I'll stop playing this game and kill everything on this planet. My Blessing was stuck at Lv. 1 for way too long, it's time to fix that."

After coming to that decision, I give the Firework Devil the signal to retreat as I get up from the bench and start to calmly walk away, but right at that moment, I sense something trying to look at my person from quite far away and not only that but I also sense some kind of spiritual energy trying to invade my mind luckily one the Magatamas that I fully mastered gave me complete immunity to mind attacks so I don't have to worry about that.

I quickly tracked down the spiritual energy to find out its source and soon I found its location. 

I don't hesitate to activate my Persona User's power which quickly turns my attire into my special thief suit and with my enhanced physical abilities, I don't waste any time and run toward the source of this spiritual energy's location.

In a few moments, I arrive on the rooftop of a nearby skyscraper and arrive just in time to see a beautiful young woman around my age with mid-length light-brown hair and brown eyes, wearing some comfortable jeans and a white pullover as she finishes writing something on a worn black diary.

When she raises her head to look at me, I also notice that on her forehead there is a strange headpiece with a large eye attached to it.

Then the young woman smiles and with a calm tone she says, "It's over, Kang Yaling. I already wrote your name on the Death Note, you are destined to die in a few seconds from a combination of heart failure, collapsed lungs, internal bleeding of all major organs, and multiple ruptured aneurysms causing brain hemorrhage. While I don't care about this cruel competition too much, I can't let a monster like you continue to take part in it. Your Karma is one of the most negative I have ever seen in my life and I have been to the Akame ga Kill Universe..." 

Hearing that, I simply cross my arms and look at her and when more than a minute passes and nothing happens, the young woman looks at me in shock as she exclaims, "You are still alive! How is it possible!?"

At this point, I smile and explain, "It's very simple, for one, I'm completely immune to curses and other effects like that. But, the most important factor is that the Death Note works specifically only on "Humans" and I'm not a pathetic Human... not anymore!"

After saying that, I don't give her any chance and quickly pull out my gun and shoot her in the head killing her in a single precise shot, and shortly after, I sense a weird energy come out of her body and enter mine and immediately feel the level of my 

Blessing increasing, but instead of focusing on what changed, I quickly pick up the Death Note and the strange headpiece from the Champion's corpse and go to recover my new pet before I enter my Soulbond Territory and use the Unigate to return to my home universe where I can continue to enhance myself.