Have a natural conversation

In the citadel,

Walking side by side were Hisha and Kritz, none willing to speak on their encounter in Straton.

[What's with the awkward silence? Man up as you should be as an overlord!]

HTC snickered in Hisha's head and took full amusement in teasing its host.

'Do you have an off switch?!' Hisha threatened, feeling downhearted and irritated after his points had felt like a waste.

[If I did, you would hesitate in pressing my buttons]

Hisha let out a sigh and let Kritz lead the way toward the next batch of harem members he was meant to meet.

'Do I have to do this? How about hosting another tournament and let's watch them kill each other and reduce the number drastically?' Hisha tried to reason with his system.

[Don't be so impatient in achieving your goals, without a driving force to be loyal, there is no way they would stick by just because of your power and good looks!]