Another tournament with its own rules

Climbing over her, he slipped off his robe.



Freezing in place, Hisha hissed at the disturbance, knowing the only one who could dare knock at a time as such.

[Your very first cockblock!]

HTC snickered in Hisha's thoughts, flashing in front of his eyes a wiggling brow.

Hisha's brows twitched at the user interface and the implied meaning HTC gave.

Solara still stayed frozen in shock, confused, and unable to move due to the panic she was placed in.

She had not been chosen as his harem, so it was forbidden to be in his room. They could only engage in any sexual relationship while he visited their respective meretrixs.

Slipping back on his robe, he took reluctant steps to the door.

Opening the door just enough for him to peek through, he narrowed his eyes at Kritz.

Flashing a big grin at his lord, Kritz lightly touched his nose as a nervous reflex, knowing he had interrupted something, judging from Hisha's flushed face.