
Vanora Campbell.

I woke up feeling like I had been fucked in the face, my head throbbed and my body felt so weak, it was as if someone dropped a big log of wood on my body.

I winced and tried to sit up on the bed.

What the fuck happened yesterday?

My eyes looked around where I lay, and that was when I noticed this wasn't my room.

One minute, I was at the party and the next I was here.

Oh, fuck!.

The party.

I remembered Alec giving me something and then....I went in search of Zavi and found him hitting that girl so well.

After that, I didn't know what happened next. How the hell did I get here?

I flew the duvet off my body, I was still putting on my dress, so nothing unusual happened.

I sighed, relieved.

Fine, I will go out there and ask whoever put me here myself. I stepped out of the bed, locating the door, but before I reached over the door knob, I looked at myself in the mirror across the room.

Oh my god!

I nearly screamed. I looked like shit, my hair was disheveled and mascara gave me black eyes under my lashes, and my red lipstick which was so perfect yesterday was smeared by the corner of my mouth.


I'd better clean up.

I turned around and went to find the bathroom on my own.


Coming out of the bath, I searched through the wardrobe for something to wear. I noticed that I wasn't in my room but somewhere else and all the clothes in the closet were for men.

I settled on a shirt and walked out in search of anyone.

The apartment is so posh, glass doors, windows, walls...everywhere was glistening. This isn't any kind of someone's house but a hotel.

As my legs hit the sitting room, my nose picked up a delicacy. My tummy grumble hungrily at the smell as my legs located where it was coming from.

I stopped, seeing Alec on an apron, his mind on the onion he was cutting.

"Good morning, Alec." I greeted him, walking closer to the counter.

He looked up and smiled.

He looks so hot.

I sat at a chair, placing my hands on the counter.

"Finally, the angel's awake." He said in between a smile and looked me over again.

"You look sexy on the boss's shirt though."

I cleared my throat nervously.

"That's what I found when I searched the wardrobe, where's this place, Alec?." I question him, looking around.

"Zavi's penthouse." He replied.

"His penthouse?."

He looked up, "It looks like you don't remember what happened last night."

I shook my head, "Now, you talk about it, care to remind me?."

"Everyone saw Zavi carrying you in his arms as he exited the party yesterday. That's all I know."

It doesn't make any sense, if that's it, he wasn't the one who brought me home.

"Where's Zavi?."

"He had to attend to business, so he asked me to stay till you wake. He didn't wanna wake you."

I nodded.

My tummy grumble again and I looked down embarrassed.

Soon, he dropped a mug in front of me, "Drink the coffee, I'll get you something to eat."

He tries to leave the counter.

"Wait, where are you going?." I ask him.

"To call the hotel services."

My eyes rose, "Are you kidding me? Who are you making this for?."

"For myself. Why would you think I'll cook for you?." He countered.

I smacked my lips and grabbed one of his sandwiches.

"" Before he could stop me, I already threw it into my mouth.

He sighed and started to make more.

"I didn't know you would eat,"

I chuckled, "Or you don't want anyone knowing you can cook?."

He looked up, "Actually I'd learned how to cook. I love cooking but no one knows. What will they think?That an Italian mafia second in command cooks in the kitchen."

"It's what you like, don't feel too ashamed to show it. Can I grab more?." I asked him.

"Sure. You're already eating one." He mumbled, and I tried not to laugh, he got me seriously amused. He has a cool personality, and if he isn't in the mafia, he could have been so loving.

"We don't have all day today, your training starts today." I stopped eating.

"What training?."

"You'll be learning how to fight. That's what the boss said."

He grabbed his phone and texted someone.

I nod my head, "Oh, Alec, I don't have anything to say. But isn't it too soon?."

"Are you afraid, Kitten?."

"What? no. I've never been afraid in my life. It's just that...I don't know what I want anymore."

"You don't want to work with us?." He asked.

Exactly, how am I going to explain to him that I don't fancy seeing anyone dead? That I don't want to kill.

"If you feel like backing out, it's too late. You're already at the party so you're practically in danger. They know you now."

He's good with words. There's no way I would back out now.

The doorbell rang and I looked at Alec.

"Are you expecting someone?."

"Yes. I asked someone to get some clothes." He stated and opened one of the kitchen closets. He took a black pistol from it and walked out.

This is dangerous.

I'm lucky that I wasn't born with it.

He comes back in with a gown bag.

"We have to go."

At that moment, a bullet flew behind my ear and went straight to the wall, shattering the glasses.

I screamed.

"Get down, Nora," Alec yelled, and I went down, hiding behind the counter.

He went shooting instantly.

I was too shocked to act, what am I gonna do? What the fuck do I do?

My phone.

I need to call Zavi right now.

The shooting became intense as it went on every corner.

There was nowhere to find an escape, we were surrounded on every corner.

Immediately, Alec rolled over to my side.

"You have to leave, get the hell out of here." He yelled.

My eyes were filled with worry for him. I shook my head, "I'm not leaving without you, call Zavi."

"Goddamnit. There's no time for this. I'll cover up for you, get the fuck out, find somewhere to hide, and wait there."

Tears rolled down my face, how the hell did he want to survive this way?

"Go, please be safe." He kissed my forehead and began shooting again as I ran towards the exit.

I went into the elevator and it closed up. My hands shook with fear, it was fucking obvious they wanted me dead.

I didn't have a phone to call, no one to help Alec.

The door opened and I ran out. Everyone in the hotel was yelling and running around for safety. The shooting was coming from outside.

I went back into the elevator, looking for where to hide.

That is who I am, I let others save me but hide to save myself. My life has put everyone I know in danger.

Instead of stopping at the highest floor, I got out on another floor and went running in the hallway, my eyes widened when I saw some men in front of me.

"Get her! She's the one." One of them yelled, and all of their guns were pointed at me.

"Please, don't.. Don't kill me." I pleaded, fear clouding my senses.

I stepped back and soon hit the wall.

"What are you waiting for?." Their leader yelled at the other men.

One of them grabbed my wrist and at that moment, a gun was fired at him. His blood smeared the white shirt I was putting on, and I screamed and pushed him away.

The other men looked back to whoever shot the guy, another guy was shot down and their leader, before he could react, was shot in the face.

I waited.

Who the fuck saved me?

"Vanora?." I heard his voice, my heart fell as I looked up at Zavi walking out slowly from the elevator.

"Zavi," I yelled and ran into his arms.