The Tournament of Destroyers 4/7

Jayr POV - Dragon Ball Universe, Neutral Space, Nameless Planet - Age 779

Cell smiles faintly and says, "Heh, I am not confident, I'm absolutely sure that you have no chance in hell of beating me. You are simply a pathetic, weak, and inferior being that relies on petty tricks. Destroying you would be a decent warm-up for the next matches."

Watching the figure of Cell facing off Frost in a staring contest and hearing what he just said, Patamon can't help but mutter out loud, "No matter what I've heard about him, Cell still gives me an evil and malicious vibe..." before he asks, "Are we really sure that he is a good guy?"

In response to his question, Son Goza let out a sigh before he replied, "Yes, I have absolute trust in our Cell. It may look like he has a mean and evil streak, but that is only because he is really angry at the moment."

Curious about what Son Goza just said, I turn my head in his direction and ask, "Angry?" to which he explains, "Indeed, Cell may look calm on the surface thanks to his self-control but he is without any doubt angry for what Frost did to Father and Piccolo-san. The reason for that is that after the defeat of Future Cell, I was the one who took care of Cell since he was in his Larva State with the help of my family and Piccolo-san. With time, he fully became part of the family and in turn, sees us as such. Cell thinks of Father and Piccolo-san as his own fathers, Mother as his mother, and Gohan, Goten, and I as his brothers. Even Vegeta and Nappa became some kind of grumpy uncle figure as they regularly interact and spar."

Hearing that, I nod and comment, "Well, he isn't all that wrong. I mean, Cell was created using the genetic materials of all the strongest fighters on Earth, which is basically the Z Fighters with the addition of Frieza and his father Cold, which means that in a strictly genetic sense, Cell can be considered part of your family..."

While I'm saying that, I notice that Piccolo left the arena and returned to the platform where Universe 7's Team is spectating before he turns around and shouts, "Cell, be careful! It's too soon to take the match lightly."

At the same time, Frost stares back at Cell and says, "When I use my unfair hand on someone, they are unable to move. Are you still going to look down on me?"

In response, Cell simply stare back at Frost in silence with his arms crossed which makes Frost laugh and say, "Hohoho. Alright, then. You aren't wrong about me. This weapon in my unfair hand is very useful to me. But, it is not the best one that I have."

After saying that, Frost raises his left arm and clenches his fist making a sinister-looking purple liquid come out from a small hole on his wrist as he says, "I was fighting until now while still hiding my best weapon. I'll use this poisonous needle... in the match... without holding back... without any hesitation... without any shame... against you."

At this point, the liquid drips from his wrist into the floor and as soon as it gets in contact with the floor, a sizzling sound is heard as a small smoke can be seen rising from it showing its clear acidic propieties.

Seeing that and hearing what Frost just said, the referee can't help but exclaim, "You still intend to use that weapon? Why do you think it's okay to belittle the sacred rules? This time, I really will disqualify you!"

In response to that, Frost looks at Cell and with a mocking smile he asks, "So, are you okay with the referee's decision?" to which Cell calmly says, "Disqualification is not necessary." before he adds with a small smirk on his face, "I won't allow this caricature of a fighter to get disqualified... and miss the chance to destroy and humiliate him to my heart's content." 

Goten and Trunks immediately cheer after hearing Cell's words while Bulma sighs and comments, "Aahah. Seriously... At times like these, he lets aspects of the personalities he has inherited from Vegeta and Frieza's genetic material surface. I wonder if he'll be okay."

At the same time, Cell glances in the referee's direction and says, "There is no need to interfere with this match, I humbly request you to allow me to fully enjoy this experience. On top of that, interfering in such a battle may actually be dangerous for those who try."

The referee immediately understands the implied threat in Cell's words and scared, he looks at Champa to learn what he thinks about this situation to which he casually replies, "Have it your way."

Then he looks at Beerus for the same reason to which he replies by casually waving his hand, and seeing that, Frost smirks and says, "It appears they're okay with it." before he lowers his arm and adds, "Well then... Just for this one match, using weapons or poison will not be considered a foul. So, the rule that considers killing a foul should be treated the same and not be a liable rule. Just in case my opponent dies because of some sort of accident."

