lost and found

.In the truck, Aminat was more worried about her son Mubarak than herself. They travelled for about an hour in the desert before all of a sudden, the trucks all slowed down and stopped. Aminat was scared. "why did the trucks stop, what will they do to me" she thought to herself. Aminat was so scared she could feel her heart pound against her rib cage. The men in the trucks in front of theirs all came down. Aminat looked through the tinted windows of the truck to figure out what was happening. The man sitting next to her wind down his window and asked another man in front of him what was going on. The man told him The truck in front had a flat tire. Aminat took a deep breath of relief. The man beside her scoffed and looked at her. "why were you scared?" he asked Aminat in Arabic. Aminat didn't answer him, she just looked forward. "no one can escape sahid alsaeba you know. If one of us tried it, its execution " the man added in Arabic. Minutes later, Muktar came to their truck and opened the back door. He looked at the men inside for some seconds before asking them to leave. "give us a moment" Muktar said to the men in the truck. Muktar's men all went out of the car leaving only Aminat. Muktar smiled at her but she was still looking forward. "I hope they are not bothering you my dear" said Muktar. He then laughed. "You beautiful thing, why would you run from such a great man huh?" Muktar reached out stroke her cheek. Aminat moved her face away from his hands. Muktar got annoyed so he grabbed her jaw. "look here you whore, you are mine now so you better behave!" Muktar said angrily in Arabic. A voice behind them said in Arabic, "You're not supposed to be doing that". Muktar turned and looked to see who was talking. "and who do you think you are?" said Muktar who is now angry. It was Sadiq, Aminats personal bodyguard. Sadiq then removed his mask. "well well well, if it isn't the traitor" said Muktar with a smile. Sadiq still didn't say anything. "tell me, if you were supposed to guard her, how did she escape?" Muktar asked while walking to Sadiq. Sadiq and Muktar stared at each other in the eyes for some time. "Sir, the tire has been fixed" another guard interuppted. Muktar then stormed back to his truck and ordered the men to get in theirs. The guard who interrupted was Sadiq's elder brother Hamza. Hamza noticed the quarrel that took place between his brother and Muktar. Hamza looked at Sadiq, "be careful brother" he adviced then walked away to his truck. Aminat looked at Sadiq " shukuran lak (thank you)" she said in a soft voice. Sadiq nodded his head. Then entered the front seat of the car. They soon started moving again.

Several hours later, they reached what seemed to be an isolated house not far from a village. When they reached the gate, They hunked their car and two armed men opened the gate. And the trucks drove in after being checked. The trucks entered the compound and headed to a second gate. It was also opened by two armed men. The compound was packed with a gun trucks and crates covered with sack cloths. There were a lot of armed men in the house too. Muktar and his men Parked their trucks outside and went into the house went into the house. Two of the men escorted Aminat and her son to a room while Dr. Donald was taken to another on the second floor.

Meanwhile at the camp, Shawn and his team where in their tent when a marine rushed in "sir, they have stopped!" the marine said to Shawn. Shawn and his team all stood up and followed the marine back to the tent where they were tracking Aminat. Shawn stared at the screen for some time "where is there?" Shawn pointed at the screen asking the operator of the computer. "they are about one and a half clicks west of a place called Dayr Al Kahf" replied the computer operator. "God I hope that poor woman is alright" John commented. They all froze looking at the screen waiting for the indicator to move.

At the house, Sadiq went up stairs to talk to Aminat. On his way, he saw Muktar in the hall way. Sadiq waited for Muktar to enter the room Dr. Donald was in before he went to the door of the room Aminat was in. There was a guard standing there. Sadiq greeted the guard and chatted with him for some time. Sadiq then looked around to see if nobody was at the hall way "hey, can I go in? I want to talk to her" said Sadiq. "sure. Call me if you need anything" said the guard. Without hesitation he opened the door for Sadiq. When Sadiq entered he locked the door behind him.

Aminat was sitting on the bed when Sadiq entered the room. She was scared at first but when she saw it was Sadiq, she held her chest and gave a sigh of relief. "what are you doing here?" Aminat asked. "I came to check up on you" Sadiq replied with a smile. Sadiq looked at the bed and saw Mubarak was already fast asleep. "have you guys eaten?" Sadiq added as he walked to her. Aminat didn't say any thing. When Sadiq got very close to her, she stood up and gave him a tight hug. When she finally let go, she looked him with tears in her eyes. "please help me, I'm scared" Aminat said softly looking at Sadiq while holding his hands. Sadiq sighed "I told you this might happen." He let go of Aminat's hands and walked to the window to look outside. "I can't help you now until you are back home and everything is back to normal" Sadiq added. Aminat walked to Sadiq, she knelt down and held his leg " but he will lock me up in the room forever. You know how he is" said Aminat. "i'm sorry but I really can't help you now. Muktar is suspecting me already". Aminat stood up slowly and sighed. Again they hugged for sometime. "I'm sorry" Sadiq said softly. Sadiq then kissed her on the fore head and left.

Early the next morning, there was a loud knock on Aminat's door. It was Muktar. Hurry and prepare, we are leaving soon. A man then dropped a plate of food and two cups of tea for Aminat and her son. Another man kept new clothes for them. The house was very busy that morning. Different trucks came and picked up the crates outside while others brought more crates. Aminat wore a prestigious black and gold gown while her son Mubarak wore a black abaya. Aminat stood at the window looking what was happening outside when six new SUVs with tinted windows drove into the compound. Minutes later, Mubarak barged into Aminat's room. "lets go!" Mubarak ordered. The rest of Mubarak's men wore beautiful white abayas including Dr. Donald. They were all escorted to the SUVs outside and they left.

At the UN refugee camp, Shawn and his team were preparing to go and inspect where the tracker stopped the previous day. A marine ran and met Shawn. "sir they are moving again" said the marine to Shawn. Shawn and his team rushed to the tent to see for him self. "mark where the it stopped before" Shawn ordered the computer operator and the operator did. Hours later, "they have reached the Syrian border sir" said the computer operator. They watched as the indicator crossed the border to Syria. "that is strange isn't it?" Shawn asked. "what?" Toby asked Shawn. "they crossed the border without stopping." Said Shawn.

It was almost evening before The SUVs reached Ali's mansion. Aminat wanted the earth to swallow her when she sighted the mansion. She sat up straight, her heart started beating fast and her eyes grew wide.