Arrival and Catching Up

Jayr POV - Dragon Ball Universe, Earth, Satan City - Age 779 

In an instant, I find myself in a clearing a few meters away from a futuristic and lively city which I immediately recognize as Satan City thanks to the signboard that depicts a very familiar man with iconic black curly Afro, mustache, and well-trimmed sideburns which are among his most recognizable traits, as well as his cleft chin posing with a confident smile on his face while doing the V sign with his left hand and the words Satan City on it.

I'm not the only one present as beside me there is the former Champion of Void, Son Goza, who quickly closed his eyes as soon as we arrived and put on a focused expression as he is very likely trying to search for the location of his family and friends by sensing their Ki.

But he isn't the only one present as lying on top of my head there is also my Digimon Partner, Patamon who is looking around with an excited expression on his face. 

Seeing that, I can't help but smile while thinking, 'Like me, Patamon didn't want to miss the opportunity to explore and experience the fabled Dragon Ball Universe. Meanwhile, V-mon and Wormmon, my other Digimon Partners decided to stay in my Soulbound Territory, which grew bigger thanks to the level-up of my Blessing, to watch over the Village of Beginnings together with Bancho Lilimon, Meliae's Digimon Partner, making sure the Digimon living there do not become too relentless causing some trouble to the Nymphs. On the other hand, Bidi decided to return back to my home universe to stay beside my Digimon Incarnation, spend some time with my family, and watch over my kids as the cool Aunty Bidi.'

While I was thinking that, Son Goza suddenly opened his eyes and muttered, "This is strange... I can't sense their Ki. It's like they are gone." 

Hearing that, I look at him and while feeling slightly worried about it, I ask, "What do you mean?" making Son Goza explain, "I can't sense the Ki of Father, Mother, Gohan, Goten, and Videl anywhere on this planet. I also searched for the Ki signature of the others, but I had the same result. Piccolo-san, Satan-san, Buu, Vegeta, Bulma-san, Trunks, Brief-san, Bikini-san, Krillin-san, Yamcha, Dende... Basically, I can't sense the Ki of any of my close acquaintances on the planet, there are only Korin-san, Yajirobe, and Popo-san present. I even tried to sense their Ki further away from the planet but with no result."

After saying that, Son Goza scratches the back of his head with a downcast expression and says, "I admit that I'm not the best at Ki Sensing, but huge Ki like Piccolo-san, Father, Vegeta, Buu, and my brother are kinda hard to miss even if they are on the other side of the universe... I'm kinda worried that something unexpected happened while I was away."

In response to that, I suggest, "Well, since you can't sense their Ki anywhere, can't we go to someone who should at least know what happened while you were away and can tell us about it?"

Son Goza's face immediately brightens up as he exclaims, "That's right! I think that Popo-san is our best option!"

Suddenly, I feel Patamon, who is still comfortabily lying on top of my head, shudder before he timidily asks, "Uhm... Excuse me... by Popo you mean THAT Mr. Popo? Kami's assistant?" which makes Son Goza tilt his head in confusion as he replies, "Yes. What's wrong with it?"

Patamon's body shudders once more before he says, "Are you sure that it is okay? I mean are we even sure this is the right Dragon Ball Universe? I mean there is a certain version of the Dragon Ball Universe that I'd like to avoid at all costs, even more so when the Mr. Popo of that version is involved. I really don't want to encounter that Eldrich being and be taught THE Pecking Order by it!"

Hearing that, I immeditely understand what Patamon is referring to and start to laugh out loud before I calm down and reassure him, "Don't worry about that, Patamon. I didn't make such a silly mistake, we are in Son Goza's version of the Dragon Ball Universe without any doubt, we didn't stumble in Dragon Ball Abridged Universe by mistake or some twisted cosmic event...I think..."

After reassuring Patamon, we don't waste any time and quickly start to fly toward the iconic Korin Tower located in the Sacred Land of Korin and then we flew up to reach the legendary Lookout, an ancient platform that is in geostationary orbit in the skies of Earth, and directly above Korin Tower and can be considered one of the main hangout location of the Z Fighters during a crisis.


