Chapter 1

The first section of the chubby priest

In the endless mountains, there are hundreds of large and small cultivating martial art schools, and Xuantian Courtyard is one of the large-scale martial art. Although Xuantian's courtyards add up to thousands of people, they occupy a thousand miles of land around them. Here, everything is theirs. They are the well-deserved masters of this place. Any monk who dares to scatter here. They will be killed without mercy. The prestige of Xuantian's hospital is built on the bodies of countless foreign monks.

At dusk this day, when most of the monks in the Xuantian monastery went to dinner or practice. A small priest of sixteen seven grades suddenly appeared in various branches. The little priest was slightly fat, and covered with a dirty blue robe. Although there was a bit of exquisiteness in the eyebrows, the small eyes that were cumbersome completely destroyed the temperament that he tried to create, making him look fundamental. It's not like a monk, it's like a dude who doesn't learn nothing. In addition, he also has a very uncomfortable name, called Song Zhong. And the 'send final' homophony, so that everyone hates it, and no one calls his real name, all called chubby.

Xiaopeng's life experience is very miserable. His parents were originally the elite disciples of Qingyangmen's inner door, but they suddenly died unexpectedly ten years ago. The indifference to human sentiment in the martial art school is notorious. Without the shelter of the parents, the talent is so amazing that the status of Song Zhong, which can be called 'the ruthless firewood', plummeted. From a child sheltered by his parents, he suddenly fell to the shackles of people.

The chubby, which has five elements and is completely evenly distributed, has a name in the realm of cultivation, called all-round waste. Although all five elements of the spell can be practiced, but nothing can be practiced, it is basically impossible to comprehend, even if it is barely using spiritual medicine to nourish the practice, it is not possible to become a master, only a lifetime in the low-level stage. In this case, which martial art will not waste precious comprehension resources on this kind of guy who will never become a talent.

If it weren't for the thin side of his parents, chubby would have been driven out of the mountain gate, leaving him to be self-defeating. It is now that the situation of chubby is not good. He does not count even the outside disciples. He can only be a low-level squatter, and he specializes in collecting the garbage generated every day from the subordinates at dusk.

However, although chubby is always stupid, it is actually a very formidable child. After ten years of seeing the world, the world is warm and cold, and he has not chosen to give up himself. The fight on it. Even if he knew that his talents were not good, he never gave up practicing.

Every day, in addition to completing the work of converging garbage handed over by the martial art, his entire time is almost used in cultivation. He has been practicing for almost ten hours in a day. This kind of diligence is even the guys who are called cultivators. I am afraid that I will smell it. People, after all, are not statues. They meditate for more than eight hours every day. There is no entertainment, no one speaks, but they are only working wholeheartedly. The taste is really alive and can be stupid!

However, Xiaopang has resolutely persisted for ten years. He firmly believes that as long as the perseverance is kept, there will always be a day when those who bully him are stepping on their feet. The so-called Emperor Tian pays off, finally, in the night of last night, Xiaopeng succeeded in transforming the instinct of the whole body from the day after tomorrow into a congenital, becoming a veritable comprehension.

After the mortal is born, it belongs to the day after tomorrow. If you want to cultivate the truth, you must remove the turbidity of the day after tomorrow, and all of them will be transformed into innate anger. Only by entering this innate realm can we qualify for the practice of the Confucianism. This is a question of whether or not we can repair it. Crossing the past is a monk, not a past, just a mortal!

However, in the face of such achievements, Xiaopang has nothing to be happy except for the smile. Because people have talented comprehensions, they all complete this step around the age of 10. Some talented metamorphosis pure attribute genius, with the help of strong family resources, can even complete this step before the age of 5. In other words, Song Zhong practiced at least a few years later than others.

You must know that comprehension is a matter of doing things against the sky, in order to fight time with the sky. If you can't advance before the longevity of Shouyuan, then only those who wait for them will die. The time before the cultivation is more precious and directly affects the future development. Such a comprehension like Song Zhong, who is still so painstaking at the age of sixteen, is barely able to make a death sentence. Unless chubby can have any special chances, he will never be promoted, and at most he will stop the innate realm.

In fact, the reason why Xiaopang is doing the hard work is because he really has such a chance. This opportunity comes from an unknown treasure left by his parents. According to Xiaopeng's parents, the thing was taken from an extremely ancient Xiudong cave house. Looking at the Dongfu's appearance, the owner of the Dongfu is definitely strong. Eighty percent of what he left is not a product. It is a pity that Song Zhong's parents were sent out without having to study it, and then they never went back. This thing became the only thing they left for Song Zhong.

