Do you feel the tension in the air? °

[Slightly R-18]


In the dungeon,

Ni wakes abruptly gasping for air struggling against the bonds binding him spread-eagled on the ground.

The creaking sounds of the door alerted him to the fact that he wasn't the only one in the dimly lit cell. He turns his head looking left then right trying to locate whoever entered the dungeon.

There she stands tall towering over everyone present wearing her usual attire in a revealing black dress.

She carries two bowls containing steaming hot soup. Place one bowl beside each prisoner and then leave, closing the door quietly.

Both men stare blankly at their food unsure of if it was the best plan to go with.

'I can't eat this,' Ni thinks sadly, eyeing the contents of the bowl. 'There might have been something in it.'

He glances sideways, noticing both Ryo and Kaito eating happily oblivious to the situation surrounding them.

'They're probably too hungry to notice anyway.' He thinks to himself and shakes his head.