The Kiss

Vanora Campbell.

I grabbed one of the men's arms and asked, "Where's Davina?."

His eyes flicker down to me and down to my hand on his arm, I removed my hand feeling like I had crossed a line.

"She's not back."

I've missed her so much, I didn't get to speak to her yesterday and then today, she left me. What has she been doing then?.

I started to find Alec and stopped when I heard his voice.

"Who the fuck wants Nora dead apart from Matteo? Zavi, when are you going to tell Nora about him?."

Matteo, who was Matteo?. It sounds familiar.

I walked in, "Who's Matteo?." I asked, everyone went mute.

They were suspicious, that attack was meant for me, I'm sure of that.

"And what are you hiding from me?."

Zavi walked closer and growled angrily, "Follow me."

I followed him up quickly confused on why he wasn't answering me. I knew he was pissed by something, but he wouldn't say a word.

He stopped and turned, facing me in anger as I was slow in catching up, he grabbed my arm and pulled me up to his face.

"When will you stop snooping around, Nora?. This wasn't why I brought you to the castle. I'm gonna make this clear..I know you feel important...I don't care but by breaking my rules, I'll punish you if you do that again."

I was shocked.

I thought we've passed this, maybe I was expecting much for him, maybe I expected him to just change, but he was who he is, he was still that monster.

He pulled me down the side stairs, and we made our way down six flights of stairs.

We were in his basement.

"Zavi, where are we going?." I asked him.

"You're going to train."


I had just escaped death, he should let me rest.

" am I supposed to train..without pants?." I was putting on a loose gown.

That was a question he never got to answer. We stopped outside an iron bolted door, he typed in a code and the door clicked open.

Inside was a store room, with mats, machines, guns surrounding every corner. I gulped down as he threw a bag at me.

"Change." He said, gruffly.

I slowly opened the bag and grabbed the Nike sport bra and shorts, he turned around as I slid the shorts up my legs.

When I was done, I tied my hair in a bun and mumbled, "I'm done, boss."

He turned around trailing his eyes over me, I noticed a black stud piercing on his left ear, his blacked inked tattoos snaked near the bottom of his ears. Why the shit dick does have to be so...good looking.

"Are you done looking or we should spend more time moping at each other?." He asked and I looked away.

He was mean.

He led me towards another door inside the room, we walked into a wide space, which was kept for training, it was a training room.

"Why are you different today?." I couldn't help but ask. I thought we've passed being that bossy and my worker. I thought we had something different going on, did I do something yesterday?. Maybe it was yesterday, I might have done something while I was drunk.

He pulled off his suit and unbuttoned his hand button. He drew the hand shirt up to his arm, making me see more of his tattoos. Why did he have many of them?.

Instead of answering any of my questions, he took a dangerously close step towards me. I felt him holding onto my hips and he walked us over to the mat, "Are we doing yoga?." I joked and chuckled all by myself.

No wonder he's a dick, he does not know how to laugh."What happened yesterday?"

He turned me over so I could face him, his hand still held my hips, the rings on his fingers chilled my skin.

"You begged me to fuck you." I deadpanned.


He smirked and pushed me forward so my lips were an inch away, "You wanted to kiss seduced me, ooh I didn't know you had that hidden talent." My face blushed crimson red with embarrassment.

His foot hooked my ankle and he tripped over making me fall, I groaned and stood up quickly.

The game was on.

A sly grin broke out of his face as he stalked towards me. I knew I was somewhat weak, but I wouldn't allow him to beat me up.

He threw a punch which I dodged, his eyes flared up as he made another move.

I stepped out of the mat.

My heart is racing.

"Come here, don't leave a fight, don't let your opponent think you're weak."

He swung again, smashing me on the stomach, I doubled over and he kneed my boobs, he spun me around and kicked me in the ass.

I groaned and flew back again, he had an amused look as I grabbed my ass.

"Are you teaching or punishing me, Zavi?."

He chuckled, "I love punishment, baby."

I went into a fighting stance, "Alright, let's see how you'll continue doing that."


Zavi Covillie.

She's a little demon, and wasn't as bad as I thought she was. She knew how to throw punches, and how to kick. I thought she was that weak bitch that can't do anything for herself.

She proved me wrong and I liked it, everything about her was turning me on, she was sexy in that tight pants and sport bra.

I wouldn't lie, Nora kinda beat me up, why?, because I was drooling over her and not exactly concentrated, every move she made was goddamn sexy.

I try to kneed her on the floor but she kinda flipped me over and I fell upfront. She didn't allow me to breathe but went on me and snuck my two hands on the floor.

I smiled, she was sitting on my dick, I was enjoying this.

"My father taught me how to fight when I was a child, and then I grew up for him not to like me anymore." She stated, I felt very bad for her. Douglas was a good man. He tried to protect his wife but was completely helpless at the time. Nora must have thought he led the men because of his gambling habits.

Seeing that her hand loosened on my hands, I grabbed her waist and sat up, sweat glistened on her porcelain face, her dark lashes hooded her beautiful doe eyes, if i could freeze time and be somewhere for the rest of my damn life, this is where I should be, my other hand cupped her cheek and I kissed her.