The idea of ​​chubby is that after practicing to the innate realm, he will immediately refine this treasure to cost the magic weapon. If you are lucky, you will encounter a different treasure, and maybe you can solve your own problems. If you can't, then he can only die and repair the heart, and slowly wait for death!

The so-called people are happy with the joy of the event, and with such hope, the chubby is naturally more brisk. He first came to the training hall of Xuantian Courtyard. Here is a place for the disciples to practice the use of spells. Every day, there are many abandoned spells. The Taoist children here will put the garbage after the elite disciples have left. Packed up, Xiaopeng's job now is to take away the garbage. Compared with the previous washing of the dishes, sweeping the ground, this work can be much tired, because the road is far.

The abandoned spell has two large baskets. Song Zhong came to the hut behind the training hall, and skillfully put the empty basket he brought there, then picked up the two large baskets filled with rubbish, and quickly walked toward Go outside.

Xiao Yan is not qualified to walk the main entrance, Xiaopeng can only walk from the back door, gallop along the mountain road. After all, it is a person who has been practicing for more than ten years. Although chubby can't fly, he can also count a few times. His years of exercise make his slightly fat body not affect his speed. The mountain roads of dozens of miles soon arrived. On this road, from time to time you can see the monks flying from the heavenly sword, they also saw chubby, but no one will pay attention to this little cockroach.

These guys can fly through the nostrils, and chubby has already felt good. If you meet a boring guy, maybe you will sneer. And the more boring goods, it will use the low-level method to find a little fun for Song Zhong. In ten years, chubby has been drenched with water for many times, and he has been burnt with his ass, so he has to streak for a long time, becoming the biggest joke in Xiaoyan. The most dangerous one, there was a disciple who had no control over the music. He originally wanted to use the wind blade to cut off the chubby hair, but almost cut off the chubby head. Since then, Xiaopang has changed his appearance, and how to dress low-key. I also specially choose to work when there are few people to avoid too many boring people.

The place where Xiaopang is going now is called Gutter. It is a deep abyss in the back of the mountains of Xuantian. In normal times, the garbage produced by Xuantian's hospitals will be thrown here. The Xuantian Courtyard has been established for thousands of years, and the garbage has been still for thousands of years. I have not filled this trench with hundreds of miles.

However, when it was the turn chubby to take over the job, the following garbage had accumulated a lot, and the highest garbage mountain was only a dozen feet away from the ditch.

The chubby who has something in his heart can now have no idea to appreciate the huge amount of garbage in the gutter. He throws away the two large baskets of garbage and then rushes straight to the alchemy hall. There are also two garbage baskets filled with refining failures. Abandoned medicinal herbs.

After throwing away the garbage from the alchemy hall, Xiaopang will go to the refining hall. There are only two garbage baskets, which are loaded with the failure of the refiner and some ash.

After throwing away the garbage from the three churches, the work of chubby day was over. He ran a few hundred miles in two hours, even though he was a cultivator, he was tired and panting, sweating.

After returning to the hut where he lived like a dead dog, Xiaopeng refused to wash it and immediately began to meditate.

After half an hour, a round of crescent moon creeps up the willow head, and the chubby who finished the adjustment of interest slowly opened his eyes. At this time, his physical and mental state is at the best stage plus the location is remote, no one has been disturbed for a few years, it is a good time to refine the treasure.

Carefully opening a hidden organ in the bed, chubby took out a walnut-sized black bead from the inside. This bead is round and round, not golden and non-jade. I don't know what it is made of. There are no patterns on it, and there is no aura benefit. If it is not found in ancient times, the chubby parents will not look at it.

In fact, even chubby himself doubts whether this thing is a different treasure, that can be used to refine the magic weapon. You must know that a person's life-threatening magic can only be refining, even if you want to change it later. It can be said that this life method directly determines the future development of a comprehension person. Therefore, the general comprehension will be carefully selected after the cultivation to a certain level and will be carefully selected as the best magic weapon. If it is not good if it is not good. The magic weapon, then they would rather not refine, and will never arbitrarily define a thing that does not know its origins as a magic weapon.

However, for Xiaopang, he has no choice. The magic weapon that he can touch is such a thing, not refining, he will have no future in the future, and he will only die if he does nothing. However, if there is a certain danger in refining, there may be a chance to live.

Xiaopeng Mo took a sleek black bead and smiled bitterly: "Beads, beads, don't let me down!"

After that, the chubby who had already made up his mind to fight immediately became a tight face and decided to use his nails to open his wrist and drop the blood of the life on the beads. It is strange to say that when the blood touches the beads, it is immediately absorbed into them as if it were not a bead, but a greedy monster.