Retain Your Semen

The world,so many are diffused in this earth ,good, evil and innocent are always demanding something from anyone.The good ways and the cultural heritage that we have is becoming history that we will be narrating to our children.So many people who are dead have not live the life they wanted,some feared to risk,others were lost with no one to help them to be back again.Some times we wonder around thinking we have a better life but with nothing to show off.Ibhave wondered around the world finding the most peaceful place that I can find to calm my mind and stop thinking of the challenges,stress but I have found even the smallest size paper with picture cannot sustian .

In my experience, what actually happens is when you begin to refrain from ejaculation, you signal to the body, after many years of ejaculating very frequently, that you are no longer in a mating season. Remember, the body doesn't know the difference between a beautiful woman that you're seeing right in front of you in the same room. And a beautiful naked woman, if you're watching any kind of pornography or you know, daily videos, wherever the case is, it doesn't know the difference. So, the physiological and biological feedback that you are experiencing, when your sensory organs pick up that particular scenario in front of you, regardless of is artificial or not, is signalling signalling to the body that the, the organism is ready to procreate and mate and reproduce, okay. And it is confirmed by the feedback of masturbation and ejaculation, okay. So if you remove that from the organisms environment, and you begin to go through a fast, they kind of fast of reproducing, okay. And you, you begin to be continent sexually continent for a sustained period of time, let's say 60 to 90 days. What happens biologically, and I've experienced this and physiologically is that your body will start to signal to the environment that a hasn't reproduced in X amount of time, and it is going to help you reproduce. Remember, we have two prime directives as an animal, let's not get away from the fact that we are creatures of this earth. Different by biology, it's very similar, we have two primary functions. The first is to do with sustaining the individual, so we must eat to sustain the, the organism. The second is to reproduce. So it's the group so it's the other. So we have to prioritise the individual and the group, the species, and it is the second principle is have sex to procreate to confirm the survival of the human race, those are the two prime directives, the body must do must do. And if the if the environment is not signalling to the body, that is, that is not being successful in those two prime directives. So the second one, if it is not reproducing, if it is not experiencing the experiencing ejaculation, then it is failing, its prime directives. And once the body realises that it is failing to sustain the future of the human race, is going to take matters into his own hands, and start creating some kind of evolution adaptation to help you attract a female. So I make the joke that when you the idea of women attraction, and you know becoming more, you know, better with talking with women, and even just getting more looks and things like that. It is a consequence of a biological wing man, you have a biological wing man in the form of pheromones that you excrete, through shoots through us sweat, through urine, through all kinds of bodily fluids that permeate the air, and they signal to the environment that you are ready to reproduce, that you need to reproduce. Okay. And that is the logical way of looking at it. And I've experienced this firsthand. To a degree where you start to get the quote unquote, more attention, you start to, you know, it's more it's more your body gives you the tools needed to achieve that task with less resistance. That's the easiest way I can put it. It's funny, we think things are based on perception. So there's two ways of attracting a female species. The first is conscious attract attraction, and the second is subconscious attraction. The world is predicated on conscious attraction. So you are trying to attract a female through the clothes you're wearing the car you drive the money, you have your your surface level perception of what they can see immediately in their environment. Okay, is he tall? Is he dark and handsome? You get the picture okay. And that is a rationalisation.

The second is probably predicated on sub conscious attraction. Subconscious attraction is emotional. And you would have experienced this man or woman in various different scenarios of your life that somebody isn't perhaps superficially attractive to you, maybe their face isn't as symmetrical as you'd like it to be, maybe their body composition isn't as attractive, as attractive as you would like it to be. But regardless of that, feedback, that that the feedback you're getting through perception, there is there is something more there, there is something energetic going on there, there is something emotional happening there, that you are drawn to this particular individual. And that is the scope of how the pheromones work in that realm. It's subconscious. Okay, it's a biological signalling, that we can't perceive through any kind of rationalisation through through the typical societal signals that we would expect to see. Such as, you know, a woman might say, Okay, I want my man to be have make six figures, I want them to be tall, dark, and handsome. And as a man, you might say, Okay, I want I want my future wife to, you know, be a tradition, traditionally attractive, I want her to be traditionally feminine. Regardless of those conscious tech sheets, that you would hope to see, superficially, there is something more emotional, there may be that feminine point wasn't, wasn't technically rational. But there is something energetic that happens when you're in the same room with these kinds of people. I have been communicating that effectively. And that's where the the pheromones work in that scope. And, like I mentioned, if you begin to abstain from that, and communicate, all you're doing is communicating with your body, at this point, you're communicating with your subconscious attraction, because the feedback that you've been given it, if you've been addicted, addicted to sex addicted to porn addicted to masturbation is that you are already winning, that you do not need any help, that you are a successful alpha male. And then when you know the heat of the moment is over, and you come to your senses, and that guilt and depression sinks in, you have a cognitive dissonance, because the reality that you're perceiving consciously is not reflective of the one that has happened emotionally and energetically within you. And then you're confused, because the body is confused. Because the, the rational and the and the subconscious or the conscious, and the subconscious. paradigms are not matching up. It's not working. And that's why men are getting depressed. And, you know, I don't want to digress into the more severe aspects of suicide and things like that. But this is, this is you know, it's funny when we put all our energy into the conscious attraction kind of way. This is easy. It's supposed to be easy. We're not supposed to have these mediums to to lose our sexual energy to in the forms of, you know, many different punishers types of pornography. It's not supposed to be that way. It's supposed to be simple. And if you keep it simple, you'll win. You'll get what you want. You get everything. So, brothers, I wanted to bring you that bit of information this is quite charming guideline. This is a very interesting topic, then if I do manage to come across any kind of scientific and evidence based on this theory I will explain more in the next chapter.