As soon as we land on the Lookout, we are greeted by a calm and gentle voice who says, "Good evening, Goza. You have been away for quite a long time. You have missed quite a bit." 

At the same time, I took a look at the being that greeted us and immediately recognized the iconic figure of Mr. Popo.

Mr. Popo takes the form of a short, plump humanoid, his distinguishing features include his markedly dark complexion, red lips, and pointy ears, interestingly, he possesses neither a nose nor teeth.

He has a modest stature and appears to be a grade shorter than the average Earthling. 

He nearly always wears a smile but does express a range of emotions depending on the circumstances. 

His polite, formal style complements his calm demeanor and upright posture.

Mr. Popo's outfit never changes during the course of the series, he is always seen wearing a white turban adorned with an aqua-colored jewel resting on his forehead, he also sports a single gold hoop earring on each ear. 

On his upper body, he wears a maroon-patterned, gold-trimmed sleeveless vest that exposes part of his torso, as well as gold armbands on his upper arms, and touts a red sash around his waist. 

His white pants appear in the style of harem trousers, wrapping around his ankles, and on his feet, he wears a pair of red slippers with white soles. 

While I'm quickly checking Mr. Popo, he focuses his gaze on me, and after a brief moment, he lightly bows his head and says, "Welcome to the Lookout, esteemed guest. My name is Popo and I'm the assistant deity who serves as the attendant to Earth's Guardian." to which I politely reply with, "I appreciate your hospitality, Mr. Popo. My name is Jayr and I'm Goza's friend." followed by Patamon who says, "I-I'm Patamon. T-Thank you."

Shortly after our polite reply to Mr. Popo's greeting, Son Goza immediately greets him, "Good evening, Popo-san." before he quickly asks, "The reason for our arrival is in fact to inquire you about what happened while I was away. First of all, is everyone okay?"

In response, Mr. Popo blinks a couple of times before he calmly answers, "Yes, everyone is fine. They just left the planet some time ago to take part in some kind of competition involving Beerus-sama."

Hearing that, I immediately realize that Mr. Popo is likely talking about the Tournament of the Destroyers between Beerus and his brother Champa for the use of the Super Dragon Balls and it is clear that Son Goza had the same revelation as he visibly relaxes.

At this point, Mr. Popo looks at the sky and says, "Regarding what happened after you left, well, that is a little more complicated..."

Then Mr. Popo starts his narration by telling us how everything was peaceful after the battle between Beerus and Goku.

Goku continued to work on his farm while also taking advantage of any moment available to train and continue to improve, meanwhile, Vegeta was disappointed that despite his effort he fell behind Goku's level once more. 

But that started to change when Vegeta returned home to Capsule Corporation and he was surprised to run into Bulma and Whis, who had just returned from the restaurant. 

Vegeta asked Whis where Beerus was, and when Whis replied that he was still sleeping back on his planet, Vegeta demanded that Whis take him there so that he could show Beerus the true power of the Saiyans. 

At that point, Bulma angrily pulled Vegeta aside and explained her plan to bribe Whis with food, which she thought was the only surefire way to keep their family safe. 

After all, even Goku could not beat Beerus, so Vegeta definitely would not stand a chance. 

Vegeta, desperate to surpass Goku, wanted to force Whis to take him to Beerus, but he quickly changed his mood when he sensed an unknown power coming from Whis, then when Vegeta demanded to know who or what he was, Whis explained that he was Beerus' martial arts master and learning that, Vegeta started to do everything in his power to make Whis train him and in the end, he had to make Whis taste ramen to make him agree to take Vegeta with him through space to Beerus' Planet. 

After that event, more than 6 months passed since Vegeta left Earth to go to Beerus' planet to train with Whis, Gohan's daughter, Pan has finally been born and Mr. Satan, Chi-Chi, and Goku visit and spend time with the child. 

Bulma was invited over to help out Chi-Chi, but she accidentally mentions that Vegeta went off to Beerus's planet to train, and Goku overheard, breaking through the wall, literally in the process, and begged Bulma to talk to Whis so he can go too. 

A week later, Whis arrived for lunch and Goku begged him to have him go train and then they traveled to Beerus' planet.

