Not the only immortal

Gregg shook his head, not necessarily answering the question or giving a conclusive answer.

"Come on." Hisha clicked his tongue, making a slashing strike with his hand.

The wind sliced off the healing parts of his hand which had regenerated to his elbows.

"Aghhh!!" Gregg let out a blood-curdling yell in pain.

"We could do this all day," Hisha said with a disturbing smile, winking to Gregg so he could tell how serious he was.

Sitting on him, Hisha patted Gregg's head, ruffling his hair and commending him for his new haircut.

"I hope you don't mind me sitting here." He pretended to seek out permission even though he was already sitting down on him.

Gregg bit down on his bottom lips to cope with the pain and his draining Sux.

Pulling him by the collar, he leaned down so their faces were a few inches apart.

"There are two things I would never condone as being interrupted while being with my harem, but do you know the second one?" He cackled in a burst of maniacal laughter.