This won't end well

10 minutes ago,

Vanas had just stepped out of the maid's quarters and changed his appearance to his original form as he called on his knights to search for the advisor.

Bowing to his order, they nod and transform to go in search of the official.

Vanas sighs deeply as he walks along the path, keeping his senses alert. His instincts tell him something isn't quite right with the reason the advisor had suddenly searched for him in such an unpredictable place.

'How could he suddenly tell my true form?' He wonders aloud, looking into the ceiling above. There wasn't anyone else in the hallway beside the two guards he had posted near the entrance leading to his chamber to protect his beloved.

'I'm sorry beloved, I fell for my uncontrolled lust again.'

The more he thinks about the need to get the advisor, the more his zeal was to shield Siadra from ever finding out about his past misdeeds or the one had been caught in.