While Vegeta and Goku are away to train with Whis, Sorbet, and his servants Tagoma and Shisami, members of the Frieza Force, arrive on Earth and find Emperor Pilaf and his companions carrying the Dragon Balls. 

Tagoma frightened them and the gang gave the aliens the Dragon Balls which they used to summon Shenron and wish to revive Frieza. 

The only problem was that when Frieza was cut up by Future Trunks, only the pieces of him remained so that was all the dragon could wish back. 

They, desperate to bring the tyrant back, wish for it anyway and Frieza came back, revived, as expected, in pieces. 

They still had two wishes left and they thought of reviving King Cold, but Mai and Shu, Pilaf's companions stormed in and wished for the best ice cream in the world, and for one million Zeni stopping them but Sorbet spared their lives and left with Frieza's remains and the planet become calm once more, but that was only the calm before the storm. 

After a few months, Frieza had fully revived and brought with him 1,000 soldiers to Earth to get their revenge. 

Jaco, a Galactic Patrolman, witnessed Frieza coming to Earth and arrived to warn the people he knew on Earth, Bulma, and Son Goza, unfortunately, Goza was nowhere to be found. 

He knew Bulma because years ago he arrived on Earth to stop Goku from coming to Earth from Planet Vegeta, but met Tights, Bulma's sister, and became friends with her family. 

Bulma helped gather the remaining Z Fighters on Earth to warn them. 

Soon after, Frieza arrived on Earth with only Gohan, Piccolo, Tien, Krillin, Jaco, and Master Roshi to stand in his way. 

Bulma decided not to tell Goten & Trunks because of their safety concerns and their recklessness would be the death of them or worse. 

The Z Fighters fought Frieza's soldiers, and while Krillin was too scared to fight because he remembers when he was killed by Frieza long ago, he eventually restored enough courage to fight back. 

Meanwhile, Goten and Trunks sensed the battle between Frieza happening, and curious, they flew off to go fight. 

Once most of Frieza's soldiers were defeated, Shisami, one of the army's best men, stepped in to fight. 

He and Gohan begin fighting but are interrupted by Tagoma who fires a Ki Blast through them both, killing Shisami, and disabling Gohan. 

The Z Fighters attacked Tagoma, but it did no harm to him, and he flicked them away while stating that the reason why they could not hurt him was because he was Frieza's training partner, so now he had a body of steel. 

Before he was about to kill them, Super Saiyan Gotenks charged in, and head-butted Tagoma in his crotch, but as Gotenks badmouthed Frieza and was about to rush him, he defused back into Goten and Trunks. 

Frieza noticed that they looked like Goku and Future Trunks and, Frieza noted Goten as his son, while he felt familiar with the present Trunks' face looking similar to his future counterpart who slew him instantly, he spoke out of anger for the Saiyan race multiplying since his death, calling them "filthy" making Goten and Trunks run off and go hide with Jaco and Bulma in fear. 

Tagoma got up and Gohan fought him in earnest, but due to his lack of training over the years, was severely overpowered and was thrashed around. 

As a last resort, he was forced to transform into a Super Saiyan and beat Tagoma down but instead of killing him, he spared him in a very familiar way that Goku spared Frieza back then. 

Frieza noticed this and decided he would kill Gohan himself, intending to let Goku see his son's corpse. 

Frieza fired his Death Beams all over Gohan's body, reverting him back to his Base Form in pain, and disabled him so he was unable to fight back. 

Right when Frieza was about to finish him off with a huge Death Beam, Cell appeared in front of Gohan easily deflecting the blast himself saving his life.

At this point, Patamon can't help himself from stopping Mr. Popo's story and exclaiming, "Cell!? Wait! Wait! Wait! What is going on here!? Wasn't Cell a very bad, bad guy!?"

I admit that I'm also quite surprised by the sudden drop of Cell's name as I didn't expect it at all, mostly because during the time we spent in The Walking Dead Universe, I didn't ask Son Goza anything regarding his experience in his home universe as I mostly wanted to enjoy the experience of exploring the Dragon Ball Universe, because of that I asked him to not give me any spoilers.

