"Are you sure you're okay?" She asked Beth

"Yeah I am. I just got a little distracted from the meditation and all. If you're ready, we can start now" Beth said 

"Why are we training in the cold? It's not even this cold outside" Karen said

"Can you stop complaining already? I mean, let's just do what we have to do" Beth scolded 

"Alright. Then, if you insist"

"Yeah, thanks. You know what to do. Take your stance and attack. Remember, never lose your balance and don't take your eyes off your opponent. It gives them the advantage"

"Yes captain" she said as she ran towards Beth 

For the first few trials, it was the same result. Beth felt it was because Karen wasn't as trained she was and the only time she had ever fought was out of anger so she had some sort of fuel for the energy.

"I need a break" Karen said 

"You said two hours a day" Beth reminded her