Going Back




Unlike Royal knights, freelancers don't belong to any kingdom or organization, they can accept or reject any request they want at will.

They can team up to complete the request or they can go solo, it's up to them but there is also a downside of this job.

That is there is no responsibility for your life, if you dead between any requests, nobody will be responsible for you.

The most common cause of death for freelancers is betrayal, for rewards or gains freelancers will not show any hesitation to kill another freelancer even if that freelancer is a friend, teammate or family.

And mostly people who choose to become freelancers are the people who failed to get in the Royal knight squad.

Even though Iris is worried about Ron for choosing this job, she decided to simply trust him.

"Breakfast" Iris said this as she turned around and continued to make food by telekinesis.

Seeing this, Ron told Iris that Iris was making breakfast, so he decided to not disturbed her and return to the room where he came from.

"Here to wear this, you can't walk around without wearing clothes" As soon as he comes inside, sister hands him an old white plain T-shirt which seems to be of a priest.

"I am going to wake up mark and marco, you go and fresh up" As she said that she turned around and left.

Ron then placed blades which are wrapped around the purple cloth on the side table of the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

The church has 4 rooms, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom and 1 living room. There is also 1 main hall where priests attend the people who come to pray to God.

After Ron took the bath, he sat on the bed and gently took the cloth bag in his hand, then gently opened them to see the blades once again.

He gently rubbed the blades and the chains as he thought 'Thank you for….choosing me, I will not let you down'.

After a few minutes, he put them in his bag with care.

His original plan was to go back early in the morning after the next ceremony but now because of the accident he is late.

"..Sign…Big sister Helen will be very worried by now" Ron smiled bitterly as he thought of Helen, and remember when he was 11 he was picking herbs and chasing after birds, he lost track of time until sunset.

When he got back home, Helen quickly ran towards him and hugged him tightly, and asked 'where he was?' and 'was he injured', and later that night Helen didn't not separate herself from him.

'Should I tell her the truth?' Ron thought as imagine the chaos she would cause after knowing that he got that much injured.

But soon he shook his head and then headed towards the living room.

As he reaches the living room, as sees there is nobody here, he just sits down on the dining table.

He could go to Iris to help her but as she makes food using telekinesis which is faster than manually, if he tries to help her, he probably only slows her down, so he can only wait.

After 10 minutes…

Iris came with dishes floating around her, and placed them on the table as she sat beside him.

"Marco and mark you two should properly brush your teeth first thing in the morning, don't forget next time ok?"

""Yay yay"" Mark and Marco replied Simultaneously with a somewhat lazy manner.

Then sister, Marco and Mark come, see Ron and iris sitting, they also move towards them.

""Big bro, good morning"" Mark and marco greeted Ron, as they don't know the yesterday condition of Ron, as they make a excuse told them that he was exhausted, and fall asleep.

"Good morning marco" "Good morning mark"

As Ron said with a warm smile while putting

their heads.

"Thank you my girl for making us delicious food as always" Sister said this while looking at Iris.

Iris looked at the sister, and nodded her head towards her.

Ron looks then at sister and asked "Where is Mary and Father, I didn't see them since I woke up"

Sister look at Ron then said "they just go in neighbourhood for some work, they should be back at any time by n-"

"We are back" Mary's voice comes from the back way.

"See" Sister as she looks towards the back door.

"Oh child, I am glad to see you fine now, yesterday you made us worry" Priest commented as he entered the living room to see Ron.

"Yes father, as you see I am brand new" Ron said while flexing his muscles.

While Mark and Marco showed confused faces hearing their conversation.

"Tsk…too bad, it looks like God doesn't want a muscular head like you with him," Mary commented with her Tsundere tone.

"If my memory serves me right then I remember, yesterday certain someone was so worried that she can't even sleep" Sister said this with a sly smile on her face.

"Ohh it's that so, thank you Mary for worrying about me" Ron said this while with a grateful smile.

Mary sees his smile, she blushed as she lowered her head and speak in low tone "St-stupid I-I wa-wasn't wor-worried o-or a-anything f-for lo-loser li-like you stu-stupid"

"hahahaha~" Priest laughed at Mary's behaviour.

"hehehe~so cute and innocent" Sister also laughed and commented seeing Mary all shy and embarrassed.

*giggles* *giggles* *giggles*

Ron, Mark and Marco also giggled seeing the scene.

While Iris showed a slight smile seeing this.

"Come sit, let's eat first before Ron leaves" . Doesn't want to continue to embarrass the girl, sister said this while serving the plates.

"Are already leaving big bro"

"Please don't go so soon"

Mark and Marco said as they came to Ron's side with sad faces.

Ron, seeing their sad expressions, couldn't help but pat their heads and said in a comforting tone "You see, I also don't want to go back either but sister Helen will be very worried, so I promise next time ok?"

Both thought for a while then nodded, as Ron continued "good boys" then ruffled their hair.

After that they return to their seats.

As the sister started to serve the food.

Ron had already missed his dinner yesterday, so he was already very hungry. As soon as food was served, he started to eat without any reservation.

"Eat slowly, and also when you leave take food for your journey and for Helen also" Sister said as she knew the distance from his home from foot.

Ron had stuffed food in his mouth, so he could only nod his head.

Seeing him eating her food greedily, Iris also flashed a satisfied smile and also ate her food slowly.

They all started to eat their breakfast.


After breakfast…

Ron is now ready to leave, he is now standing at the front door of the church with the bag on his shoulder, as others are now standing at the door saying their goodbye.

The priest came towards Ron, and placed his hand on his shoulder, as he said "No matter what, even if you fail to achieve your dreams, don't lose light in life , after all there are many paths you can take" with a concerned tone.

"Hmph… maybe with this you can finally leave your unrealistic dream and live like a normal person" Mary said while snorted.

"What are you guys talking about, no matter what I will achieve my dream without giving up" Ron said this with a confused but firm tone.

"I mean …you know, ….I mean..yesterday at ..awakening..site" Priest said with some difficulty as he is afraid to remind him of that scene.

Ron thought for a while as he suddenly got what he was trying to say, he giggled and replied "You mean that, don't worry about I already awakened the mana tool at night".

Priest and others showed confused faces except Iris. They thought that yesterday's accident may impact his brain. They couldn't help but pity the boy.

Noticing their grazes, he quickly said "what's with that look?!, I really awakened the mana tool last night, didn't I tell you sister earlier??"

"You mean that, are you sure that's not your imagination?" Sister as asked as she remembered her previous conversation with him, as she was more worried about his health, she didn't ask about it, and treated as if he was talking about his dream.

"I mean Really!, it is real if you don't believe me asked iris, she was there after all" Ron said with a convincing tone.

Then everyone looks towards iris, as iris just nodded her towards, supporting Ron's statement.

"See I didn't lie, I really got blades from awakening" Ron said this with a big smile on his face.

Priest and others wanted to ask further, but they stopped after seeing his smile.

"Ok, then bye everyone, I will see you all again" Ron said this while waving his hand and turned around and started to move.

"Good bye"

"Be safe"

"Hmph… don't come back"

"Bye bye big bro"

"Come back again soon"


As everyone also said their goodbye, as they saw him leaving.
