Chapter 7 Salem

"Who are you?" Salem asked the disheveled-looking girl with glasses who stood before her.

Is she with Greenhouse?

Salem cautiously moved back a step in apprehension. Her eyes began to dart about the girl to get a clue as to who she was.

The girl looked to be physically around her age. Her skin was dark, eyes brown, she wore glasses and bore a frazzled set of braids. Salem could also see how her clothes dripped. Her outfit was soaked.

Is it raining outside?

The batbane noted how the girl was breathing. She took in deep breaths and had a flushed face. She's been running, Salem gathered.

But why?

Salem took a step back, not sure what the girl was.

As Salem took another step back, pulling the light with her, the candle flame helped illuminate the girl's entire physique. Salem could now make out her outfit. It was just a simple white undershirt and skirt… but it looked familiar. It was an ugly blue color.

Where have I seen that pathetic color before, Salem wondered? She furrowed her eyes at it and stared. She tried to think.

Then it dawned on her like a flash of lightning. She knew where she had seen it before. Madame Madeline had one just like it, except hers' was purple. Which meant...

Salem smiled and pointed to it.

"I recognize that uniform-You's a witch!" Salem said with excitement.

Salem watched as the dark girl gave a slight twitch at the word. The witch then looked down at herself and gave a slight frown. Then, finally, she looked up and nodded awkwardly.

"Er, yes-I am Madame Lovecraft. A registered official from the Designated Office of Witchcraft. And you are-

The girl began and stopped. Salem waited for her to finish, but Lovecraft did not. Instead, the witch seemed absorbed in staring at her. Especially her face, the batbane noted.

Salem thought it odd but shrugged it off. Perhaps the witch was just a strange kind of person.

Most witches were really, Salem thought, having met so many in the store. Madame Madeline was certainly no exception.

They are a kooky bunch of characters, Salem couldn't deny. But despite knowing that, Salem began to feel nervous as Lovecraft continued to stare.

She must be a bizarre one, Salem thought. She was not Terran, of that, the Salem was sure. Her skin was too dark, and she wore no gloves. Two large NO's for this country. And she also spoke with an accent. Something Salem hadn't heard before. It was heavy with a preference for 'ugh' sounds.

Perhaps she hails from the south, like Sundry or even Freet? Salem concluded. Could this be some kind of a cultural thing to stare at?

Salem honestly did not know. She regretfully hadn't had the chance to read up on the other countries as of yet. But she was going to. It was only a matter of when.

Salem tended to read a lot. More so now than back in Vali. For obvious reasons.

The batbane decided to ignore the staring. She, instead, smiled brightly and extended her hand out to shake.

"And I'm Salem, nice to meet-

"You're a vampire." Nylah finished, and the batbane froze. Edgar began to shuffle uncomfortably on her shoulder.

"What?" Salem voiced in confusion.

How could she know? My fangs aren't out, Salem was cheerful, and her eyes were-

Salem gasped as she realized. She never put it back in her contacts. The witch had seen her golden eyes. Salem took a step back and pulled her hand to her chest.

This was bad, she thought, very bad.

Even though she wasn't a gleamer, she was an official of D.O.W., And Salem knew how all D.O.W. members were under strict oath to the king. They were under oath to turn over any trespassing magic-folk- to Greenhouse.

Salem took another step back.

But would this one do that, she wondered. Would she turn them in? That would be like writing their death warrant. Could she be so heartless? How could anyone be? The girl was a magic folk too. All witches were. The only exception was that witches were allowed here, as long as they paid their dues and bowed to the king.

And Greenhouse was no more her ally than Salem's. They were all in the same position when it came to that. And it seemed cruel to have all witches turn over their fellow kind to certain doom, Salem pleaded.

So, would she see from our side? Would she spare us? Take pity?

Salem wasn't sure yet.

"It's Batbane…actually…."Salem began. She felt her fangs pop out from the stress.

What to do? Salem searched pleadingly after the witch. She carefully watched the witch's face for any signs of benevolence.

The young witch took a step forward. Nylah then turned her focus onto Edgar and James. She looked after them a moment and gravely frowned.

"You have a familiar and a gnome with you, too-

She then looked to Salem. Her face became stern and rigid. Salem inched back reflexively.

"None of you are supposed to be here." Nylah finished.

"Uh…" Salem voiced nervously and inched further back. Edgar ruffled his feathers into a fluffy threat.

"Is that a problem, Madame Lovecraft?" Edgar spoke now. Salem could feel how his nails dug into her shoulder. The crow was just as nervous as she.

