Step out!

Sitting in a lotus position on his bed, he exhaled and smiled. 'It's about time, HTC.'

[Whenever you're ready, host]

'I am ready to be ripped off once more.' Hisha forced a grin and nodded his head.

[Cost of purchase: 10000 points]

[Time limit: 48 hours before the body disintegrates]

No matter how he saw this. He still felt cheated of his hard-earned points for just something that would last for two days.

[Are you sure it's necessary?]

'Are you fucking kidding me?! After I had lost the chance to get desire points from that bitch?!' Hisha snapped.

[I was thinking you could just tell the fish brain that it is impossible to find the lady he is searchings for]

'And lose my one chance at forcing him to a corner? Never!'


Waiting patiently for a response from HTC to his compliance, he inhaled and exhaled to pass the time.

'Remember, it must be identical to Melody and bring back her memories as a bonus.' Hisha conditioned.