Chapter 5

Time is not big, Song Zhong followed the boy into the yard. Li Ping waved his hand away from the boy, and then looked at Song Zhong with a strange look, and his eyes were straight.

Xiaopeng was covered by his hair and had to smile first: "Lee deacon, why are you looking at me like this?"

"Ah~" Li Ping just woke up and hurriedly said: "Song Zhong, oh no, Song Shidi, it is really rude. I didn't expect you to enter the innate realm? I wonder if you have any adventures?"

"No~" Xiaopeng hurriedly shook his head: "I am just a small dumpling of garbage. There are no mountain gates. Where are the adventures?"

"But ~" Li Ping said, "How long is your repair so fast?"

"One is to eat a lot of good things when I was young, and there is a good practice. The other is also the result of my hard work. I meditate more than eight hours a day!" Song Zhong could not say anything about the beads, nor dare too Out of the limelight, I quickly clarified my relationship.

"Ah, it turned out to be like this!" Li Ping just took a forehead and said: "I said, your aunt is good!" Obviously, he attributed everything to Song Zhong's parents and directly ignored Song Zhong's Work hard.

Xiaopeng has a direct eye, even with a little impatience: "Li deacon, I am now innate realm, you see, according to the rules, can you let me be a formal disciple!"

"Oh, of course!" Li Ping immediately said: "Since the door rules have been written, it must be wrong, you come with me!"

Although Li Ping still looked down on Song Zhong, he did not dare to violate the rules. So I took Song Zhong to a room without being cold or hot, and then I didn't know where to figure out a jade card. "Where is Song Zhong? Your name is really depressing!"

As he said, he rushed to write the word Song Zhong on the jade card, and then handed it to Xiaopang: "This is your identity jade card. With it, you are an outside disciple!"

"Thank you for your deacon!" Song Zhong hurriedly smiled and took it over, and then looked at it with gusto. He suddenly found Li Ping staring at him, and did not have the next move. He wondered: "Li deacon, the outside disciple is not There is also a flying sword, a musical instrument and a storage bag are also here for you?"

Li Ping listened, so hangover, and said, how can there be such an idiot in the world? I don't know the benefits in my collar. If everyone is like you, then let me drink the northwest wind? Thinking of this, he gnashed his teeth: "Song Shidi, since you know this, do you know the rules here?"

Xiaopang is a glimpse first, and even if he understands, this guy is asking for a bribe! However, Xiaopeng, but the person who was left out of the house, the house left by his parents, the property, etc., were all taken back. He even distributed the clothes on his body. Where else did he have spare money to pay bribes?

So he can only pretend to be stupid: "Rules? Rules and regulations? I really don't understand!"

"You~" Li Ping was mad at him, but he still had no way to take him. He couldn't help the younger brother for this little thing. If the other party is still a small beggar, it is natural to fight casually, but now he is a foreign disciple, and he still has to leave a few points. However, hey, boy, don't even think about taking advantage of it!

Thinking of this, Li Ping screamed: "I don't know if it is, this is your flying sword, storage bag, you can go!" He said, he just took out a black flying sword and a The worn bag was thrown on the table.

Xiaopeng rushed to collect it, and then asked: "Deacon, the instrument? Is not the martial art to send a minimum level of instrumentation?"

"According to the regulations, there are instruments, but now there is no goods, you wait, when is there, I will give you again!" After that, Li Ping directly twisted his face and shook his sleeves, loudly: " Boy, send the guest!"

"Yes~" The boy ran again.

The chubby face is stupid, but in fact, the heart is fine. When you hear it, you know that this kid wants to yell his own instrument. Although he was dying, he still smirked: "If this is the case, then I will leave!" After he finished, he followed the boy.

Looking at the figure of Song Zhongyuan, Li Ping disdainfully said: "It's stupid and has no talent for waste! I'm too lazy to care about you!" If the chubby talent is good, there is hope for promotion, Li Ping will not be so, but the problem is small Fat talent is too bad, Li Ping believes that he is inactive in this life, naturally there is no scruples.

Xiaopeng, who hasn't gone far, heard this statement, and suddenly he was so angry that he was so angry that he said: "Pharaoh, you wait, after Laozi is developed, you will not cry for you!"

After returning to his own log cabin, Xiaopeng entered his own magical space and then took out the two things. I picked up the flying sword and looked at it. The sword is one foot three inches long, and it is black and black. It is made of black iron. It is just covered with scars. The sword head is even missing. The pattern on the above is also somewhat damaged. To be finished.