"It is a problem," Nylah answered curtly. Salem's eyes went wide in horror.

She's going to turn us in, Salem realized. She could tell by looking into her eyes. There was no room for empathy there—only cold hard facts.

This was not a witch who bent the rules for anyone, for anything, Salem thought with dread.

This was very bad indeed.

Salem began to think quickly. But, first, she had to create some kind of plan. If she wanted to keep her friends and self out of Greenhouse, she needed to be innovative. But witches, she knew, were a whole other business.

If it were a gleamer, there was a way to beat them. They were ruthless, yes, but they were also human. They needed to use their anti-magic weapons to help fight. They might make it if one were to damage somehow or remove their guns.

Witches, though, Salem already knew from working with them, didn't have handicaps. They were limitless save for what was forbidden by D.O.W.

But if a witch did want to get something, there was no natural way to stop them.

This may be even more dangerous than dealing with Greenhouse, Salem thought anxiously.

Why was I so stupid to forget to put it back in my contacts? Salem couldn't help but chastise herself.

She needed to be careful. There must have been some way she could escape. But how?

Suddenly, the candle's flame she was holding wavered with a gust of wind. The tunnel instantly became darker before illuminating again. This jolted an idea.

Salem looked at the candle and smiled widely. Her hand moved to press down on Edgar's back firmly. The crow gave a startled caw.

"Salem?" Edgar whispered, and the batbane shot him a rugged look. Edgar instantly understood and prepared himself.

Nylah, meanwhile, took a step forward. Her face was determined as she looked directly at them. Nylah spoke firmly.

"You are all violating the law. No magic-folk are allowed inside Terra, Freet, or Sundry." Nylah said and raised her hand as if to cast a spell.

"As a registered official from the Designated Office of Witchcraft, I am under oath to apprehend and take you to Greenhouse for imprisonment. Please do not resist."

Salem only smirked back at her. She moved down to the candle and peered up at the witch. She gave a wink.

"How about, no?"

Salem pressed her lips together to blow out the candle. The tunnel instantly became dark, and the young witch screamed in shock.


But Salem took this as her chance.

"Hold on, everyone." Salem voiced and took off into a neck-snapping sprint.

"No- stop!" Salem heard the witch call after her but disregarded it. There was no way in all the hell that she would allow herself to get caught.

Especially not if that meant the same for Edgar and James, Salem thought. She'd rather die than have that happen.

Salem continued to run through the darkness without a problem. Her eyes were perfect for it. This was one of the few times she was glad to have them.

"Once we reach the Gollum, we'll be alright." Salem voiced to reassure her comrades. She felt Edgar dig deeper into her shoulder for support as James clung tighter to the strings of her corset.

"H-how far will that be?" Edgar croaked in a shaky voice.

"It should be coming- I see it! It's just up ahead." Salem cried in relief. She could see the enormous humanoid statue loom in the middle of the tunnel. Salem pushed even more brutally to speed up and reach it.

From behind her, she could still hear the faint cries of the witch. She had yet to turn on any light, but it would only be a matter of time before she would. Salem knew she needed to hurry.

The young girl reached the monstrous statue with a jolting halt. It was so abrupt that Edgar almost fell off. But, instead, he gave a startled cry.

"Easy now!" Edgar cried, and Salem moved to caress his feathers. The crow instantly calmed down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Salem apologized, and the crow gave a soft coo. Salem knew how much he loved to be spoiled.

Salem paused, stroking to peer up at the Gollum. She pressed her lips together.

"Hey, does anyone remember what the word was supposed to be for this guy?"

Edgar shifted on her shoulder.

"No, didn't she tell you?" Edgar asked, and Salem shrugged.

"Yes, but I seem to have forgotten. I know I need to carve it into the head- What was it, though?" Salem crossed her arms.

It was bothering for her to have forgotten. Perhaps it was from all the excitement of today? She excused—just a moment of relapse.

"It wasn't 'life,' was it?" Edgar volunteered, but Salem shook her head.

"No, it wasn't as easy as that. I remember that it was strange-

Suddenly, a small light emerged from her chest. Salem quickly looked down to see that it was James. He had activated a glowing stone from around his neck. It glowed green and filled the tunnel in a calming light. Now, everyone was able to see the Gollum.

It held no face except for two tiny eye holes. James looked at it a moment and thought. He then spoke.

"Truth." He spoke in his tiny voice. Salem immediately smiled brightly with her fangs out.

"That's it! James, you're so smart!" Salem praised the gnome. James blushed and looked down sheepishly. Edgar gave a huff of jealousy.

