premature death (1)

"Abortion and a challenge in the modern


I. Speaking Out Again

troublesome. Almost daily we hear arguments on one side or the other. Crowds demonstrato

Among the issues which divide our nation today, 1na

uc our nation today, that of abortion 1s surely one of the most


politicians debate, Many grow weary of it all. close

WISh the problem would weary of it all, close their ears against the torrent of words and

more time? Will more words make any difference

Jgo away, In such an atmosphere, 1S it worthwhile to speak out one

But the problem Will not go away. We must speak. In fact. the situation grows steadily Worse in

ways that go beyond the sad fact of ahortion itself Such an important social policy as this cannot

have narrOwly limited effects. The fact of widesnread abortion and the attitudes it encourages

have a profound impact on the moral consciousness of our society. We must face that impact and

ask just what kind of society we really want. The question is especially urgent as clections

approach and we determine who should be entrusted with public office.

Much has already been written from a religious and theological perspective about abortion.

These reflecetions, rather, will focus on abortion as a cancer on our society, cating away at the

values and moral principles that have sustained this country for many years. First, however, 1l

will be useful to review briefly the fundamental reasons of opposing abortion in the first place

and then address the usual arguments advanced in its favor.

II. Why Abortion is Wrong

In the heat of debate since the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, many have lost sight

of the conviction which inspired western societies to outlaw this procedure until very recent

iimes. This historic opposition was based on a principle still held with deep sincerity by

substantial numbers of American citizens: abOrlion is wrong because it ends the life of an

innocent human being.

Philosophers and theologians, however., do not all agree that the unborn must be classifiedas

human. The Supreme Court cited this division ol opinion and concluded that it is beyond the

competence of legislators or judge to settle the matter. rom this lack of competence, the court

illogical conclusions, It decided that the preborn child may be treated as non-human and

not to declare that there is actually a right to do so. Common sense, however, would dictate that is even doubt fiully human must be treatcu as human, Any other course ushers in a host of evil consequences.The court's decision supports the Idea that human life is not a continuous reality extending from

onception death. Rather, cerlain standards must be fulfilled beforeand protected by law.