Stunned, the referee stammers, "T-that's not-" but before he can say anything else, Champa simply fires an energy beam and sounds the gong signaling the start of the match which makes the referee declare, "Start!"

Immediately, Cell calmly powers up making the familiar golden flame-like aura of a Super Saiyan envelope his body, at the same time, Frost runs toward Cell while saying, " Heh. Rule-breaking and killing are allowed. Welcome to my area of expertise! Now then, watch slowly and carefully... the bloody showtime is about to start- Huh!"

Before he can say anything else, Cell quickly speeds up reaching Frost in an instant before he yells, "Weak trash!"

Then he delivers an incredibly powerful kick that generates a shockwave on impact and sends Frost flying toward the platform of Universe 6's Team.

Forst then impacts the barrier of the platform of Universe 6's Team with such power that he bounces upwards sending him flying against the ceiling of the barrier hitting it with such force that his body breaks through the barrier.

Seeing the broken barrier, Champa simply requests in a bored tone, "Vados." making the attendant Angel summon her staff and calmly say, "I'll fix it at once." before she points the staff at the hole repairing it in a few moments.

At the same time, Frost crashes on the ground outside of the ring as Cell comments, "That was almost too easy. Then again, it always is." before he adds, "Don't worry. I was holding back when I hit him. I'm not going to fall to the same level as the type of person that guy is."

The referee quickly checks on Frost before he waves his hand to signal that he is alive, stands up, and declares, "Winner, contestant Cell!" causing the spectators from Universe 7 to loudly clap their hands and cheer.

At the same time, I hear Piccolo ask, "What are you doing?" which makes me focus on them. I see Beerus carefully checking Goku's body as he stands in a T stance.

Goku quickly answers, "Beerus-sama was wonderin' if there's a way for me to fight in the tournament again."

Beerus looks over at Goku and starts to look for an injury made by Frost until he finds the hole where Frost poisoned him and exclaims, "Found it!" before he chuckles and shouts, "I found a wound on Goku's body from Frost's poison needle! That means he can be put back in the tournament, right?"

In response to that, Champa shouts back, "Fine, have it your way!" before he focuses for a moment on his team and smirks thinking about his next fighter.

Meanwhile, hearing that he can fight again Goku celebrates, "Alright!" before he quickly requests to Beerus, "Then, can I fight after Monaka's turn?"

Beerus surprisingly snaps and yells, "You can't!" before he quickly regains his bearings and says, "You'll fight after Vegeta's turn. Monaka has to be the last one, no matter what."

Curious by that decision, Goku asks, "B-But why? Why do you want Monaka to be the last so badly?" which makes Beerus explain in a hurry and panic, "I-It's only natural! After all, a trump card is best saved for last."

Hearing that, Goku tries to reason, "But you see, me, Cell, and Vegeta might just end up winnin', and the tournament will end!" but Beerus obviously insists, "Then if that happens, so be it."

Then Goku casually comments, "Even so, Monaka appears to be sittin' there with a serious look on his face, ready to fight."

Whis hides a smirk with his hand and mutters in a very low tone, "Even though he passed out after seeing your Kamehameha in the first match." 

Of course, Whis controlled his voice in such a way that only Beerus and Piccolo actually clearly heard what he said but this still made Goku curious which in turn made Beerus panic even more as he waved his arms and said, "Nothing! Never mind! It's nothing!" before he rushes and stops in front of Whis and asks by whispering, "Why would you say such a thing!?"

Hearing the God of Destruction's question, Whis doesn't answer but instead, he asks back, "How long do you intend to hide Monaka-san's true colors?"

Beerus again shushes him before he answers, "Until the end, of course! Keep it a secret no matter what got it!?"

As Whis calmly replies, "Alright, but..." he also follows Goku's movements with his gaze and notices that Beerus does the same and is shocked to see Goku standing in front of the passed-out Monaka while asking, "Hey, how about we do some sparrin' once the tournament's-" only to get interrupted by Beerus who moves in front of him with blinding speed shielding Monaka from Goku's sight while yelling, "Stop talking to him!"

