A new target–harem!

'HTC, now would be the perfect time to implement one of your ideas.' Hisha sweatdropped at the tight corner he had been placed in.

[As much as I would love to help, I can't interfere in decisions such as this. It's up to you, host]

Hisha's mouth gaped open in shock and disbelief but quickly had to maintain his composure when Mich raised his head to witness what had made him fall silent.

"Lord Hisha, is there–"

"What makes you so sure she's alive?" Hisha cut in, not ready to explain what had troubled him the moment he had been presented with the task.

He was already blaming himself for his feeble attempt at mocking Mich, although he had gotten a fair share of it, the request given to him had clapped back on the initial victory.

"There was no way she could have just gone into thin air, she is a strange mermaid but not a ghost if those even exist." Mich sneered at the thought of Melody.