Tame and contain

"What?!" Solara glared at her, "coming from you, it sounds a little suspicious."

Alta shrugged and wanted to make a move forward when she stopped to speak. "Do you know the difference between us?"


When she got no response from her, she shook her head in disappointment. "You can't be trusted or relied on."

A crooked smile made its way to Alta's lips at the comment. "I can agree with that, and I could also dispute that just for this moment."

Shrugging her shoulders, she meant to state her reasons for such actions, "trusting a bit too soon or easily is the major cause of lots of downfalls. Yet I can make an exception if it means helping him with someone who would risk their lives for him and has his best interest at heart."

"Do you think you're the only one who got the feeling of something not going too well?" Alta challenged with a smirk.

For a moment, Solara was left stunned and too shocked to speak and at that moment she looked down at Zui in her arms.