At the club

Violet's POV

I had already braced myself for the loud music when I agreed to come here with Kimberly, but I didn't expect the cacophony of an excuse for music that threatened to deafen me.

"I'll just go get us some drinks, you can seat over there," Kimberly said pointing at an empty couch in the lounge before she left swaying her hips to the music.

Now I was alone. I had no idea what to do. It was not my first time coming to a club, but it's been a while since I came here.

I tried squeezing myself so one of those sweaty bodies won't touch me as I walked to where Kimberly instructed.

"Hey beautiful," A guy with a buzz cut grabbed my hand and I yelped for him to release it but he didn't. He turned me so he could back-hug me, his hands hugging my torso so I wouldn't run away.

I don't know if the wolfsbane heightened my hearing and sense of smell, but believe me when I say the smell emanating from the sweaty body of people made me nauseous.