Again Goku is confused by Beerus' behavior and asks, "Why, what's wrong with talking?" to which Beerus replies, "You absolutely can't talk to him!" 

Suddenly Goku notices something and says, "Something is not right." before he starts to wave his hand in front of Monaka's face which makes Beerus panic even more to the point that he yells, "Stop it!" 

Then Beerus simply slaps Goku away sending him crashing onto the floor a few meters away from Monaka's position.

At this point, Goku asks, "Why are you actin' like this all of a sudden, Beerus-sama?" which makes Beerus explain in a grave tone, "Monaka is extremely dangerous while he's meditating. Anyone who gets in his way during this time, whether a friend or foe, gets wiped out mercilessly in an instant! He destroyed a planet once because of this."

In response, Goku asks in shock, "R-really?" followed by an amused Whis who exclaims, "Oh my."

At the same time, Patamon comments in awe, "Wow... He mastered the Dao of Bullshit to such a high degree. At his current level, only the sky is the limit."

Finally, a dejected Goku walks away while Beerus sighs and wonders out loud, "Why do I have to be so on-edge about this situation?" to which Whis once again mocks, "It's your own fault." before he adds as Beerus focuses on him, "Oh, you heard me?"


After that small break, the tournament resumes and the referee reports, "I would like to announce a change of rules!"

Then, all of a sudden, a new barrier around the ring has been created by Vados as the referee announces, "A barrier was just created around the ring. If a contestant touches the barrier, even while they are flying in the air... they will be considered out-of-bounds and will lose."

Hearing that, Cell simply looks around and says, "Hooo..." before he once again focuses on the incoming confrontation with another fighter from Universe 6.

At the same time, Vados who is now floating above the barrier with Champa by her side, comments, "If I had a little more time, I could make an even more perfect barrier for you." but Champa yells, "Idiot, that doesn't matter at all." before he mutters in a much lower tone, "What's important is..."

But before he can finish, Whis and Beerus rush over with the God of Destruction of Universe 7 yelling, "Wait wait wait!"

Once he is right in front of his brother, Beerus shouts, "You did not tell me about the rule change!" which makes Champa exclaim, "Hahaaa!" before he says, "I'm sorry about this, my brother. You see, in the earlier matches the barrier broke, right? It could be dangerous if such a thing continues to happen. So that's why... I thought to cover the ring with another barrier, and added an aerial ring out rule while I was at it."

Hearing that, an upset Beerus exclaims, "Don't go ahead and decide things on your own!" which makes Champa ask in a mocking tone before he adds, "What's the problem? I was in charge of the construction of the tournament grounds!"

In response, Beerus rebuts, "But not in charge of the rules!" which starts a brief back-and-forth argument between the two brothers.

"The guest might get hurt!"

"Who cares about the humans right now!? I'm saying that I won't allow you to go deciding things all on your own!"

"You always throw a tantrum whenever things don't go your way!"

At this point, the brothers start to growl at each other and Whis suggests, "How about settling this peacefully with rock-paper-scissors?" making the brothers repeat in perfect sync, ""Rock-paper-scissor?""

Suddenly the two come to an agreement and start to play at rock-paper-scissors to bring a conclusion to this argument.

At first, the two Gods of Destruction played at normal speed, but soon they started to quickly increase their speed to the point that they reached a speed faster than light and despite that, they continued to pick the same thing and draw.

While this is going on, I notice the figure of Frost as he walks away from the arena and reaches a crater where Champa's cube and the treasure their team is promised if they win the tournament are located, and I'm not the only one. 

With my Cosmic Awareness, I easily perceive Frost staring at Champa's Cube and muttering, "Champa's Cube. If I get my hands on this, not even the God of Destruction or the Galatic Patrol will be able to chase me down."


But as Frost tries to enter the cube, a voice stops him by saying, "Stop."

Frost turns around and is shocked by the figure slowly approaching him to the point that he shouts, "Please stop right there!" then taking a closer look at the figure he mutters with clear fear in his tone, "Hit? The legendary hitman, Hit!"

