What's your excuse?

Mich's lips were puckered when he stopped and opened his eyes to have Kenna's displeased stare glaring at him.

Pushing back with a yell, he fell off his chair, hitting his head on the wall from the impact.

Kenna sat upright, placing her hand over her thighs.

"What the hell happened to me?! Why am I here?!" She shrieked, pulling off the coverers, and tossing them on Mich's head.

Pulling off the cover, Mich had a pout in disappointment, having lost his opportunity to have some sort of connection with her.

"You're welcome." He deadpanned, getting to his feet and dusting his torso.

Kenna narrowed her eyes at him, pointing an accusing finger at him, "you did this, you brought me here to fulfill some sort of fetish!"

Mich did a double take, raising a brow at the accusation, mumbling to himself. "There must have been something wrong when she collapsed."