A visit to cause chaos

'HTC, could you cut the crap and make this less difficult for me.'

[You would still need to choose what you need, host. That's the rule]

'Set by who?!' Hisha snaps, slightly irritated he would need to repeat his actions.

A part of him wondered if it was natural to keep having a push and pull with his system.

[Would you like to request, host?]

Hisha looks out the window, letting out a sigh at the full moon illuminating his room.

'Without doing this now, there's no way I can achieve this, ever!'

Hisha crouched on the floor, thinking of the fact that he needed to swallow his pride and bend to the request.

'HTC, what's the highest time limit purchase that could be used?'

[... Loading...]


[What item, host?]

'Goddamnit!' Hisha cursed in his thoughts and facepalms at his trick question still not working.

[Nice try, host]

A flash of a devilish smirking emoji was shown on the screen.

Clapping his hands in acceptance of the defeat, he nods his head to reply.