Are you on my side?

Clenching his fists, Kritz widened his legs, mimicking a squat.


'He vanished?' Hisha thought, closing his eyes so he could rely more on his hearing.

Materializing behind him, Kritz made a kick at Hisha's head.

Ducking at just the nick of time, Hisha did quick successive front flips.

'Seems he really was holding back.' Hisha chuckled in his thoughts.

Kritz stood at a spot as his Sux blazed around him, his claws barred and his fangs growing.



A boulder behind broke upon the combustible contact of Kritz's Sux seething out of him.

'Why do I feel only he can do this shit?' Hisha jokes, hoping for some words from HTC.

[Now you see it, now you can do it, host]

'And risk my Sux depletion? Nah.' Hisha countered, shaking his head.


Hisha glared to his side, narrowly dodging yet another attack from Kritz's sporadic attacks.

To Hisha it looked like the more feral approach he took, the more unpredictable he became.