Frost takes a step back and asks, "Did Champa order you to kill me? Or, did a survivor from one of the planets I've destroyed bribe you?"

Hit doesn't reply but simply looks at Frost then he quickly uses his Time-Skip, to assault Frost hitting him eight times in eight different spots all of them vital ones, and with enough force to knock him out without killing him.

Of course, thanks to his Time-Skip, from Frost's perspective, Hit doesn't seem to be moving at all when he is suddenly assaulted by an incredible pain that makes him scream and fall to his knees while muttering, "W-what just happened... to me?" before he falls unconscious.

Then Hit calmly says, "According to the deal, I'm the one who gets to take that cube." before he grabs Frost and carries him back to the arena. 

At the same time, I also perceive the presence of Vados who looking at this scene sighs and mutters in an easy-going tone, "It seems like there was no need for me to come here."

After some time the intense "battle" between Champa and Beerus comes to an inconclusive end as neither of the Gods of Destruction emerged victorious and because of that, they decided to leave the barrier standing and not waste any more time.

I watch as Champa, now sitting on the couch of Universe 6 Team's platform, is holding his hand and complains, "Aw, damn. My hand's all numb..." which makes Vados comment, "I see you couldn't settle it with the rock-paper-scissors."

In response, Champa curses his brother, "Damn that bastard." while on the opposite side of the arena on Universe 7 Team's platform, Whis asks Beerus, "Are you sure about this?" to which he replies with nonchalance after snorting, "Hmpf. It doesn't seem like he can use this to cheat in any way. Besides, the person who'll be fighting doesn't seem to care about it." 

Shortly after that, the referee finally started the introductions, "Thank you for waiting! We will now proceed to the next match." followed by Champa who said, "The stage was fixed for you. Go Magetta!"

I take advantage of this moment, to take a look at the next contestant.

Magetta heavily resembles a robot despite the fact that he is not one, he has a large build and clunky stature.


His chest, lower jaw, wrists, and ankles are all silver in color and the rest of his body is bronze and purple, he has a pair of glowing cyan eyes and two transparent reactor cores that contain magma, which essentially are his hearts. 

Magetta also has a steam pipe on top of his head which sets off when he is feeling tense.

(Image Here - Auta Magetta)

Magetta grabs his lava drink and jumps on the ring, clearly showing his insane weight as the opposite side of the ring rises for a moment before crashing back on the ground almost like a seesaw. 

As Magetta drinks the lava he brought with him, Old Supreme Kai can't help but ask, "Isn't that thing a robot?" but the Supreme Kai from Universe 6 chuckles and explains in an amused tone, "Hehehe. The Metalmen in Galactic System 66,950 should exist in your universe, as well."

Hearing that, Old Supreme Kai frows before he turns his head to look at Kibito and asks, "Do you know about them?"

In response, Kibito sweats heavily and looks away while saying, "I-I've never heard of anything like that." which further amuses Fuwa while an embarrassed Old Supreme Kai shouts, "You need to study harder!"

Back in the ring, Magetta finishes drinking his lava to power up his body and at the same time, the referee starts his introduction, "The next opponent who will face contestant Cell is contestant Auta Magetta from Universe 6!"

Cell focuses on his opponent, chuckles, and comments, "Hehe. From the way he moves and how he acts, I can already imagine what kind of fighting style he uses."

Shortly after he said that Beerus sounds the gong with a weak energy beam and the referee shouts, "Start!"

Without wasting any time Magetta charges at Cell and once he is in his striking range, he doesn't hesitate to deliver a very powerful punch, but he is too slow and Cell is easily able to dodge while commenting, "As expected... He is very powerful, but also very slow."

After dodging a few more wild punches from Magetta, Cell takes advantage of an opening in his opponent's defenses to quickly counterattack by flying above Magetta and repeatedly kicking his head with enough force to make it sink into his body while also generating an almost deafening sound.

Done with his attack, Cell calmly lands on the ring and asks, "Are you done already?" but in response, Magetta starts to hit himself confusing everyone else but the people from Universe 6 who calmly watch this scene.

