
"Who even is she for us to risk so much?" One of the courtiers asked the king as the room now only had the official members of the court including the king.

"Let's just send her over to the winter kingdom and we wouldn't have to worry about anything and not her father" Another courtier commented tired of running around and getting commands from a little girl

"And do you even know what happens when the queen gets hold of her birthstone" The king finally spoke up, silencing the courtiers. Seeing that his words had an effect he continued. "The queen gets enough power to destroy us. And we do this for our kingdom not only her" the king scolded his audience reminding them once again who they served. "And it's not only her birthstone but there are too many prisoners she can make use of"

"What is so special about her birthstones that makes the queen stronger than us merely by just obtaining them" A courtier spoke quietly in the corner breaking the silence after the king's speech.