The Party 111

Vanora Campbell.

Zavi led me through the noisy, music-filled ballroom, his right hand gripping my waist as he led me towards the dance floor. Everyone seemed to be staring at me, their eyes made me uneasy, I'm not exactly sure that I can do this in front of these eyes watching me.

My hands were becoming sweaty and my face flushed.

"Pronto?." (Ready?)

I nodded.

Immediately, he grabbed my waist and pulled me to himself. My breath hitched as I looked into his haunting icy eyes, I wrapped my hands tightly around his neck, "Relax, you'll do great." He reassured me.

A beautiful melody began playing, Zavi took my body in his hands, and panic washed through me.

"I really can't dance, Zavi," I muttered.

"Just follow my lead, beautiful."

The way he calls me beautiful makes me wet underneath.

I swallowed up as we began dancing to the rhythm of the music. Two steps back, two to the left, two steps forward, two to the right. I was trying, my legs keeping up with Zavi and I felt like we were only the ones in the room.

"You're doing great, baby." He whispered into my ear, his breath fanning my neck and I shut my eyes close as I felt the sweet melody of our bodies.

"I feel..weird," I told him truthfully.

His hand gripped me tightly as he pulled me up and off the ground, settling me back on the floor and grabbing my waist again.

"I have you covered, hold on tight to my neck, that's a dip coming up," he said and I did as he requested.

Zavi pulled my right leg up in one of his hands, his other hand cradled the small of my back as he dipped me low to the floor, I felt my hair touching the ground.

We stared that way for a few seconds until he pulled me up, close to him. My face was an inch from his, my eyes looking dip into him like I was searching for his soul, I felt like we were on top of the world.

When the song was finished, Zavi set me carefully back on my feet. I glanced around me to see the hundreds of eyes staring at us, and then I noticed we were only the ones on the dance floor.

"Everyone is looking at us, Zavi," I whispered to him, he chuckles and started to lead me off, "I know that, honey."

"Hi, Zavi Romano." A high-pitched voice squealed.

We turned to see the Gambino bitch smiling at Zavi.

"Alice, is this you?."

You've got to be kidding me. I saw it right. No formalities, they looked like long-lost lovers.

She walked over to him and threw her arms over him, my eyes raised at them hugging.

"Oh gush! I haven't seen you in years, You look fabulous and incredible." She gushed at Zavi, Zavi kissed her cheeks and my face burned up in sudden jealousy.

I knew they had something going on. "You look the same too. You haven't changed a bit."

I looked away from the bitch and Zavi and looked across the room to see Alec watching us silently.

Alec was looking in my direction as I pleaded with my eyes to take me away from here. I saw him coming, like a knight in my shining armor.

He reaches me in no time and whispered, "I saw your call of desperation."

"Let's leave the lost lovers to get acquainted, fucking two whores." I muttered as he led me away from them.

"You're jealous?." He asked.

"Why would I be? I'm just his date and he's my boss."

He laughed, "Oh come on. Everyone could see it." I looked back and saw them talking and laughing.

I felt like tearing the bitch apart.

"Hey, you. Get over here." I flagged down a waiter who carried a tray filled with drinks.


I grinned.

The boy reached me in no time and I took a glass from him, he turns to leave and I grabbed his arm.

"Don't even think about that," I growled, grabbing another glass. His eyes widened, as he shook with fear.

Alec grinned beside me, "And you say you're not jealous?." I looked at him and saw how he was simply amused by my behavior.

"No. I'm simply tasty." I replied and gulped down the drink at once, I raised another glass to my lips and finished it at a go.

"Oh, wow," Alec muttered, surprised.

"I drink more than this," I told him and took another glass. He grabbed my arm, "You'll get drunk, Nora."

I smirked, "Will I?."

I take away my arm and gulped down the glass. I looked behind and saw that Zavi and his slut were nowhere to be found.

"Who's that lady to Zavi?." I asked, taking another glass from the waiter.

"She's Zavi's main whore. She's the only one he ever fucked twice so she thinks she's his girlfriend." He answers and I smirked.

"I think he's gonna make it the third time today," I mumbled, feeling the warm effects of the champagne taking its toll on me.

"Who wouldn't? just like you, she's also sexy and hot. But I would like to fuck you first, how long has it been?." I looked at him, "Or have you fucked Zavi before?."

"Nope, I'm a virgin," I replied to him, and his eyes rose.

"You're fucking innocent, beautiful." I felt different when he called me that, it wasn't the same feeling when Zavi calls me beautiful.

"What should I do?." I asked him calmly, feeling sober.

He took a glass of champagne and drops two pills of only god knows what, then handed it to me.

"It makes you relax." He mumbled, I grabbed the glass and gulped all its content.

"Now, go find him." He whispers.

My body moved towards a direction that I guessed they had taken. My head burned as the alcohol took full effect on me, whatever that was in that drink was making me feel funny and somewhat horny.

I pushed all doors I passed in search of that man whore who brought me to a date and went off to fuck another.

I stopped when I heard it. Moaning and the sound of the rhythmic bed creaking, my eyes widened like I had hit a jackpot.

And then, I opened the door and saw them.

She had big titties, Zavi's hands were wrapped around her ass as he shoved her into him.

I smirked and asked, "Is this missionary style?."