Is that possible?



The voice clicked its tongue in an attempt to beckon it out.

Retracting its steps, a red glow could be seen in the shadows.

"You suppress your true potential, Vandrik."

Kritz snarled at the reference, disturbed by the words coming from someone or something he couldn't put a finger on.

Sprinting forward in hopes of getting the culprit before he would lose the traces, to his disappointment he saw black mist evaporating.

Cackles could be heard from the dissipating entity.

Kritz scanned his environment, confused by the sudden appearance of the unidentified voice.

He could have sworn that name he had been referred to felt strangely familiar.


Whipping his head back, he let out a sigh of relief at seeing his lord come out with a smirk.

"Lord Hisha..." He gave a slight bow in the presence of his lord.

Hisha shook his head and pulled Kritz by the ear.

"Come with me."

Kritz gritted his teeth as he was led away.