Then Magetta pulls his head out of his body, takes a pose, and lets out some steam from the top of his head while the referee excitedly comments, "He's completely fine! He kept violently striking himself, but he's unharmed!" which makes Cell smirks and comments, "Ho, he is quite the tough one."

Magetta strikes himself once again for a few moments, then he lets out a fiery steam from the top of his head before he charges at Cell again, but this time, he is moving much faster than before something that surprises Cell, but despite that, he is still able to dodge and counter-attack, however, all his attack are ineffective as Magetta's physical body is just too durable.

At the same time, as he dodges a new rush of attacks from Magetta, Cell comments, "Not just his speed, but his power increased as well... This may be tougher than I expected."

Shortly after saying that, Cell realizes that fighting up close with someone as physically fast, tough, and powerful as Magetta is disadvantageous so, he dives between Magetta's legs and creates some distance between them, but then Megetta starts to spin like a top and once again attacks Cell forcing his to fly to get out of Magetta's range. 

Despite the fact that Cell is simply floating a few meters away from him, Magetta doesn't do anything, in fact, he stops moving altogether which makes the referee comment, "What might've happened to contestant Magetta? He suddenly stopped moving. He appears to be fixated on contestant Cell, who's floating in the air."

At this point, Cell realizes, "So that's how is it. They added a new rule to limit mid-air combat because he isn't good at it. This means that a ranged approach may be a more effective solution."

Coming to that conclusion, Cell points to Magetta with his finger and fires off an almost endless barrage of energy beams, however, Magetta's durable body is still able to withstand the onslaught without any problem and then, he makes use of the powerful magma within his body and spits it out in streams to counter Cell's assault.

Seeing that scene, Beerus accuses, "He's attacking with a weapon in his mouth! It's foul!" which makes the referee who is hiding away from the clash stutter, "Eh... That's..." but then his antenna lights up as he receives new pieces of information and states, "Ah! We have just received confirmation. In the case of contestant Magetta, this is "Lava Spit." It is not a weapon."

Hearing that, Champa laughs out loud while Beerus comments, "Lava spit? What a weird guy."

Meanwhile, Magetta's Lava Spit is starting to overpower Cell's energy beams barrage forcing him to fly out of the way while still being careful of his surroundings especially about not touching the barrier.

At the same time, I hear Piccolo comment as he sees this scene, "This is bad. Worrying about the barrier is limiting his motion." followed by Goku who calls out in worry, "Cell!"

Magetta continues to chase after Cell with his Lava Spit and at one point, Cell gets caught in the smoke of the lava spit, which forces him to power up to blow away the smoke with his aura, and shortly after, he lands back on the ring with a calm expression on his face.

Seeing this scene, the referee comments, "Contestant Cell suddenly stopped moving! What's going on?"

At the same time, Cell stares at Magetta who calmly stares back at him and comments, "Fast, powerful, durable, and more importantly very heavy. You are without doubt a formidable opponent, one extremely difficult to defeat, especially in such circumstances and with the current limitations."

Then Cell smirks and states, "Luckily I have the perfect set of skills to deal with this situation." before he roars, "Aaaaaahh!"

At the same time, his body starts to grow bigger and bigger to the point that he easily towers over Magetta's already big figure shocking Champa and the people from Universe 6 while Piccolo exclaims, "He is using the Great Namekian Form!" followed by Goku who comments, "Wow... It's been a while since I saw that form, the last time was during my battle with Piccolo in the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament!"

The giant-sized Cell then grabs Magetta and tries to lift him, however, Magetta's weight of over 1000 tons is making things difficult for Cell, even more so as Magetta is struggling to free himself from Cell's grasp. 

At this point, Cell plants his feet on the ground and yells, "If this still isn't enough... I'm going to push my size even more to push both of us out of the bounds!! AAAAH!"

In response to his roars, Cell's size increases even more giving him the edge and power he needs to lift and push Magetta until his body crashes against the barrier with such force that the barrier breaks, unfortunately, Cell's increased size also works against him as the two parts of his head protruding towards the upward also touch and break through the barrier at the exact same time which makes the referee exclaim, "Unbelievable!! Both contestant Cell and contestant Magetta are out-of-bounds! This match ends in a draw!!!"