A difficult decision

[Wakey wakey!]

HTC said in a sing-song manner, watching its host sleep peacefully with Alta by his side.

Alta moaned as she stretched out on Hisha.

[Get up! You seem to be forgetting something!]

HTC yelled and numerous ding sounds followed to drive home its point.

Hisha's eyes burst open at the annoying sound, groaning and instinctively reaching out to turn off the annoying alarm.

His face fell the moment he realized it was HTC's doing and there were no such things as alarms in this world.

'HTC, what is it now?' He whined, looking over to Alta who let out subtle snores as she slept.

The memory of the previous sensual night flashed before him causing him to smile how well he thought his first time in his head went.

'Thankyou original host for your experience.' Hisha snickered in his thoughts to how helpful it had been.

[Here are your accomplishments since the previous day]

HTC spoke in a monotonous voice before branching and bringing up another translucent screen.

[Name: Lord Hisha]

[Level: 1001]

[Height: 185cm]

[Position: Supreme Overlord]

[Ability: Replicate]

[Sux: 879/1000]

[Meretrix: 1]

[Points: 4500]

[Exp: 61]

[Total number of your harem: 6948]

'That's a lot of points and exp for just a night.' Hisha gawked at the screen for some time in disbelief.

He placed his index finger to the side of his head as he thought about what he had planned on doing.

[If I might be of some assistance, you–]

'I needed to address the harem!' Hisha exclaimed, finally remembering what he had forgotten.

He had made up his mind after what had happened to give his harem a fair chance to choose.

Slowly, he pulled away from Alta's hands. Pulling the cotton covers over her body, he tucked her in nicely.

He stared at her as she had a smirk on her lips even while sleeping.

'What do you think is going on in a succubus' head?' He chuckled in his thoughts.

[You wouldn't want to know, but to sum it up it's all wild fantasies involving you]

Hisha smiled and shook his head at how believable that was, considering who was laying on his bed.

Leaning closer to her, he pushed her disheveled hair away from her forehead and planted a kiss. "Please stay good till I get back."

With that, he pulled away, walked into his bathroom and closed the door carefully.


When it was confirmed that he was behind the closed doors of the bathroom, Alta's eyes opened and glowed.

'I will have your love.' She vowed in her thoughts and slowly closed her eyes, drifting back to sleep.


In the arena,

Hisha placed his black boot onto the edge of the high raise on which he stood and looked down at the remaining harem members.

This time his gaze was fixated on Solara.

She wears a red dress that covers only a small portion of her shoulders and flows down into a simple keyhole neckline. It's a close fit that is meant to draw attention to her breasts but gracefully and elegantly.

Hisha had his eyes fixated on her innocent face with his eyes dilating, he had a smile creep in slowly. She had been a gentle touch that had graced his new life.

Solara had her arms covered just above her wrists. The sleeves broaden towards the bottom, allowing for gold bracelets to be visible.

The dress' waist is narrow, but it's a slim fit. A small, stylish gold belt is all that is needed for a perfect adornment.

The more Hisha stared, the more she was forced to look down timidly after locking eyes with him for more than a comfortable five seconds.

[Ahem! The harem awaits your wonderful speech, host!]

HTC coughed out just in time to pull Hisha's thoughts together.

Placing his hand onto his raised leg, his eyes involuntarily glowed as though he was exerting dominance over them while he speaks.

"I know those of meretrix two to one hundred and one are aware of what had happened in meretrix one." He paused and took a glance over all the females.

Kritz stood straight and alert in case of any disturbance. His eyes scanned the surrounding area at a quick speed and back at the harem below him and his lord.

He had done his part in keeping the harem safe, his only wish was never to encounter a time he would have to terminate any of them if they were out of line.

Alta had survived because of his lord's attitude towards the situation and due to who she was–a crazy type of different who doesn't hide who she is and does not tolerate the weak.

His gaze fell on Solara who looked calm and collected, but he knew the true capabilities of this female, she was merely toning down on her equally dangerous ability.

'Would she reveal who she truly is eventually?' He wondered as he tilted his head.

"You all had been chosen for a reason," Hisha began.

From HTC's explanation, they were said to be the most beautiful, and powerful ones of their people or tribe.

From what he had seen the previous day in meretrix one, he had concluded that there was more to how they were chosen.

He couldn't deny the fact that they were beautiful in their ways, but the latter requirement was lacking in some if not most of them.

He didn't want to suffer such heart-wrenching notifications anymore, they needed to show willpower and prove they could withstand the odds.

"After the incident that had happened, I had to make a difficult decision of letting all who are willing to reconsider being part of my harem and leave." He announced.

HTC had made him realize that those who were weak would bring in no points to him whatsoever, there was no use having them around if they could easily be subdued or expect his help ever so often.

All he needed was the strongest by his side, if those who had chosen these women couldn't do it right, he would start by attacking the problem from the roots–let go of the weak lot as it had been requested from the very beginning of his awakening in this world.

Kritz choked and coughed at the words as his eyes widened in shock.

"My lord..." He began but refrained from voicing his concern, switching glances from the harem and Hisha.

'My lord knows what's best for his harem.' Kritz repeatedly told himself until he believed it.

There was an uproar from the harem below Hisha as they all began to contemplate his offer.

Some hesitated on his offer, they had been offered lots of money to take care of their families by the tribal chiefs, the chance of bearing an heir for the most feared being in the land of Kurg.

Majority had been specifically chosen because of their beauty and a little knowledge in defense. After what had happened in meretrix one, they had begun to have second thoughts on what was best for them.

Solara looked over to Zui and nodded as they shared a knowing look. Zui walked towards her and stood by her side.

"Am I the only one who wants to stay by his side and prove my worth?" Solara whispers through the corner of her lips towards Zui.

"I was thinking the very same thing," Zui replied in a like manner.

They raised their heads when they heard their lord speak again.

Sensing the hesitation that came with carrying out such an action to a person of his status, he needed to reassure and convince those who weren't meant to be by his side.

"You don't need to be worried. All I need is your honesty, can you all give me that?" He spoke with his voice solemn as he awaited their response.