Chapter 19

Xiaopeng unknowingly put it into his stomach, and then checked it with his own knowledge. He just let go of his heart, and once again excitedly slammed the beautiful lady down, and then reluctantly climbed up, and then said: "Sister, although we are close, but you can rest assured, I will not threaten What do you do. Usually in front of people, you can pretend not to know me, or even despise me. In short, you just have to be yourself."

The reason why chubby is so, is actually afraid of urging the other party to rush, and risking the risk of reporting with himself.

"Really? Why are you doing this?" Han Lingfeng couldn't help but ask strangely.

"Because I don't want to expose my strength, I have to keep the secrets in my hands!" Xiaopeng said faintly.

"You can rest assured, I will not talk nonsense!" Han Lingfeng, while holding on to the pain and finishing the clothes, nodded and promised.

"That's good!" Xiaopeng then smiled a little, said: "This time, my sister, I am very touched by the younger brother. In order to commemorate the two very meaningful first time, I intend to put the two guys outside. Everything is given to the sister, and I hope that the sister will laugh!"

"What? You want to give them all of their things?" Han Lingfeng heard this, suddenly surprised.

"Yeah, is there any problem?" Xiaopeng laughed and said.

"Are you not kidding?" She immediately said with an incredible face: "While Wang Zhonghe and Zhang Shixiong are not particularly wealthy, they can also say that they have a little savings, especially Zhang Shixiong, who has been a foreigner for more than 20 years. There are so many good things under your arm, and his three-piece instrument is worth a million stones. Are you willing to give it to me?"

"Oh, of course, in my eyes, those are rubbish!" Xiaopeng grinned.

"Ah~" Han Lingfeng couldn't help but **** a cold air, and then said: "No wonder you can throw out a few spells worth hundreds of stones. It seems that your parents have left a lot of property for you?"

When Xiaopeng heard this, he first glimpsed it, but soon realized that Han Lingfeng misunderstood his source of wealth. For him, this is definitely a good misunderstanding. Therefore, Xiaopang does not explain, just smiles slightly, and then unpredictable and profound: "Sister, there are some things that can't be said!"

Han Lingfeng heard this saying, but thought that chubby is the default, and immediately said: "Okay, I understand! If so, then I really laughed at their things?"

"Of course, it is for you to accept it!" Xiaopeng then said faintly: "Of course, if you can easily solve those two problems, it would be better!"

Han Lingfeng was a glimpse first, and even if he understood it, this is Xiaopeng looking for her to vote for it! When I think of my unfortunate situation today, all of them are caused by the ten pieces of Wang Zhong's stone retreat, and there is an unknown fire in her heart. Plus, now that life and death are between chubby thoughts, she does not dare to say anything more, simply said: "I will give it to me, but, my mana?"

"Oh, Sister, this is antidote!" Xiaopang took a pill and gave it to her.

Han Lingfeng knows that chubby will not succumb to her at this time. After all, her life and death are under the control of others, and there is no need for people to lie to her in this way. Therefore, Han Lingfeng was relieved to take over the medicinal herbs. Soon, she sensed that the lost mana was constantly produced, and the fighting power was restored after a short period of time.

After the restoration, Han Lingfeng did not have any nonsense. He walked out of the wooden house and grabbed the volley. He took the flying sword that he had thrown on the ground and took it to the front of Wang Zhong.

Wang Zhong has now barely woke up. At this time, he was swayed by the thunder of the wind and thunder sword. The air was filled with the light fragrance of a barbecue. When he opened his eyes, he saw Han Lingfeng. Since he endured the pain and pleaded: "Sister, save me!"

Han Lingfeng said with grief: "You have made me so miserable, and my face has saved me? If it weren't for you, my princess, how could I be given a wretched fat man~"

Later, she certainly didn't dare to say it out loud, but after that, Han Lingfeng had already gottered with tears, and couldn't help her, she lifted her flying sword directly, and stabbed it.

"Shimei~" Wang Zhong only had time to scream and scream, and he died on the spot.

After killing Wang Zhong, Han Lingfeng went to Zhang Daoshi. He woke up and saw Wang Zhong's end. He was scared to say: "Sister, sister, I am not killed, I am like you, The victim?"

"Maybe, but this has nothing to do with it. For my future, my brother, Xiaomei can only be sorry for you!" Han Lingfeng finished, Feijian waved, a sword flew out, and Zhang Daoshi's head Clean and clean.

Then Han Lingfeng sighed and then bowed down to remove the instruments left by the two, flying swords and storage bags, and then popped two real fires, and instantly burned the bodies of the two to ashes, and finally she Gently shake the sleeves, fan out a strong wind, and blow away the ashes. Since then, there has never been Wang Zhonghe and Zhang Daoshi.

After the annihilation of the dead, Han Lingfeng twisted his face and looked at the chubby at the door of the wooden house: "Teacher, if there is nothing else, I will leave!"

"Sister and sister go!" Xiaopeng smiled and waved.

Han Lingfeng originally thought that the other party would take back some of the spoils at this moment, or put forward some unreasonable thin and light requirements, but did not expect Xiaopeng to let her go so easily. She had to carry a full of doubts, Yu Jian left the place.

"Ah~" Xiaopeng sent Han Lingfeng away, and he stretched out a comfortable waist. After a little chaotic aura in his body, he immediately felt that his body's aura immediately rolled up quickly. The concentration of Reiki was actually more than yesterday. Many, I am afraid that they will reach the realm of congenital two heavens. This discovery surprised Xiaopeng. He couldn't help but scratch his head and said: "Weird, I didn't practice for one night, but how much skill has increased so much? Is it possible to promote Korean masters and improve skills?"

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And said that Han Lingfeng Yu Jian left the chubby wooden house, the heart grievances, distressed, retained the innocent body for decades, gave a wretched fat man, who is not reconciled? What's more, this guy is still overpowering himself to surrender his life to the gods equal to completely control his life and death, after this, I am afraid to become a slave of others, this can let her do what?

Just when Han Lingfeng was worried, she suddenly saw a sneaky figure below. When she took a closer look, she immediately recognized that this person was the foreign disciple who Wang Zhong spent money to look for. I don't know why, this guy didn't hurry to go back to rest after taking the gold, but he was hiding here.

When I saw this guy, Han Lingfeng was shocked. She immediately realized that she almost made a big mistake. If she let this guy leave, then I am afraid it will endless. Because after all, he saw himself and Wang Zhongren together to calculate the chubby, but now only he is alive to leave, chubby is also safe and sound. Then, in case this guy spreads out today's things, some people will guess that Wang Zhong and Zhang Daoshi must have died in Xiaopeng's hands and thus involved themselves.

Thinking of the huge hidden dangers of the whole thing, Han Lingfeng could not help but shed a cold sweat. After all, it was the life of two foreign disciples. Once the incident occurred, 80% of them would be abolished. This is not what Han Lingfeng wanted.

After realizing this huge hidden danger, Han Lingfeng hurriedly pressed the sword and fell to the guy.

The foreign disciple did not know that the big disaster was coming. When Han Lingfeng came down, he immediately gave a smile and said: "I have seen Han Shishu~"

"Yeah!" Han Lingfeng nodded, then frowned. "So late, you don't go to rest, what do you do here?"

"Hey, Master Shu, I actually want to help you clean up the fat man's aftermath. Some things are not convenient for you to do, but I am very good at it." The guy immediately lost his smile.