Follow the blood trail

In the forest,

The forest was large, shadowy, and lush. Its canopy was overshadowed by yew, maple, and linden, and rays of light bursting through their crowns allowed for disorderly ferns to cultivate the brittle leaves on the ground below.

Curling creepers clung to every tree, and a range of flowers, which were seen occasionally, added playful elements to the otherwise unvarying view.

Setting his eyes on a large tree trunk, Hisha alerted the others of their settlement before they proceeded further on foot into the narrow space created ahead.

Gad looked to Loid with a gulp, unsure of the environment around them.


Gad hissed in Loid's direction but had been intentionally ignored.

'This forest spooks the creep out of me!' Gad looked around him as his horse galloped to a halt as soon as his Lord dropped to the lush grassy field.

With his head raised high, Loid tried to maintain a proper composure after being specially recommended to their Lord by Kritz.