"But you found out that you were wrong and he doesn't care about his daughter" Yale said

"Not one bit and it disgusted me because I didn't realize how selfish a person can possibly be. His daughter means nothing to him. He didn't even come to look for her when she went missing. It's so funny how someone can be that selfish"

"Well, welcome to the world of Cyrus. You shoild have known better than to send Davis into that kind of place" Yale said

"That would have been a valod point if I sent him there. I didn't, this was his idea, not mine and when he came to me, he was already in the revolt. He was in it Yale! I didn't force him to join it. He had already set his plans in motion before he even told me about it and that is not my fault" she said in her defense 

"I wasn't blaming you but why did you keep it from everybody else?"