Disorder associated with lust


These are social problems caused mainly by psychosocial lactors. Myths about males and

Temales would have us believe that many women are frigid and uninterested in sexual pleasure,

while most men can hardly get enough. Both myths conceal the facts which have been revealed

through accumulated experiences of sex researchers and therapist. The facts are that both men

and women have similar desires for sexual pleasure, but both sexes may experience

psychological problems that interfere with the attained of pleasure.


c aisorders that involve impairments in the sexual response cycle, either tiC uo

dOn Or the ability to achieve it. In disorders associated with desire phase individuais y

Siow ttle or no sexual drive or interest. In disorders associated with excitement phase, icit l

not be able to maintain an erection. In the orgasm phase men may experience prematurc

ejaculation or rapid orgasm, when the time between the beginning of sexual stimulation and

ejaculation is unsatisfactorily brief.

A common problem for women is inhibited female orgasm, inhibited male orgasm does occur

but it is much less common. Many women do not routinely experience orgasm in sexual

intercourse, a patterm which is common so it can hardly be called dysfunction.

The treatment of psychosexual dysfunctions has undergone nothing short of a revolution in

recent years. Masters and Johnson based their therapy on the actual problems a person is

experiencing rather than things that may not be related or irrelevant to the problem. They also

said that therapy should occur in the context of a sexual relationship. This means that whenever

possible a person who is having sexual dificulties should include their sexual partner in their

treatment. Masters and Johnson also suggested that therapy be conducted by two therapists both

male and female .Most issues that arise čan be dealt with better by having the perspectives of

both sexes as the therapists and by having both partners present. Finally, they suggested that

therapy be kept as brief as possible and include "homework" for the couples to try corrective

measures on their own and report back progress the next session.

INCEST: is a sexual relationship between two relatives, which is virtually a universal taboo. By

far the most common form of incest is a brother to sister sexual relationship, with father daughter

sexual relationship being second most common. Mother-son incest and same sex incest (father

son) are not common incestuous patterns. Generally speaking the greater the age discrepancy of

the individuals involved the greater the resulting problem.

Incest is psychologically harmful not only for immediate family relationships but also for the

future relationships of the child involved in incest." Another misfortune associated with incest is that any resulting off-spring has higher than average

risksfor genetic disorders and mental retardation.

PARAPHILIAS: are psvchosexual disorders in which the source of an individual's sexual

sual object, ritual or situation. Many sexual patterns deviate from what we

Consider be normal. These abnormal pattens of sexual arousal from usual sources

ferishismtransvestism, exhibitionism, and voveurism, sadism, machoism and pedophla

FETISHlSM: Is a psychosexual disorder in which an individual relies on inanimate object or a

Specific body part for sexual gratification. Even though an individual may have a sexual

preference - for example a man's preference for women with long legs or a woman s preIerence

1or men with beards or bald head, most of us are attracted to someone because of a wide range ofpersonal factors. Some individuals become obsessed with certain objects- fur, women s pants stockings that arouse them. Most fetishists are men.

TRANSVESTISM: Is a psychosexual disorder in which an individual obtains sexual gratification

by dressing up like a member of the opposite sex.Most transvestites view themselves as

heterosexual and lead quite conventional lives, cross dressing only in the privacy of their homes.

One transvestite pattern is to cross- dress only during sexual relations with his or her partner.

EXHIBITIONISM: Is a psychosexual disorder in which individuals expose their sexual anatomy

to others to obtain sexual gratification.

SADISM: Is a psychosexual disorder in which individuals derive sexual gratification from

inflicting pain on others.

PEDOPHILIA: Is a psychosexual disorder in which the sex object is a child and the intimacy

usually involves manipulation of the child's genitals. A pedophilia covertly or overtly

masturbates while talking to children, manipulates the child's sex organs or has the child engage

in sexual behavior. Most pedophilias are men usually in their 30's or 40's The target of men

pedophilia often is a child he knows, such as a child of a relative, neighbor or family friend.

In one rare

Erectile Failure: is the inabilitv of a male to achieve or maintain an erection.In one rare manifestation primary erectile failure the male has never been able to have an erection.But in

more common case, secondary ereetile failure, the male though now unable to have a

s had at least one in the past. Firectile failure is not uncommon problem, and it is the rale

no has never experienced it at least once during his life time, This is hardly surprising, sine

the ability to achieve and hold an erection is sensitive to alcohol, drugs, performarice Teats,

anxiety and a host of other factors, It becomes a more serious problem when it occurs more an


PRE-MATURE EJACULATION: This is a situation when the male is unable to delay orgasm as

long as he wishes. "Because as long as he wishes is dependent on a man's-and his partner s

attitude and opinions about how long is appropriate, this is a difficult disorder to define, and

Sometimes the problem can be resolved simply by having a male re-define how long he wants to

delay ejaculation

Pre-mature ejaculation is often a psychological problem, since there are rarely physical reasons

for it

One cause may be early sexual learning: Because sexual experience at adolescence is often

accompanicd by FEAR OF BEING CAUGHT, some men learn early in their lives to reach

orgasm as quickly as possible

INHIBITED EJACULATION: is the opposite problem. In this case the male is unable to

cjaculate when he wants to, if at all. Sometimes learning relaxation techniques is sufficient to

allow men to overcome the difficulty.

Some women experience anorgasm or lack of orgasm.In primary anorgasmic dsyfuction, women

have never experienced orgasm, while in secondary orgasmic dysfunction a woman is capable of

experiencing orgasm only under certain conditions such as during masturbation but not during

sexual intercourse. Because the inability to have orgasm during sexual intercourse is so common.

with some one-third of all women reporting they do not receive suficient stimulation to have

orgasm during sexual intercourse Some sex researchers suggest that secondary orgasmic

dysfunction is not a dysfunction at all, but merely a normal variation of female sexuality.

INHIBITED SEXUAL DESIRE: This is when the motivation for sexual activity is restrained or

lacking entirely. When people with inhibited sexual desire find themselves in circumstances that

Iypically evoke sexual feelings, they begin to turn off sexually and may even experience a kind

of sexual "anesthesia" Ultimately they may begin to avoid situations of sexual nature, thereby

foregoing intimacy with others.