The batbane extended her finger to produce a long claw, another one of her vampiric talents and had Edgar take James and get off her. They landed near her feet.

"Stay back, guys. I don't want you getting hurt." Salem voiced to them. She saw the two nod and waited until they had gained enough distance. She then took to climbing up the statue.

Salem bluntly carved in Elfish the word into the stone's forehead without any type of ceremony and then jumped back. Within moments, the creature began to move.

It turned its head with a low grinding sound and released a gust of air from its eyes. Salem watched silently as Edgar ruffled his feathers and James ducked behind him.

"WHO" The stone man hollowed out like wind blowing over a bottle. The rush of air pushed Salem's hair back. Edgar gave a nervous squeak as James covered his eyes.

"Hello there," She began and took a step up to the thing.

Salem needed to do this precisely as Madame Madeline had told her. There was not going to be room for error.

If I mess up, the batbane chastised herself; the Gollum would smash her and everyone to pieces. Salem tried to hide her growing nervousness as she recalled the words.

Well, it's get smashed by the Gollum or go to Greenhouse. Salem tried to reason with herself. Neither one was going to be pleasant, but...she'd instead take her chances. And being smashed wouldn't be all that bad, Salem admitted.

At least I'd never have to go back and see the Council. But she also wished not to have Edgar and James hurt.

I would not forgive myself for that. I have to try and do it right. They're counting on me.

"WHO" The Gollum whooshed again, a bit angrier this time.

Salem could see that it was beginning to raise his hand as if to crush down on her. Then, finally, she closed her eyes and spoke firmly.

"I am SALEM MARIA OXPURE and have been permitted by your creator MADAME MADELINE LUNASPOON to act as her proxy when in need. And I here invoke your services- I need your help. We are being chased. I ask you -block their way. Do not let anyone pass you. This is my will, so- please, mote it be done."

Salem declared at the top of her lungs and waited. She half expected the golem to smash her to a pulp.

Edgar fluttered his feathers and cawed.

"Salem, look," He voiced and moved over with James on his back and landed on her shoulder. She opened her eyes with a start.

"Wait- don't" Salem began to warn them to stay away but then caught sight of the stone man.

The Gollum had frozen in place. His hand was still in the air, but she felt no ill-will from it. Instead, she peered up at him, unsure. The Gollum seemed to be waiting.

Had it worked? Salem had to wonder.

A sound of wood and stone crushing echoed from behind them. Salem turned quickly to see how the tunnel began to fill with smoke.

"What was that!" Edgar cried, and Salem peered into the darkness. Far off, she could see that there seemed to be an orange glow.

Fire, she thought with horror.

"Greenhouse…" Salem weakly voiced. She swallowed hard and began to think. This meant that there were two people now after them.

Could she even handle both of them? Salem already knew she couldn't.

"GO." Came the deep voice, and Salem cried in shock. She and everyone were being lifted into the air.

It was the Gollum. He lifted them up and over his head to gently lower them to the ground behind him.

"GO." The airy voice rumbled again, and the Gollum began to walk toward the noise. Salem stood there a moment with everyone in shock.

"Thank you." She finally called out when she found her voice again. The Gollum said nothing but kept marching on.

"Salem." Edgar urged, and she looked over at them. James quickly climbed back into her bodice. They both looked frightened. Salem nodded.

"Hold on." She said and again took off into another sprint.

Salem knew they were at the halfway point when she met the Gollum. That meant the end of the tunnel was not too far ahead. So she increased her speed.

"Almost there." She breathed out.

The running was getting to her now. Her lungs were burning, and her legs wanted to cave in. She had been pushing herself to her limit physically. Salem knew her body wasn't meant for this. It was more fragile than even a human's.

Salem felt the blood come up as she breathed but ignored it. Instead of dwelling on the increasing pain, she focused on getting them out of here. She had to make sure Edgar and James were going to be safe. She just had to.

Up ahead, there was light coming from the ceiling. As she moved closer, Salem could make it out to be what was a broken-up floor board. She pushed herself even faster to reach it.

Once she was right under the light, she halted. The tunnel had ended here. There was no one else to go but up.

Salem looked up at it with a loud wheeze. She then gave a deep cough with blood coming up. It fell to the floor in dark pools.

"Salem! Stop. You'll kill yourself." Edgar cried as he saw the blood, and James wailed.

Salem, however, shook her head. There was no time. She had to keep moving.

" get up there." The batbane wheezed and stumbled to move down James. Edgar flew off to land next to him. James turned off his glow-stone.

