You summoned us

In his Spatial library,

It had been a few days since he had been able to get to level 1110 and had managed to unlock the random item–Spatial library.

It is a large space with silver bookshelves that go from floor to ceiling on all sides of it except for one wall which is where there are two doors leading out into other rooms in this space or another dimension entirely still locked away behind those same walls as well by a large golden key hanging off the gold chain at eye height just above.

The room itself has no windows but does have an open makeshift skylight high up near its center so light can come through during any hour if needed even though most times at late hours when he would be reading, his book's pages will be lit enough without needing anything else besides what comes naturally like sunlight shining down upon him.


Hisha flips open a book, searching for anything that could give clues on what Yoru might have planned.