So the search begins...

Activating his telekinesis, he uses the grip on her, raising her into the air as he had done for Gregg.

Struggling and groaning with pain, Yoru whistled to signal the other which was lurking in the shadows.



Hisha ducked just in time and looked behind him to see an arrow that had been coated with a dark Sux strike a building.

'Nothing happened?' Hisha wondered.

Little did he assume that was the worst, there was a cracking sound before an explosion that sent Hisha crashing into another nearby building.

Breaking away from his hold, Yoru used the moment of distraction to snatch up the remains of Gregg and flee the scene as they had planned.

[Does that look like nothing to you?]

HTC mocked, watching its host get to his feet.


Hisha spat out debris and broken shards of shells that had entered his mouth after the impact.