I'm just curious

Vanas shrugs, casually answering, "We can decide later, beloved. We can check several while we are at it; let us enjoy our time out together first shall we?"


It took several minutes to walk through the streets of the city center getting to experience the thrill of the city's nightlife. They visited many different bars along the way enjoying drinks and food.

"Count Vanas," A voice calls from behind.

Both turn to see a knight standing beside them dressed elegantly wearing full plate armor adorned by golden trimmings. His helmet is decorated with intricate designs.

Seeing both of them looking at each other, the man bows politely, greeting them warmly.

Tapping the shoulder of the armored figure, Vanas replies, "you have been on our tails since we started, is there an issue?"

Lowering his head, the knight apologizes saying, "My apologies Count Vanas, my name is Sir Krans. I would like to suggest the drummers announce your presence when you go to the last tavern."