
The marching sound echoed through the entire castles. Men and women filed inside the ground. Armors taut weapons attached to their clothes hanging by their waist belts. Their faces blank. They were here to work. They were inside the hidden boundaries. The secret boundaries, not so secret anymore. It was a risk great risk after the bridge that yet remained half broken workers still at it after a week. The stains of blood were scrubbed away but the scars that remained in the head were yet prominent. And therefore this risk had become very necessary. 

The guards stood by the gate all alert cheking the army that came inside the castle walls. Teh armies that were still alive not yet turned into the monsters that were a threat to them all. 

The marching sound pushed snatched Audra's rare and precious sleep form her. Cringing at the sunlight filtering from the curtains she sat up in her bed pushing the girl laying beside ehr in bed.