

Angry isn't a good look on anyone. There is a ghostly cord that grows from your bent spine and dangles over your head as some rotten carrot you chase. In your zombie state you think you chase me. It's sad to watch you run that way. Why not stop and see the real me? I'm right here.

You are angry with a ghost that grows from your own head; you never knew me.

The angry ones create their own ghosts to chase, their delusions of who you are. So let them run, let them exhaust themselves. Ignoring them is the only sane response.

Anger will cost you far more than it earns.

They say anger is the bodyguard of sadness, that the only real way out is vulnerability, and that is why talk therapy works so very well.

Anger in a moment can scar for a lifetime, self control is worth the time and effort it takes to develop.