
Chapter Twenty.

In his abode, Shadrack was resting when a voice spoke to him. It wasn't his first time hearing the voice, or the second, or the tenth.

This powerful intrepid voice was the call of his master, the dark Lord, as they normally referred him to. 

"The gates of Vatră has been opened," the voice was saying when Shadrack hurried up and fell on his knees. "Oh, you don't have to do that." The dark Lord sympathized.

"Master, I have no option than to obey you. You are my treasure—"

"No, please don't—"

"My savior, my gold and diamond—"

"Find the key to Vatră as soon as you can." The voice ordered, cutting Shadrack off.

Quivering, Shadrack replied; "Y-yes, Master." 

"I will send you more agents to assist and guide you through your quests." Said the dark Lord.

"Quests?" Asked Shadrack. "Finding the key to Vatră is one quest, my Lord. And I presume it to be the only quest you have presently commanded of me."