



Just a few moments ago...

Now that Ron is lying on the tree branch, he is able to clear his mind and gain some life in his eyes as well.

Even though he has started slowly accepting the reality, he hasn't given up yet.

A deep breath was taken as he closed his eyes.


As he started to calmly think 'so what if I didn't get to awakened any Mana tool today, I will get strong on my own without relying on Mana or any Mana tool but only relying on efforts'

As started to recall the scene where everyone was laughing and ridiculous him, as he open his mouth and muttered "I will proved them all wrong, I promise"

With this he opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful sunset, as he observed this for a while.


Suddenly he hears the screams of two people, he quickly looks towards the source.

He quickly got off the tree and started to run towards the source of the screams.


Iris looks towards the three unknown people and removes their hoods.

The man on the right is fat, having an axe on his shoulder with 1 star on it.

The man on the left has a bulky body while carrying a big hammer on his shoulder with one star on it.

The man in the middle is thin with scar on his face, compared to the other two, he has chains in his hands which are binding Iris.

All of them have vicious smiles on their faces, as they start to move towards her.

Iris tries to cast a spell but it is worthless, her mana is depleting at very high speed and now she starts to feel weak.

Seeing this, thin man spoke "It's useless struggle brat, these chains have the skill that absorbs mana from the person it's binds who's at lower level than me"

As comes near her, he stretches his hand towards the pendant.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!!" Ron shouted as he saw twin nobles unconscious and iris bound with chains while three people who have sinister aura moved towards her.

He clenched his fist, started running towards them in order to fight them.

All of their attention focuses towards the voice, as they recognise the kid from today's ceremony.

Horror flashed in iris eyes as she saw Ron running towards them, she wanted to shout for leave but she couldn't due to restriction caused by chains.

"I will take care of this garbage" The man with the axe raised his axe.

"cleave" As man activated his skill, his axe started to glow green.


He then swung his axe and created a wind slash towards Ron.

The slash was so fast, Ron didn't get a chance to react.


Slash hits Ron on the chest, blood scattered from his chest as he falls back backwards to the ground.

Seeing this bloody Ron, iris eyes wide opened as he looks towards the man who caused this with Hateful eyes.

"Hohohoho~look who is trying to play hero?, brothers" The thin man spoke with an amused expression as he continue "isn't he the loser who can't even get to a mana tool, a trash"


As he said this, he snatched the pendant from the iris neck.

And looks towards the boy, with playfulness in his eyes.

"Hahahaahahahaha~a trash" Fat comment this from the side.

"Hahahahahahahaha~a loser" Man with hammer also comment this.

*pant* *pant*

Ron breathing heavily, trying to stand up with cuts in his chest.

"ha...haa.…why did you steal it? It is useless wit-without *cough* *cough* i-it's o-owner"

Ron said this with very difficulty, while coughing blood as he stood up holding his chest with one hand.

"Ohh~you may be right, but there are several collectors in black market, who will definitely be interested in buying this at a very good price for their collection" Thin man answered as he looked towards injured Ron.

"But I am more interested in how he is still able to stand up after taking a direct attack from me at level III ?" Axe man asked this as remembers using his full power.

Any normal person who would have taken any direct hit from level III, he/she may go unconscious or in a worse case died, not to mention a 15 year old kid have taken that attack.

But Ron is not normal, he trains his body to the extreme point where normal human beings cannot even think about it.

"Maybe you didn't use the full power" The thin man asked as he believed in this possibility.

Hammer man shook his head and replied "No, I used my full power in the previous attack"

"What? You hit him from full power….then maybe you are getting rusty, if even a brat without any mana tool can survive your attack" Hammer man said this with a smile on his face as he ridiculed the axe man.

Axe man angrily replied "What did you say!?!?" As he aims his axe towards him.

"I said that you have gotten WEAKER!!" Hammer man said this as he raised his hammer.

"Stop it, we are not here to start a fight between us" Thin man said this with annoyance as his sees them fighting themselves, as he continues "finished that brat quickly before anybody else sees us"

"Let me show you, this is how it is done," Hammer said as he raised his hammer in the sky, and activated his skill "Earth Spikes".


He smashed his hammer into the ground, the spikes started to appear on the ground all the way towards Ron.

Ron tries to evade the attack, but gets Pierce by one spike on his foot during his escape.

He rolls over the ground multiple times while his foot has a hole in it.

Seeing this iris have tears in her eyes, she wants to shout to make him stop but the chains which were binding her, already absorb her whole mana, she is barely able to keep her eyes open.

So she only watch this silently, as Ron suffer the torture of these two men, but she only glare at them hatefully.

If a glare can kill a person, then these three were already dead over 1000 times.

"Tsk….what persistent brat" Hammer man commented this as he sees Ron dodge his attack.

"Hahaha~ you are right, maybe we are doing a good deed, removing a parasite like him from this world" Thin man said while laughing amusingly.

Ron stands on one leg while his other leg is bleeding.

Hammar then raised his hammer and activated his skill "Earth Smash" While his hammer started to glow yellow as he started to run towards him.

Ron doesn't intend to Dodge because he knows that useless due being heavily injured, so now he plans to go offensive.

He focuses all his remaining strength on his uninjured foot, and launches himself towards the man as raise his fist.

As he about to punch him, the man suddenly smile and said "Nice try brat"


And swing his hammer and hit him on his rib cage.

*crack* *crack* *crack*

Breaking sounds of bones come loudly from Ron as he flies towards the nearby wall.

The wall already has a crack in it, due to an earlier crash of the noble twins.



Ron smashed into the wall as the result the wall breaks down and then he rolls across all the way towards the center of the star in the circle, where the awakening was previously done.

*drip* *drip* *drip* *drip*

Ron is now losing blood at high speed as the entire awakening ring starts to be covered in blood.

Ron tries to get up, but again he falls down due to broken bones in his earlier impact.

His inner organs also take damage due to the skill that the hammer man used on him.

But he didn't care at all, and kept thinking one thing 'I h-have to sa-save her….. I don't w-want her to be-became like me'

Even though he didn't awaken anything, and Iris is his good friend for many years, he doesn't want her to lose her mana tool and become like him.

As he recalls today's scene where Iris awaked a super amazing mana tool and made everyone surprised.

He doesn't want her to lose her bright future which is in front of her.

He tries to get up again and again, But after struggling for 5 seconds, he loses consciousness due to blood loss.

Just after he fell unconscious, the awakening ring started to glow in blood.