"Move back." Salem still wheezed and then leaped off the ground to jump into the air. She extended her claws to help latch onto the ceiling and claw away at it.

Soon large pieces of wood came down to the ground as she continued to tear away at the floor. Edgar and James had to take another few steps back to avoid the debris. They watched in concern and awe as Salem made a large enough hole.

Once she had, Salem crawled through and collapsed onto the ground. Her body ached everywhere as she desperately tried to catch her breath. Finally, she turned to the side to cough up cups of blood.

When the coughing lessened, Salem gingerly pushed herself up. There was a slight wave of dizziness from the loss of blood. It made her pause. She gently swayed to and fro a moment but eventually settled.

It's a good thing I wore black today, Salem thought as she looked down at the wet cloth. No one would tell it was blood.

It's a lot, too, Salem thought with concern but forced away further thoughts on it. Instead, she turned toward the room.

Where am I? Salem questioned.

Madame Madeline had not been particular about where the tunnel led out. The first thing Salem discovered before even looking was the smell. It was the scent of sandalwood.

Was someone burning incense, she questioned. Were there people here? The girl quickly moved her head to look about.

But after a short glance, Salem realized that was not the case. No one was here or had been here in a long time.

The building, Salem could see, was falling apart. It had giant cobwebs in the corners and holes scattered in the ceiling and floor. She saw how old stone-carved figures were placed in each corner. At their bases were a litter of burnt-out candles and offerings. They all had faces. Each was caked with dust.

Salem gasped. She instantly knew where she was.

"This is a church."

And a human's church by the looks of it. So Salem thought, looking at the statues. So it was one of the churches from back in the day.

Back when humans worshiped one god and burned magic folk. Salem recalled from a book.

"Damn it, Madeline." Salem couldn't help but laugh. Of course, the kooky witch would make an escape route underneath the church.

It is utterly her sense of style. Salem shook her head.

"Witches are so kooky."

"How is it, my love?" Edgar harkened from below. Salem leaned over to smile down at them.

"It's fine. Come up."

Edgar gently flew up with James on his back.They landed next to Salem. James slid off and stopped to stare.

He's never been outside the store, Salem realized and smiled again. She watched as he gaped at everything with wonder in his eyes. It reminded her of herself when she had first come to Terra.

That was a year ago now, Salem thought, remembering.

Edgar took a glance about the room but seemed unimpressed. The dusty church was not a sight to behold. Not compared to what else he had seen.

Edgar then hopped onto Salem's knee.

"Where do we go from here?"

"We'll head to the BlackWood. I have a map." Salem answered and moved to stand up. Her legs shook unsteadily, and she could feel how weak they had become.

It's because of earlier, Salem thought. It felt like the muscle had disappeared, leaving just bone.

Hopefully, they won't break anytime soon. Salem thought it better not to mention it.

It'll only cause Edgar and James to worry, Salem knew. And she didn't want that. They had enough on their plate already.

Instead, she had a quick jolt of memory.

"Wait-hold on."

Salem located the gobble bags with her and pulled one forward. She opened and moved through it quickly with one hand until she gave an excited exclaim.

"Aha! Got'em." Salem said and pulled out a small glass bottle. She opened the case and automatically began to force the brown contacts into her eyes.

"Ah," Salem sharply inhaled through her fangs. It felt like her eyes were on fire, and she had to blink a few times. After that, the pain lessened, but it wasn't gone. And it never would go away completely.

"Can't just go around without these bad boys." Salem joked but could barely bring up a smile. They were just too painful.

Salem swallowed hard and then motioned for James. The gnome quickly ran over to be picked up and carried back into her bodice. She then paused to look at him, then Edgar.

"Okay, guys, we'll need to be incognito from here on out. We can't let anyone know anything other than normal. That means no talking from you, Edgar-

She pointed an accusing finger at the crow. He gave a huff of indignation. She turned to look down at James.

"-and I'll need you to stay hidden." Salem finished.

"Hn hn," James replied and shrunk deeper into her corset. She looked over at Edgar.

"Edgar?" She asked.

"Caw caw," Edgar mocked with attitude. He then flew to perch on her shoulder. Salem smiled and began to walk.

As she moved, she felt her left leg drag. It was subtle enough to go unnoticed by her companions, but Salem knew differently.

I tore something, she thought but kept walking.

"Alright then, let's do this-" Salem said and headed for the doorless entryway. She could see through it to the outside. It was raining.

"Why must it have to rain now?" Salem frowned but kept moving.

"I hate rain."

The rain reminded her too much of Vali.