Considering it

"Don't be absurd Lucas" Dionne chuckled nervously. "Do you really mean it?" She frowned when she saw no atom of jest on his face.

"Work as my slave for a year. That's the amount of time we dated. Only then will I see your sincerity"

"I'll do any other thing apart from that." Dionne bent her head deeply in a bow.

"I want nothing else other than for you to serve me. As your master." Lucas smiled ruefully and sat upright on his seat.

"Then again, I'm not forcing you. You can live with the guilt of what you've done all your life." Lucas stood up and walked to the bed. He removed his jacket before he called "Ben!"

"Yes sir." Ben arrived in an instant. He has been standing outside the door waiting for his name to be called.

"Hand her the document and get her out of here" Lucas ordered monotonously.

"Let's go miss Dionne." Ben told Dionne who didn't remove her gaze from Lucas's back.

"Are you really going to be like this Lucas?" Dionne's voice was laced with disappointment. She knows she did a terrible thing to him, but be a what? A slave? He should just say he didn't want to forgive her not degrading her like this.

"I really didn't ask for more, did I? All I want to do is toy with you a little bit, just like you did to me, is that too much to ask." Lucas said tediously as he unbuttoned his cuffs.


"Take her home Ben." He turned to go hang his coat, "my contact is at the back of the document, when you're ready to agree to my terms, you give me a call."

Dionne sighed and walked out of the room with Ben. She decided to call him later when his mind was clear, not to agree to his terms, but to beg some more.


"How long have you known Lucas?" Dionne asked Ben who was quietly driving.

"7 years miss."

"That was one year after we broke up." Dionne muttered but Ben heard it.

"Can I say something miss Dionne?" Ben asked politely.


"You know, Lucas leaned on you so much when you were dating. After his sister, you were all you had. The first day I met him was in a bar. He was drinking himself to stupor when I first met him. We got close and he told me everything that happened."

"Are you going to judge me?" Dionne looked out the window.

"No one wouldn't after what you put him through. Why I'm I saying all this?, Agree to whatever he asks for." Ben said, "I'm not saying this as an assistant but as a friend who saw him through all his hardships. If owning you would make him let go of the past, I'm all for it. Besides you deserve every single thing coming your way."

Dionne couldn't refute what Ben said. He was right, she deserved everything that happened to her. From her ruined wedding, to Lucas wanting her to be his slave for the atonement of her sins. The ride was silent, everyone with their own thoughts. After hearing what Ben said, it was only a matter of minutes before Dionne started considering— to be a slave.

"We've arrived miss. Here's your belongings." Ben gave her the bag she was with when he brought her. "And I forgot to give you this document."

"What's inside?" Confused Dionne asked.

"When you open it you'll find out." Dionne got down from the car and watched as Ben drove off.

"Oh Dionne, where have you been?" Mrs McCurry rushed to meet Dionne who stood in front their house.

"I spent the night at a friend's." Dionne forgot how easily her mum gets worried.

"I told you she'll be alright." Mr McCurry said.

"Why didn't you call to say you won't come home?. This is the first time you've spent the night away and you didn't even bother to call, and now you come back in the middle of the night?" Mrs McCurry scolded Dionne.

"I'm really sorry mum, my phone was down and..."

"And what Dionne?"

"Let's calm down honey, don't forget she's matured already." Mr McCurry tried to calm his wife down.

"Then she should behave like an adult!" Mrs McCurry fumed and walked away.

"Don't mind your mum, she was just so worried about. Go and inside and freshen up."

"Okay Dad." Today was just so messed up for Dionne.


"So it was him." Mr mask said to Dionne on the phone.

"Yes. He knew I was looking for me and wanted to make a dramatic appearance I guess." Dionne sighed as she sipped from her cup of milk. She was finding it hard to sleep so she drank a cup of milk to aid her.

"So what did he say?, Did he forgive you?"

"Far from that my friend. He did the complete opposite." Dionne exhaled.

"What are you going to do now?"

"He gave me an ultimatum."

"Which is?" Mr mask was curious.

"Be his slave."

"Be his what? That guy must be a psycho!"

"I Know right. But that was his only option and he didn't seem to budge when I pleaded for him to change his mind."

"There is nothing you can do. You've done your best. Just leave him alone for now." Mr mask advised but he was met with silence. "Don't tell me you're considering it!" He raised his voice a little.

"I don't know" groaned Dionne. She'll be a fool if she accepted but...

"Do you really want to do this. Do you know what being a slave is?"

"I know. I refused at first but..."

"But what?"

"After what I heard from his secretary, being a slave for few months isn't enough for what I've done to him."

"What the hell did you do to him that's causing you this much guilt!"

"His sister. I caused the death of his sister."