Blessed be the Triad Unity


Hisha laughed at the pointless call to the other who was approaching to save its partner.

On close observation, Hisha noticed black scale markings behind the ear of his victim.

[Tribe identified-Merfolk]

Hisha stared at the marking and realized how similar it was to Frich and Mich's markings–which could only mean one thing.

'Pointless.' He hissed and crushed his throat without thinking.

Holding the limp body, he looked at it in disdain as a growling noise was rapidly increasing.


Letting go of the body, he turned around and was greatly surprised when his time manipulation did not affect the approaching figure.


He made a roundhouse kick at the creature before it could make bite at his legs. He watched it tumble across the floor crashing in on some trees.

Without requesting, HTC brought out the character status.


[Race: Zorpha]

[Height: 165cm]

[Origin: ??]