But that doesn't mean that in the time we spent together, we didn't get to know each other better, we talked about a lot of other things like our favorite animes, mangas, and most importantly hot girls we had the pleasure of knowing. 

He of course told me about Bulma, Android 18, Videl, Erasa, and surprisingly about Zangya who in his words was one of the hottest women he had ever seen and that it was a pity that she was evil to her core.

While all that goes through my mind in an instant, Mr. Popo turns his head and looks at both Patamon and me, blinks his eyes one time, and calmly says, "The Cell you are talking about is the one we call Future Cell, the evil Cell that came from the future to absorb Android 17 and Android 18 in order to become the perfect being and dominate the world. The one I have mentioned is the Cell of our timeline, the Present Cell if you like. The one that we found in his early Larva Stage and who Bulma reprogrammed to be good instead of evil."

Following Popo, Son Goza nods and says, "Indeed, our Cell is very different from Future Cell. First of all, Bulma made sure to remove Dr. Gero's evil programming then to further ensure that there were no other hidden dangers we even used the Dragon Balls to remove all traces of evil from Cell. After that, I took care of Cell myself, and taught him everything I knew, he basically became a member of the family. Another difference from Future Cell is that our Cell also has my genetic material, which means that he inherited some of my characteristics as Legendary Super Saiyan and thanks to them, he was able to grow and evolve on his own without the need to absorb Android 17 and Android 18 or the life force of other people. I can say in complete confidence that our Cell is not only a good one but also much stronger than Future Cell and since then he has been of immense help in dealing with the various crises. In fact, he also became a Galatic Patrolman like me taking care of villains and protecting the innocent people all over the universe."

After that shocking revelation, Mr. Popo resumes his story telling us that just as Cell was about to battle Frieza but as their Ki kept rising, Goku and Vegeta suddenly arrived via Instant Transmission surprising Frieza, who finally met his nemesis as he expected. 

As Goku and Frieza conversed about why he wanted his revenge on Goku although because it was Future Trunks who killed him, Tagoma got up and tried to attack Goku and Vegeta, only for Vegeta to surprise and blast him into a million pieces.

Frieza transforms right into his "final form", killing all his soldiers except Sorbet to show off his new power. 

Goku then convinced Vegeta that Frieza wanted him and that he should stay out of it making Vegeta reluctantly accept, and thus Frieza's revenge finally began with Frieza and Goku both tradings blows, clashing at intense speeds, both seemingly at par with each other, with Goku having the slight advantage, even though he did not even need to transform into a Super Saiyan, as he possessed the raw might of Super Saiyan God in his base form. 

While Goku was enjoying himself, an impatient Vegeta suggested that Goku finish Frieza off or he will himself. 

Goku accepted and from that point on, Goku decided to use the fruit of his training with Whis, he clads himself in a bright blue light, and later, this revealed a transformation never seen before, it looked like his typical Super Saiyan form, but with blue hair coloration and a dazzling, fiery blue aura. 

Frieza asked what type of transformation is, Goku describes this as a Saiyan with the power of Super Saiyan God in the Super Saiyan form. 

Frieza is confused and briefly tests Goku's power, however as Goku suspects that Frieza also has a never-before-seen power, and shortly after Frieza confirms this. 

Frieza surrounded himself with a fiery aura, then disappeared in a bright orange light, briefly interrupting everyone's and Goku's vision, after the light dimmed, Frieza appeared, looking different from before, it appeared to be a brand new transformation in which most of his body in his final form, turned all solid and shimmering Gold. 

His power was greatly increased, and his power was close to that of Goku's new form, making him call this form, "Golden Frieza" to make it simple to recognize then Super Saiyan "Blue" Goku and Golden Frieza began the second round of their battle. 

After a seemingly even conflict, Frieza gained the upper hand and knocked Goku down to the ground with a Double Axe Handle, leaving the Saiyan surprised. 

Then after brief compliments and insults to each other, Beerus arrived, surprising and worrying the tyrant, who recognized him long ago, but Beerus told him that he would not interfere due to being a God of Destruction making the pair resume their duel once more and once again Frieza gained the upper hand, leaving Goku exhausted and critically injured. 