Xiaopeng gasped and said: "Well, you Li Ping, can you find a flying sword that is worse than this? This is a fake thing that is hundreds of years old. You are so funny. give me!"

When I got to the excitement, chubby almost wanted to throw it into the black soil and break it down. But in the end, I thought about it, but I still didn't want it. After all, this is the first flying sword in his life. Yes, it is better than nothing!

Fortunately, chubby now has countless treasures, and does not care about this loss. Thinking of this, his mood was a little better, and he threw the flying sword aside. Song Zhong picked up the tattered storage bag. When the gods went inside, they found that there was less than half a square space. .

"Rely, is this the point? The standard storage bag has a space of one foot and five!" Song Zhong once again said: "This is definitely a broken house for hundreds of years. Grandma's, I will not give it. Do you have any benefits? You actually used this kind of garbage to send me, and also deducted my instrument! The **** Li Ping, the old bastard, we are not finished!"

Song Zhong under the wrath directly threw the ruin on the black soil, but the next moment, he immediately squatted back and said to himself: "No, you can't let it disappear, I have no storage in my hand." It's suspicion that the bag will be taken out of the bag. If it's gone, take it as a cover!"

Thinking of this, chubby helplessly took it again. Then he said to himself: "Forget it, anyway, I have no plans to live on these garbage. It is imperative to take away those scattered things, so as not to be suspicious, and then retreat for a while and collect some good. Things, at the same time, the wind of my promotion has passed, and then use these materials in exchange for medicinal herbs and treasures, the rest is a painstaking work of mind, must be cultivated to look like!"

After thinking about these things, Song Zhong adjusted his mentality and went out to continue to find rewards for each deacon to ask for the martial art.

Generally speaking, anyone who becomes a foreign disciple, in addition to those three things, can also receive a basic set of exercises, as well as methods of alchemy, refining, and making, in order to enable them to be martial. Contributed to the establishment of the establishment.

Of course, these things are the most basic, most junk goods, if you want to get something better, you must use Lingshi to buy. Lingshi, you can only earn money by working for the martial art. For example, to help the martial arts, alchemy or refining, you can receive a certain amount of compensation. Then they can use these rewards in exchange for advanced exercises, or medicinal herbs and other supplies. This is the path that most outside children need to go through. Only after being called an inner disciple can you get enough cultivation items without production.

And called the inner disciple, there are only two roads, one is amazing talent, such a genius, when they come up, they will be robbed by the masters of the door as an apprentice, and they are covered, naturally there is nothing missing, only one mind You can do it.

As for the foreign disciples, they can only rely on their own diligent cultivation, cultivation to the realm of the congenital thirteen heavens, and after successfully building the foundation, they can become inner disciples.

Building a foundation is the goal of chubby. In order to reach the goal as soon as possible, he rushed to collect his own things after he cleaned up Li Ping's anger. As a result, Song Zhong was once again afflicted by various deacons. After learning that Xiaopang had no good to give, they ruthlessly ridiculed Song Zhongyi and then took out a few others to see The super junk cheats that didn't go drove him away.

From the beginning to the end, Song Zhong had a smirk on his face. He had already experienced countless similar things, and his mind was tempered. At this time he will argue with these idiots. What he has to do is to remember their faces in their hearts, and then use this anger for cultivation, when to build a foundation, and when to come back for revenge!

"Gentlemen revenge, ten years is not too late!" Xiaopang took a pile of **** and full of resentment, even if the meal did not eat, he went back directly to his residence. Fortunately, after entering the innate realm, the monk's requirements for food are not very high. Although they have not reached the valley, they are not hungry for a few days.

After returning, Song Zhong threw the pile of **** aside and began to figure it out. He is not a small man now, so he does not have to go to the garbage every day. Then the rest of the time can be used in cultivation.

However, when it comes to the innate realm and wants to cultivate again, it must be done by auxiliary measures. It is not enough to rely on the strong aura of Xuantian. It must be coordinated by medicinal herbs and spirits, and good exercises cannot be lacking. Unfortunately, none of them are. However, Song Zhong is not in a hurry. With such a metamorphosis, he has everything.

After a night of hard work, the chubby got up early the next morning. He hurriedly brushed it and picked up the broken flying sword that had broken the tip of the sword. Today, he wants to formally practice the sword flying.

Yujian flying is the biggest place where a practitioner is different from a mortal. With this, the comprehension is truly a comprehension. If you don't even fly, then no one will ever see you.