Chapter 37

"When are you marrying Aunt Ava?" the question was simple, and coming from a five year old child thus, it appeared to be very defenseless.

'Holy timing!' Ava murmured to herself as she threw her head backward.

Hendrix heard perfectly what the young lady had said, but then, he didn't say anything, rather, he had a question to answer and that happen to be her priority, something she had not wished for so soon.

Hendrix knew better than taking this thing slowly, he is going to take it at a slow pace, and go about it gently.

"Baby Sophie, it not about the time I am going to be marrying your aunty, it has to be with your aunt wanting me first, that is, we need to be sure that we are meant for one another," the young man said piercing his attention on the child's own.

The truth is that needs several things coming together to make her who she wants to be, and left on her experience, she truly wants something similar to this.