I am death


Vanora Campbell

I've seen my mother die, in fact, she died in my arms, but I've never seen anyone shot directly, and not someone who died for my sake. I knew these men were dangerous, the first time I calculated that they were in the mafia, I knew I was not gonna survive it. My dad had fucked me up so many times, I was a pain in his ass, he hated me because I reminded him of my mother who he killed, although he didn't just shoot my mother in the head, he led the bastards who killed her, and this is the only thing he could do? to offer me to the devil himself.

My back rested against the wall and my face bent in between my lap as I thought about it. I can't hold up this way, I know I act all mighty and brave but this is one thing that breaks me down, seeing someone shot in front of you.

That bastard.

That monster.

How could he look very comfortable after killing that innocent girl?.

The door opened and someone walked in. I took in a breath as I saw the monster looking down at me. My hands fisted and my eyes glared at him. He held a joint in his right hand and his other hand was tucked into his trouser pocket.

"Get up!." He commanded. His voice was stern and his cold blue eyes pierced into my skin. I didn't look fazed by his intimidating demeanor.

"You muckerfucker blood-sucking demon." I cussed biting down my lower lip to hinder myself from not raining more curses at him.

He smirked.

He glided across the room until he stood in front of me, I looked right into his eyes as he lowered down to my level. His hand gripped my chin up, his blue eyes looking deep into mine.

"You won't end well if you continue to speak to me like that,"

I smirked.

"I am not afraid of you!"

He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.

"And you're afraid of death, I am death."

My jaw dropped. He knows where to get me.

He let go of me seeing my frightened look and looked satisfied.

"But you didn't have to kill that girl for my sake. She did nothing."

"Someone's going to cover up for you."

He turned around and went to sit on my bed.

"But I didn't kill him. There was nothing to cover up for."

"Oh, dear." He said and lit his joint up. "He died." I froze. I killed someone too. I've stained my hands with blood.

"Don't look too surprised and all that stunned. That's one thing you'll learn how to do and face. You've got to learn how to kill." I froze. It was as if the world stopped at that moment.

"Never!." I spat.

"Then I'll kill you and kill everyone you ever loved. You'd better think of how to survive here if you want to live."

He stood up and looked down at my ankle.

"I'll get the family doctor to sort that out." He walked out.

Tears stung my eyes and I didn't let them spill down, he's so inhuman, is that what I'm here for?. I shut my eyes.


I opened my eyes, the minute the door burst open and a young red-haired girl walked in, carrying a first aid box, she looked around the room and saw me sitting on the floor.

"Hi, my name's Davina. I'm a doctor." She introduced. As if I cared.

She came towards me and bent in front of me, "Ma'am, you'll have to sit on the bed while I look at your wound." She said kindly to me.

"My name's Vanora and I can fucking take care of myself," I said in a not-so-harsh voice.

"Okay, Nora. But the boss's going to kill me if you don't oblige. I have to make sure you're okay before tomorrow." She said calmly. I looked at her eyes and noticed they were pleading.

I began getting up and she helped anyway. She led me slowly and sat me down on the bed carefully.

"I know you're going through a lot, but if you do what the boss says, you'll survive. It's just the secret of survival."

I didn't speak and she gently raised my wounded leg and dropped it carefully on her lap. She looked at it for a while, "Well, it's not swearing up so it's not that serious. But I'll give you a pain reliever to take and some ice packs to press to the wound in case it swears up in the morning. You'll do great."

I carefully removed my leg from her lap.

She smiled and carried her box up.

"Thank you," I muttered to her. For many years, this is the first time in so many years of appreciating someone for a good deed. She smiled brightly at me. Her eyes were brown and sad and her lips were pink in color. She had short red hair that stopped above her shoulder and she was beautiful.

"I'm always here if you need something, and everything's gonna be fine." She reassured me. That's kinda soothing cos I felt my soul uplifted at her words, I hope so.

"I'll come to check you up in the morning, meanwhile I'm sending the drugs via the cook. You'll do just fine." She smiled again and left.

Strangely, she's the first nice person I've met since I came here. All the bitches and the dicks here are not so fucking nice except Daisy..oops, is that her name?. I knew I couldn't count myself to remember that but I remembered Zavi, the devil, and Wallace, his agent. They were people who kidnapped me and held me against my will. They are fucking idiots if they think I'm ever going to listen to them and do evil with them. And I knew I was going to escape, and it's just a matter of time until then, I'm going to find a way to survive and I'm fucking going to kill Zavi before I escape because he asked for it.