
"Remember me?" Audra drawled. Walking downstairs. The guard took out his sword against her. He tried to stand strong but Audra could sense the fear in his eyes. Her eyes glowed and hit straight at his fingers with which he held the sword. The sword fell to the ground clinking before he could draw another weapon Audra was at him. Pushing him hard against the wall, her eyes boring at her. She tried to attack her but then a scream erupted from his lips but Audra was quick to silence him. His hand fell limp beside him frozen. There was utter fear in his eyes and plea for his life. But Audra couldn't find any ounce of sympathy in her.

"Now would you tell me where that wench Lyra or should I kill you

and ask someone else?" she smiled. So sweetly. Oh so sweetly that the man shivered.

"I don't know," he muttered against Audra's hand, at his mouth.

"Wrong answer" she snapped her fingers and the man fell to the