
Audra walked from alley to alley, the marketplace silent and dark. They had taken away the life that the fire kingdom held, the magic that had existed before had now ceased to exist, nothing was really the same as before. The lights she had seen with Nicole were now dead. The only source of light out the shut doors in the alley that she walked in was the small flame flickering on her finger.

She stopped by large iron gates, they looked void of any sort of people, it used to be filled with sounds of chaos now it was dead silent. Audra didn't have the energy to teleport or climb over the fence, she used her lasers, the door breaking open from the lock, she pushed open the gates walking across the empty courtyard, she didn't stop until she was up the stairs. Memories flooding in her mind. She was thankful for this place to have shaped her, to have made her stronger. A breath inside she pushed open the small door she was aware of whose room it was.