Even if we lay down our lives

'That disrespectful swine!' Hisha spat, not only did he disrespect him, but had also taken advantage of the funds given.

At the onset of the world he found himself in, he had always wondered why there was an ensuing hatred that had led to Kritz brutally killing him over an issue that could be overlooked.

Now that he witnessed the endangering condition his soldiers were in, he couldn't care less if Kritz flared up at anyone.

'He deserved what he got!'

"Do not be alarmed, I had thought this place could use a bit of refurbishing–although I hadn't realized it would extend to the interiors."

Making more emphasis on the latter part so HTC could understand he was talking to it and could understand why a large sum of his Sux drained in a matter of seconds.

The soldiers all fell face down and repeatedly thanked him.

"To what do we owe our overlord gracing our trenches?" Another soldier spoke up.