Despite the fact that Goku is losing, he refuses to give up, which leads to Frieza strangling, and pummeling him some more until Goku bites his tail, this leads him to be blasted by an irritated Frieza and lands flat on his back on the ground, still, Goku kept his resilience. 

At that point, an impatient Vegeta suggested that he and Goku switch places and that he would kill Frieza himself, considering his hatred against him, but Goku wanting Frieza for himself, insisted to the Saiyan prince that he "almost got him". 

Goku then tried to warn Frieza to leave before the tables turned, and that left him to explain that Golden Frieza had a weakness, Frieza refused to listen however. 

After blocking a Full Power Energy Blast Volley, they fought at close combat once again, even with Frieza not allowing Goku to drown, wanting to kill him with his own bare hands, and it would seem that Frieza had finally won until, suddenly, a punch from the tyrant could not faze Goku, this was the breaking point in the battle.

Frieza had finally reached his time limit on his transformation and it was Frieza who started to get the beating. 

Goku then explained Frieza's weakness, he came to Earth as soon as he unlocked his Golden Frieza form, therefore he is burning more stamina and power than his body could regulate and should have waited until he got used to it before he could exact his revenge. 

Outraged, Frieza ignored this however and tried to hit Goku again, however, the Saiyan still kept dodging before Goku reverted to his base form, exclaiming that the battle was over, also letting his guard down, which Frieza, given the opportunity, resorts to Plan B, and orders Sorbet for something, Sorbet shoots him in the chest with his Bad Ring Laser under Frieza's secret order. 

With Goku helpless and severely injured, Frieza then kicks him sadistically and tells him his weakness, his excessive strength makes him careless. 

But as Frieza prepared to kill Goku once and for all to finally complete his revenge, Vegeta interrupted the killing blow after appearing at their location. 

Vegeta then explained to Frieza that he cannot afford to let Goku be killed as it was because of him that he pursued the path to power, and because he is his rival while hiding the fact that he truly does care about Goku deep down inside, aside from rivalry like a perfect Tsundere and berated Goku, despite Whis warning him that this outcome would happen. 

Vegeta then kicked Goku toward the location of Krillin, Gohan, and the rest of the group asking for a Senzu Bean for Goku's injuries. 

Frieza tried to stop this with a Death Beam which Vegeta easily deflected Frieza's Death Beam at the last minute towards Sorbet, killing him in the process. 

Vegeta then proceeded to fight Frieza in Goku's place and, to everyone's, except Goku's, surprise, he too, turned into the same blue-haired Super Saiyan form that Goku became, and fought Frieza with before, which Goku explained that this power was purely Vegeta's own. 

Vegeta then proclaimed that he would send Frieza back to Hell and easily dominated the exhausted Golden Frieza until he reverted to his Final form. 

He was about to kill Frieza with a point-blank range Big Bang Attack, until, left with no choice, Frieza used his final attempt of counterattack, declaring that it was not him, but everyone on Earth was going to Hell, to shred the Earth to oblivion and that in turn, kill Vegeta and, in a dramatic way, everyone else on the planet. 

Earth was destroyed, fortunately enough, Whis managed to save himself, Beerus, Bulma, Krillin, Gohan, Goku, Master Roshi, Tien Shinhan, and Jaco by creating a small energy shield around themselves. 

Then as Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin mourn the loss of their families and friends, Whis tells them that Frieza is likely still alive. 

Goku expresses his regret that he did not kill Frieza when he had the chance, and Whis tells him that he has the power to redo time but only three minutes into the past. 

He does so, soon, they arrive back right before Frieza destroys the Earth and Goku, in an act of desperation, immediately goes back to the blue-colored Super Saiyan, quickly dashes, and attacks with a Kamehameha obliterating Frieza, who curses Goku as he is being shredded to pieces. 

Once Frieza was dead, Vegeta, confused and frustrated, showed up afterward and gave him a harsh berating, Goku claims that he had no choice, while Bulma and the others explained everything to him. 

After that, everything returned to normal as Gohan vowed to resume his training to protect his family, Cell left Earth to resume his duty as Galatic Patrolman, while Goku and Vegeta went back to Beerus's platen to continue their training with Whis.